My husband receives only punishment(2)

Jai and Sky's day started with a brunch.

She quickly finished her all meetings before she organized her works sorted out few office things with Vice president, Andy, and Clara.

Arlo was attending his back to back meetings in Sigma with Ryan. 

Before Arlo reaches home, Sky discussed with everyone about her plan, all agreed after a round of teasing session.

After dinner and talking for some time all went to bed. Arlo was tired hence he slept cuddling Sky but he had to wake up when Sky bit him.

He wasn't annoyed instead he was worried. He wanted to ask, 'What's wrong? Did you get a bad dream?' But he got a sweet kiss with a wish in his ear, "Wish you the best in everything. Happy birthday My hubby."

Arlo didn't expect her to remember as they had just out of a big problem.

He buried his face in her neck to bite, Sky stopped, "No, no, no... All are waiting for you downstairs."