I am not dead.
Before I spout some words of wisdom, let me ask you this.
Have you seen "Mobile Legends Stories" on YouTube? Because I haven't.
"Wait, what? Arcturus, watch that! It's so cool!"
"Don't watch it, man. It's so cliché. They got the characters wrong!"
"It's a whole lot better than your story, tryhard."
Yada yada yada…
Anyway, I am being completely honest. I haven't watched a single episode yet. However, by simply looking at the video thumbnails, I always make the same reaction…
"Damn, that's one way to criticize a book by its cover."
But this was my initial reaction. But, over time, I assumed that the whole series has some potential. However, something is most definitely… lacking.
I don't know. I probably have an absolutely different view than you guys, but I will say this.
The series has huge potential. An even bigger one compared to my story. The only thing that the creator has to do is to make sure that the hype remains balanced and constant, and to not go overboard. Like I already told you guys, there are still criteria to make an epic story.
Gotta have to list that again.
1. The Plot – THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. NEVER TAKE IT LIGHTLY. This is what makes some unsung stories stand out more than the famed ones. The plot may or may not be generic. This also includes all the other sub-plots that spice up the main course. Once more, never forget this, and always stick to the plot, not the sub-plots. Those merely increase hype. They're not the plot themselves, unless you're making a plot twist.
2. The Setting/Theme – Always consider the timelines.
"Oh, come on, dude! Yours is confusing!"
Wanna know why? It's because the files omitted some stuff from the background history of the characters in the game. I guess it was meant to throw off the AUTHENTIC INFORMATION off the whole thing. For example: There was no Second Plane War, in which Estes was badly injured. Alright, fine. I will clarify my timelines, starting to when the planet, Gaius, was born.
(All info corresponds to Dimension 73, the 'original' dimension.)
10,000,000,000 (Unconfirmed) Years Ago – Creation
10,000,000 (Unconfirmed) Years Ago – Birth of Gaius
9,800,000 Years Ago – First Appearance of the Lords of Order
9,000,000 Y.A. – Construction of Nature in Gaius
8,900,000 Y.A. – Gradual Formation of Genesys Gem
8,899,900 Y.A. – Splitting of Genesys Gem
8,500,000 Y.A. to 150,000 Y.A. – Formation of the Dark Lord, Inactivity Stage
150,000 Y.A. – Birth of Stone Giants and Centaurs
100,000 Y.A. – Birth of Humans, Elves and Orcs
95,000 Y.A. – Insanely Fast Civilization Progression, Birth of Demons
90,000 to 25,000 Y.A. – Neutral State, Landing of Zhask's Transceiving Spirit to Gaius
16,000 Y.A. – Alice's Fall to Evil
15,000 Y.A. – First World War, Start of Anarchic Century (A time when the protagonist races lost control), Safekeeping of Transceiving Spirit
14,900 Y.A. – Divine Intervention from the Lords of Order, Formation of Peace Treaties and Civil War Prevention Protocol
14,899 Y.A. – Argus' Fall, Escape of Transceiving Spirit
14,500 Y.A. – Formation of Demon Hunter Clan, Construction of Early Eruditio
14,450 Y.A. – Wasteland Conditions officially Hospitable, Rise of Iga and Onmyouji
13,700 Y.A. – Recruiting of the Guardians of Nature
13,500 Y.A. – Rise of Alaghat and Swan
12,000 Y.A. – Hybrid Millenium commences, Multiple hybrid offspring from different parents pop out
11,470 Y.A. – Discovery of Ancient Prophecy
11,469 Y.A. – Project Bastion commences (A complex series of instructions concerning the preparations to fulfill the prophecy. It is also an immediate order to protect any discovered Shards from the Dark Lord.)
11,450 Y.A. – Dark Lord's Shard Hunt
11,400 Y.A. – Creation of Moonlight Codex from Last Surviving Moonlight Shard
11,000 Y.A. – Shadowbringer Extinction made Official
10,900 Y.A. – Vexana's Fall to Evil
10,600 Y.A. – Clash of Haas and White Tooth on whoever will be the Wolf King (I guess you know who already won.)
