We can go back home

Sky very slowly moved her hand noticing him bat his eyelids weakly and looked at her and Loran who were standing together.

All noticed a feeble smile on Jai's face as Sky's hand moved. All sighed a breath of relief realizing Jai woke up.

Loran quickly raised the upper bed part as Sky took a glass of water and helped him to drink a little before she spoke, "Brother Jai if you don't remember us, I'm going to jail today after killing you on the bed."

All broke into laughter hearing her but Loran and Sky expectantly looked at Jai. The latter took time before asking, "Little... sister... Why did... you... scream?"

Instead of answering, Sky complained as her eyes got wet, "Brother Jai, You are very cruel. Do you even know what we went through when you were sleeping? How can you do this to us? You are ruthless. Were you enjoying torture us? Didn't..."