Killed his own wife

Sana who spent two months alone in the villa was bored to death after a month. Sam hadn't returned the villa for two weeks when Sky saved him from getting shot and she was in no position to ask him to return. She also knew he was angry with her.

She wanted to work but she knew nothing other than office work.

Sky knew about the work pressure in Harley, she had seen the stats of Moore company and work performance of Sana.

If Sky could voice her opinion directly considering her past work, Sana wasn't suited for Harley corporation and she couldn't handle the work pressure especially under her.

Sky didn't voice directly, "Why not GenX? You guys are huge too."

Sam who saw her reaction knew she wasn't straight forward.

Sana responded, "Brother Daniel has no problem with me joining but Dad isn't allowing."

Sky teasingly smiled at Sam who understood she was thinking about 'Have some' advice of his father.