10,300 Y.A. – Last Confirmed Sighting of Argus, Birth of the cult known as 'The Fall'
10,200 Y.A. – Aurora was the last recruit as a Guardian of Nature
10,000 Y.A. – Sea Pirates Convergence
9,700 Y.A. – Sun's Entrapment
8,100 Y.A. – Minotaur's Imprisonment
4,781 Y.A. – Estes' Awakening
3,910 Y.A. – Centaurs find a lone Dawn Shard (Estes has decreed to make a secret portal to the island of Centaurs, where the shard is.)
3,529 Y.A. – Stone Titans considered Extinct
3,265 Y.A. – Rise to Civilizations harboring Natural Magic
2,944 Y.A. – First Marked Appearance of Cyclops' Community
2,763 Y.A. – A Seer's Warning concerning the intertwining of two souls, one from Iga and one from Onmyouji, which will have a critical type of importance in the future (You know who those two are.)
2,447 Y.A. – Death of Bane (due to old age)
2,100 Y.A. – Seraphim and Valkyrie Descent made Prohibited, Worldwide Protests emerge
1,623 Y.A. – Formation of the Night Elves
1,329 Y.A. – Sudden Ambush of Demons in the Land of Dawn, Miya Unlocks Her True Power
1,202 Y.A. – Formation of the Royal Guard, Rise of the Baroque Family (Lancelot's Family)
1,099 Y.A. – The Recruitment of the very first Shadow of Iga, as well as that of the very first wielder of the Seimei Umbrella (this was to confirm if the two were really the ones being mentioned by the old Seer. However, the cause of the practice simply faded away over time.)
928 Y.A. – Grock's Awakening
911 Y.A. – Nuclear Fallout in Malefic City
855 Y.A. – The Fall receives a prophecy from their overseer, stating that one of their maidens in a future time will give birth to a son who will be the one destined to defeat the Dark Lord (However, this prophecy was ridiculed by the citizens. Only Estes took this grave warning.)
781 Y.A. – First Unconfirmed Sighting of a Shadowbringer
698 Y.A. – Malefic City now deemed Hospitable, but Radiation Levels are still being kept in check (citizens must remain wearing hazmat suits and must avoid going outside, as the radiation can penetrate through)
654 Y.A. – The Crow Civilization starts
619 Y.A. – Alice's Onslaught on Askati Forest, the bride Pharsa becomes blind and gains her powers
574 Y.A. – Sun's Escape
523 Y.A. – Birth of the Vance Family (smells like an OP female sniper huehuehue)
485 Y.A. – Lion Academy (of Magical City) was Constructed (alternate dimension)
420 Y.A. – Freya's Descent to the Land of Dawn
310 Y.A. – Bane's Resurrection, but there is absolutely no activity from Sea Pirates
232 Y.A. – City of Scholars finishes construction
181 Y.A. – Gord was born
177 Y.A. – Eudora was born
(Wait, why are they so old?)
(To answer your question… they're magic users. Of course they could think of something up.)
159 Y.A. – Formation of the Church of Assassins
137 Y.A. – Construction of Antoinerei
100 Y.A. – Saber, Johnson and Alpha's first touchdown to the Land of Dawn
91 Y.A. – Argus' Sudden Return
80 Y.A. – Argus' Reminiscence
77 Y.A. – Rafaela's First Descent after Millennia
55 Y.A. – Birth of Master Machinist Dublin Rooney
45 Y.A. – Karina is considered the best Night Elf Assassin
37 Y.A. – Cyclops was born (Why on earth does he sound like a kid? Slow Aging Process. 'Nuff said.)
29 Y.A. – Birth of Tigreal and Lancelot
28 Y.A. – Natalia was born
24 Y.A. – Fanny was born
21 Y.A. – Birth of Alucard, Ruby, Hayabusa and Kagura
20 Y.A. – Bruno, Chou and Lolita was born
19 Y.A. – Demonic Rampage Ensues, Death of the Members of the Fall
18 Y.A. – Layla was born
16 Y.A. – Moskov's Fall
10 Y.A. – First of Hayabusa and Kagura's Volatile Soul Reactions
6 Y.A. – Tigreal saves Natalia, Lancelot's Fatal Accident
5 Y.A. – Fanny creates her gear
4 Y.A. – Noumenon Energy Core bestowed upon Lolita's hammer
3 Y.A. – Saber, Johnson and Alpha's Second Touchdown
1 Y.A. – Last Stand Protocol in effect (Estes' called the protagonist races and let them live peacefully in the Land of Dawn)
5 months ago – First Dawn Shard safely kept
3 months ago – Nana was rescued, Harley teleports to the Land of Dawn
2 months ago – Second Dawn Shard safely kept
…and I guess you know what happened next.
