A dyed baby monkey(1)

When it was near to Sky's delivery date, the more panicked were men. 

Arlo, Jai, Loran, and Ryan.

They had watched a natural delivery process video and were scared to wits knowing giving birth could feel up to 57 deltorphins of pain.

Samara, Georgia, Sky, and Olivia were tired of coaxing them saying each pregnant woman has different experiences and some don't feel the pain.

David and George were speechless seeing their strong sons becoming weak.

Arlo failed to convince Sky for choosing the C section.

Jai ordered his wife that they won't be having any more babies even though Samara wanted one more.

Jai failed to tell Arlo that he should stop after a child because it was between Sky and him and he might sound inappropriate.

But Loran didn't care what Arlo would think, "Brother-in-law, if you are thinking about another baby, you better forget it."

Arlo didn't get to react and saw Loran's back who left grimly.