Slowly perishing(2)

-- Next day --

Excluding Loran, the trio went out for a jog before hitting the gym where Ryan was already present.  

Excluding Ryan, all went to Harley corporation after breakfast. Arlo asked his work files to be delivered to Harley.

They talked and worked. Sky had gone to the office after a very long time so her load was pretty high hence Arlo did his secretary work after finishing his urgent works.

Her meetings were long and tiring which exhausted her too much. They had lunch with Sam and all in the nearest Cantonese restaurant which was filled with lots of laughter and fun as others described Sky in the forest.

After returning to the office, Sky finished two long meetings before collapsing on the couch between Arlo and Jai.

Sky suddenly thought of Samara, "Brother Jai! Sister-in-law didn't contact me even once in the past days. Did you call her? Does she knows about you?"