Lengthy, huh? It's not that easy.
3. Characters – You can either be generic or unique with your characters. This is actually the most complex (but not most critical). Choosing the characters only has a few criteria, one of them being so that it correlates with the 2nd criteria, the setting. Always have a bit of character development, and keep things stable.
4. Pacing – This is something that irritates me. Ever felt that things are going too fast for you? That's because the pacing is rushed. Give in a few sub-plot events, not immediately give the main course.
Making a story is not like preparing a meal, it's like serving it. Preparing and serving are two different things.
As I promised, there will be some clarifications in the story… also a spice of… romance. Saying that makes me cringe a bit.
I hope my practice pays off. It's so hard to write romantic stuff without shaking. Seriously, I remembered that last time I talked about this cheesy stuff and we both agreed that it's cringy and…
It makes moving on even harder.
"Ooh, touched a nerve there, dear narrator? Huehuehuehue…"
No. XD
Still single.
If any of you hardcore readers of mine (probably none) would find a way of making a new cover image for my story, I'd be delighted! I can't rely on my friends. Sure, they're good in drawing…
But I have higher expectations. Darn, I'm so used to them, I am becoming a bit too perfectionist.
If you're asking if Mobile Legends can have its own movie…
It can't. Not because of the copyright and stuff. We can tackle that. The problem is…
1. The Cast – We can't simply think of those big Hollywood teen actors. It's too… cliché. We have to admit. If we'd have to make bigger impact, we must have to rely on actors who have fitting personalities, voices and looks (probably… CGI?). And don't get me started with…
2. The Scores – The music. We can't use the in-game music. That makes the movie absolutely done for. Man, the scores in the Avengers and Justice League (mostly Marvel, but whatever) will totally fit… But we won't cross the line. Have you also thought of the ones who would lead the scores? The conductor?
3. The Money – Lots of casts, lots of people, lots of roles, lots of jobs. Can we be able to give them the salary? Well, with a bit of help from Moonton, but that will never be enough.
And finally…
4. The Overall Plot – There is no viable story yet.
"Yo, you could use the story you're making right now!"
But I'm not even done yet! And besides, would I be willing?
By the time you read this, 389 pages of work are processed. Yes. This is a lot bigger than you think. I don't want a Part 1, 2 and 3. That decreases the hype. Unless it's J.R.R. Tolkien. Those movies are still good up until today. And besides, the dudes would just probably cut some 'unimportant' scenes. Don't do the same mistakes… like the ones who made a supposed-to-be action packed movie, yet, having its overall hype overshadowed by a 2 minute trailer of the same thing.
Oh wait…
By the way, I think you already know who's for Freya. I swear to God, if you don't…
Shall we continue?
Back to the med bays.
"Oh… so that's how you came to be now," Alucard said, dumbfounded by Argus' narration.
"Confusing, but at least you can comprehend," the fallen angel replies. "Alucard… about your father…"
"I've known him personally."
"Really?" Ruby reacts. "How come he wasn't scared of you?"
Argus puts his hand on Alucard's forehead, and the Demon Hunter began to have his vision. He calmly focused and closed his eyes. As soon as he opened them, he could see that he was high up in the clouds, the ground beneath him.
"You are now seeing through my eyes," Argus explains. "This memory of mine was from five decades ago."
In Alucard's view, he landed on a deep forest, and somewhere in the middle lay a cottage. It was decent, with a chimney billowing white smoke. He walked up to the window, and inside, saw the usual contents of a forest cottage. It was peaceful. However, it seemed like no one was inside.
