Did you forget you are President Smith?

Arlo reacted first, he cupped Sky's face seeing her bloodshot eyes where tears were threatening to fall any movement. "I'm alright... I'm fine... Relax. Sky! I'm fine."

Everything happened in less than ten seconds and they were still trying to analyze what just happened by seeing Arlo and Sky without understanding how that fell on the ground because it couldn't be moved by a man or two.

Sky flung his hands away and instructed as she ran towards stairs since there was no elevator. "Ryan, Close all the exits now. Arlo, call Loran and say that we are safe. Quick."

Ryan quickly followed the orders. Arlo ran behind her as he dialed Loran. Their bodyguards followed them closely but Sky's speed was much faster to catch on. Other men from Construere and Sigma blankly followed not knowing why Sky went upstairs.