Carrying twins(2)

Arlo had expected such questions and doubts because he knew she was scared to get disappointed. "Want to test out now?"

"But they are ninety-seven to ninety-nine percent accurate."

Arlo was patient with her, "There are all brands in the drawer."

Sky instantly pulled him near it and both unpacked all before Sky took eight kits to the bathroom.

Arlo who used to be calm and composed wasn't anymore. He was pacing outside the bathroom door letting his mind think about her every reaction.

Sky opened the door after five minutes in the grim face holding four in each hand which had two lines, green indicator in one and Pregnant in another.

Arlo couldn't read her face, "Sky?"

Sky's elated voice sounded in the room as she jumped to his arm, "Arlo, I'm pregnant. All are showing positive and I'm pregnant. I can't believe we are going to have a little one for ourselves..."