"Hey, mister!"
Alucard's view suddenly turned, and he saw the person who spoke behind him. It was a kid, probably 7 years of age. He lacked a few teeth (since he smiled, Alucard knew), and patches of white hair marked his overall black hair. He was holding a book about machinery.
"There he is," Argus' voice echoed. "Your father."
"Ooh, that's an awesome sword!" the kid says, astonished. "Man, I wouldn't want to touch it though. It fits you!"
"How come he wasn't afraid?" Alucard thought. "He probably doesn't know about Argus."
"Hey, what's your name? I'm Dublin Rooney, but my friends call me Dubs! How can I help you?"
"Wait, what?!"
Alucard gets jarred back to reality, panicked. "Rooney… he's my father?! The renowned mechanic?"
"At first, I couldn't believe it," Argus said, hanging his head low. "I thought it was too silly. However, my view shifted as soon as I saw him, cradling you in your arms. Every night, I visited your house, and I silently kept watch, guarding you, without your parents knowing. I felt that you had some sort of importance, but those nights wherein I simply thought to myself did not help in realizing that you were the main hero of the prophecy. I stopped attending to you when you were marked as the 'Child of the Fall', by that cult, where your mother belonged. Her name was Marie, an anagram for Aimer, as thought so by the overseer."
"French for 'love'," Ruby mutters. "That's cool."
"You're correct, Ruby. As for the cult, they're very friendly and courteous to anyone. They have this sort of belief, concerning someone's redemption… Someone's chance to set things right to prove himself worthy again. They never forcefully recruit. All of those members freely chose for themselves, with all sincerity and purity of heart. Ever since my recollection, they were my inspiration. Through their doctrines, they have forged miracles. But to the people, nothing is more terrifying than a miracle."
"So they weren't trustworthy," Alucard guessed, scratching his head. "They didn't receive aid?"
"Only Estes saw the goodness in their words. He planned to assist them at some time… until the Dark Lord interfered."
(Remember Restricted Theme #3?)
"He knew of the prophecy. Estes may have locked down the access to the texts, but the Dark Lord knew so long ago. And he was so close to fulfilling his desire of taking down whoever that hero was, and if I didn't intervene…" Argus shook his head and raised his hand. "No words of mine can let you comprehend the massacre he brought into this world. Prepare yourself."
Argus puts his hand in Alucard's forehead once more, and Alucard sees absolute darkness around him. He couldn't see well, so he looked around and saw huge cavern. He heard the flapping of wings, and Argus landed on the rocky ground.
"You won't be seeing through my eyes. You can explore the memory as much as you like. You can merely pause as well," his voice echoed. "However, I hope you aren't that faint-hearted."
Alucard follows Argus, who proceeded to walk through the cavern in a cautious manner. No matter how hard Alucard sharpened his senses, he couldn't hear anything except the faint rushing of the wind. After a while, though, he began to hear clamoring. Alucard stepped on something murky with his boots. As he looked closer, he realized it was blood.
"I can light the whole place myself?" he asked verbally. As a sort of response, the cave gradually grew brighter for him to see easily. He was shocked to see the wide trail of blood on his feet, snaking deeper into the cave. The blood seemed fresh, and most of it hasn't dried up yet.
"What in the name…"
"It gets much worse than that," Argus adds. The fallen angel in Alucard's vision wasn't fazed by the blood trail, and was more focused to the clamor he was hearing. Alucard hurries and slowly descends deeper. Some passages grew tight, but he was able to fit in easily. He followed Argus' trail, which seemed to be lacking any presence. After a few minutes, Argus stops in his tracks on a narrow ledge. Alucard tiptoes to the thin bridge and looks down.
And upon seeing what he saw, he had the urge to vomit.
(Get ready…)
Below him were hundreds of demons, mostly Ravagers and Hellhounds. A few Spitfires were perched on small holes within the rocky interior, screeching at the mass. What makes the sight worse wasn't the ferocity of the demons, but rather…
The demons on the ground were drenched in stinking blood, and they were chewing on fresh carcasses of people for their meal. Most of them were already dead, torn to pieces by the demons' sharp teeth, but some were still alive, screaming in agony as they were being torn apart, limb by limb. Alucard sees a woman being yanked around by four Hellhounds by the limbs, and due to the force of the pull, her arms and legs were dismembered at the same time. The torso was chewed on by a Ravager. Her screams, along with the others', echoed around the place.
