My Personal Secretary

Arlo tried to make her understand Junk wasn't good for health but Sky laughed at him and even probed, 'Shall I order one more?'

He dragged her out and they walked on different floors before she stopped at the Ice cream shop, "Arlo, I want ice cream... Belgium chocolate... with dark choco-chips... A big tub."

"No more junk." He said and tried to pull her but she held on to him at the same place.

"I want to eat... Okay... only Half" Sky was pulling him towards ice cream shop.

"No! Let's go." Arlo wasn't pulling her but tried to stop her.

"Arloooo. Small cup... Okay, one spoon... No no no five spoons." Sky made a puppy face to make him agree with her, palm spread out to show five fingers but they heard, "President Smith?"

Sky who was pulling his stretched hand lowered down as she went near him and turned towards the source before she froze.

'Why am I so unlucky?' Sky cried inside and pulled Arlo lower before saying.