"I warned you," Argus said. "This was the horror the Dark Lord officiated. He most likely wanted to kill you. But then, he chose a far more sinister idea."
Argus (in Alucard's vision) looked down on the frenzy below, and whispered to himself, "My Lords, have mercy on their souls. They don't deserve these fates." He suddenly raises his bowed head, and looks at the other side of the interior. A man, who had tattered clothes and a few wounds on the leg, was scaling the walls, never thinking of looking at the massacre below. He escapes through a small, unoccupied vent that leads out to the exit.
"Rooney was able to survive that onslaught," Argus explained. "He was later discovered near the reaches of Malefic City. I guess you know what happened to him then."
The fallen angel looks around, travelling deeper within the systems, the clamoring fading away. Alucard followed suit, and he came across a passageway with multiple openings on either side. Argus looked around.
"Demonization chambers," the fallen angel (the one in the vision) mutters. "No one is here."
Alucard peers into each opening. There were nothing in every room, only unused pairs of shackles nailed to the walls. He looked in front of him, and he saw Argus abruptly stopped. The Demon Hunter runs to him, and Argus enters a chamber, which was occupied. Alucard rushes into the scene, and he was horrified.
A small boy, roughly 3-4 years of age, was shackled, his body limp and hanging. Multiple cuts and bruises were on him, and his clothes were tattered. Blood was dripping from the cuts from his legs. He was barely breathing, and the demonization process has begun on his right arm.
"I wanted to end your life then and there out of pity," Argus' voice echoes. "But something stopped me in my tracks."
The fallen angel knelt down, assessing the boy's condition by putting the back of his hand on his neck. The body had a tinge of warmth, but it won't be long before it grows cold. Argus sighed.
"I didn't want to do this," he began. "But… it's better than a life worse than death." Argus pulled out his blade and slowly set the edge on the boy's neck. He was hesitant to push, but as soon as Argus was about to, the boy's forehead began to bear an insignia: a humanoid figure with a set of broad wings.
Argus was shocked, and immediately stumbled, dropping the blade. "You… you're the one they say…"
"There was no mistaking that symbol. I knew I had to do something to pull you out of your misery," Argus told Alucard in the vision. "So I came up with the only probable solution."
"The ichor," the Demon Hunter mutters. He watches as Argus cuts himself in the vision, letting his gold blood seep out slowly. He angles his arm and puts the wound on the boy's dried lips. The ichor was absorbed through the cracked lips of the boy. Argus put his hand on the neck, and the body felt a lot warmer than before. The wounds and scars on the young Alucard began to heal and fade into nothingness. Argus silently unlocks the shackles and carries the boy.
"If anything, it's my chance to prove my humility once more," Argus mutters. "Don't worry, Lumos. Your death is postponed for now." The fallen angel eyes out the nearest opening that led to the outside of the cavern, and flew without making a sound. The vision warps, and Alucard sees a familiar forest, with a path covered by brown leaves, surrounded by thick oak trees. Argus lays the unconscious boy next to the trunk of a tree. He snaps his fingers, and summons a warm blanket out of nowhere. Argus conjured a portal that led to total darkness. He inserts his arm and fishes out a big sword from it… Alucard's Greatsword.
"You are destined for more, my child," Argus said in the vision. "Don't let my suffering be for naught. You shall be the glue, the cement that will mend the broken bonds of these races. You are Lumos, the light that shall drive away the impending darkness, but your physique makes you a paradox. Make friends and allies, but never forget who you truly are. One day, I will return to aid you and them. The Demon Hunters will cross this passage in the morning to exterminate the demons in the cavern. This won't be your last hour, boy. Fulfill your destiny. I am counting on you." Afterwards, Argus flew back to where the cavern was, but he was borderline impossible to see due to the lack of stars in the sky. The vision ends, and Alucard was back at the med bays, clutching Ruby's hand.
"Do you believe me now?"
"I… I don't have the words…" Alucard placed a hand on his forehead. "The more I knew…"
"The sooner the Dark Lord would find you. It may not seem much, but I risked a lot to keep you alive. I kept watch up until the day you became an official Demon Hunter. Your reputation, I cannot diminish. I merely waited for the time to show up. I couldn't watch over Layla. Their city was wide open, but I was able to keep track of your father's movements. However, helping him wasn't a recommended idea."
"I understand. I… just wish people could see. You know, how much you're trying to change," the Demon Hunter said. "Argus, why can't they see it?"
"They're used to having these kinds of events. For them, it's just some small talk that they could use for manipulation. It was one thing they belittle…"
"It's unfair," Ruby interrupted. "What makes them have the right to say such stuff to us? It tempts me to force them to fight demons alone."
"We're all different. I am surprised our motives remain the same in the end. I promise you, I am one you can trust."
"Argus won't be staying around that much," Estes said. "He has to be out of the kingdom every now and then. We can't make a commotion. Also, you're not getting out of the med bays until I say so, Alucard. We have to assess the effects of your zoning."
"Zoning?" Ruby asked. "You mean-"
"Yes, when he fought Alice, Vexana and Zhask alone and won. However, that's not even Alucard's true potential, yet. He went berserk back at the crater, but the next time he unlocks his power, it will be much more controlled. We're going to have to teach him."
"I won't go insane doing that, right?" Alucard asks, curious.
"No. The reason why you did before was because of the fact that you had a lapse. Though, the blade's effect was also external. I realized that your friends barely got a few wounds or bruises on their bodies whatsoever. Odd, considering the foes you fought."
"The aura, perhaps?"
"The ichor still runs through you," Argus explained. "Unlocking the blade's power requires a demonic presence. Judging from that arm of yours, you can unlock it. However, the golden ichor is the limiter. It's your lifeline. Attack during that state, and your wounds will heal. A terrifying power, both glorious and sinister, that also affects your allies. That's why you can control it consciously. The sword is linked to your blood. It knows you."
"I am a paradox. Stained with evil, yet pure of heart."
"Nice observation," Ruby hinted. "Now, we're even."
"Shut up." The two laughed, while Estes simply smiled.
"We should be going," the Elven King said. "Argus will leave for the meantime. If you need anything, we're free to help."
"We're fine for now, but thanks… for everything."
The fallen angel nods and exits the med bays with Estes, shutting the door.
"I have to watch over you from now on," Ruby warned. "Who knows? You'd get crazy."
"Actually, I wasn't thinking straight during that. What happened?"
"You stomped Alice's face while whacking Zhask. Can it get even cooler than that?"
"Woah, really?"
"If only I had a camera."
"Imagination is enough," Alucard replies. "So… what shall we do?"
Ruby circles her arms around his neck. "Let's just have a bit of time alone, okay? You scared me back there."
"I was even more scared that I'd die too early."
"We're together, along with the others. That's enough to keep my hopes up." She kisses him lightly.
"How would I get used to this?"
"Answer? Never."
I promised sauce, but you need to be patient. That back there was just the appetizer.
If you're asking about my absence…
The laptop was broken, so we had to purchase a new one. 'Nuff said.
Shall we continue?
(By the way, I like the name 'Gossen' rather than 'Gusion'. Gusion is a name of a devil. I know that because I watch Gundam IBO and Gusion is the name of a Mobile Suit there. And besides, I keep thinking of that thing wielding its huge nippers ready to scissor cockpits rather than the holy assassin when I hear the name.)
A few heroes were back at the training grounds, having friendly 1v1's.
(This was a few days after the incidents.)
"Jeez, you really don't take a break, do you, Chou?" Zhao asks, panting. "You're making me spent."
"I don't know, I just feel a bit too jumpy, anyway. Can't get my mind off things," the Kung Fu boy replies, brushing off the dust on his pants.
"Have you realized that you beat every single one of the fighters here in your first matches against them, without any weapon?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I don't really have a knack for bragging, though. It's so hard to dodge your attacks! It's not that easy."
"Yet, you did it. Doesn't make any difference."
Chou grabs Zhao's outstretched hand and helps him up to his feet. "You can grab a seat, if you want."
"Yeah, thanks, bro." Zhao eyes out Alucard going into the scene. "Ah, darn. He's here."
Alucard walks in with Ruby. Lancelot and Odette were also sitting down, watching closely. Hayabusa, Freya, Miya, Karina and Roger were also there, and upon seeing him, they snapped to attention.
"Hey, what's up?" Freya asks. "You alright now?"
"I can stand, thanks," Alucard replies. Miya chuckles in response.
"What brings you here, my man?" Chou asks. "Don't tell me you're going to have a sparring session."
"Um, no. I'm just going to test out my new po-"
"NO, DON'T!" Hayabusa yelled, holding out his hands. "Um, I mean, isn't that like… life-threatening?"
"No, no, we had permission from Estes. His runes are on standby in case things go bad," Ruby explains. "We'll all keep a careful eye on him."
The others converged around. "Try not to do anything foolish, boy," Roger warns, puffing his cigar.
"Don't worry, I won't go berserk." Alucard walks into the center of the open field, the others observing him. He recalls what Estes told him.
"To unlock the sword's potential, you have to focus. A certain amount of concentration is required. It's also the same limiter preventing you from going overboard. Now, since it's in its demonic state, you'd have to do this: Focus on your target. Remember why he, or she, is your enemy. Recall all the suffering it dealt to you, or to anyone else. Loathe in it, but never forget your sanity. Once you do so, the sword will unlock its potential, but you are the one controlling it with ease. It won't resist you, but the relationship is based off of respect. Never let the sword be the master."
Alucard closed his eyes and put his right foot behind. A blue training hologram is displayed in front of him, simply standing.
He deeply thought about Alice's taunts, those words she was desperately using to bring him to the edge. He recalls Aurora's insults at his friends. He remembers the bloody massacre in the caverns. He was angered, but he managed to calm himself.
"I am the master…" he thought. "Unlock the power you wield. Give me a taste of what you hold."
The greatsword glowed red, but it wasn't as intense as before. The spectators grew nervous.
"Here it goes…" Karina mumbles.
Lancelot walks cautiously towards him and asks, "Are you fine?"
"Yes, I am. It's alright," Alucard replies. The group walks toward him, and he opens his eyes. They were still the same color, without any red mist. They didn't glow, but he could feel the power surging.
"Is he good?" Zhao asked.
"Hold on." Alucard looks at the hologram, and in a swift manner, slashes the air, casting a light red fission wave that cuts through the hologram, shattering it to bits.
"Woah…" Karina mutters. "And that's just the start…"
Five holograms appeared, but Alucard jumped to one as soon as they spawned. His combat style changed drastically as every single slash and strike became disastrous. Alucard dashes straight through them like homing missiles, destroying them instantly.
"It's like his attacks lock on the enemies, and he grows stronger after every strike," Chou assessed. "This is nuts, but the event will cause a bit of immense fatigure."
"Okay, okay, that's something," he began. The glow ebbed, and the group let out a sigh. Alucard felt exhausted for a few seconds before recuperating.
"Alice would have to consider her actions before fighting you," Odette said. "With that power in your hands, they'd focus on attacking you instead."
"Just use that thing as a last resort," Zhao says. "But that may seem highly expected. The demons will be forced to attacking you first and making you use that ability immediately. You're their top priority target. What makes you think Zhask focused on you more than Argus himself?"
"Remember, we're all here to protect you as well, not just the Shard," Lancelot warns. "The mages are telling us that there is a cavity on the shell of the gem, and the carving matches your body."
"I know, I know. We're going to have to think of new game plans," Alucard sighed.
(The thing about the carving… there is something awesome related to it. Why would there be one in the first place?)
"We can't have you in the frontlines anymore with everyone conscious of your powers. We might have our rep going downhill," Ruby adds.
Suddenly, a portal conjures a couple of meters away from the group. They immediately pull out their weapons and stood guard.
"A portal? Here?" Roger snarls, aiming his blunderbuss. His stance shows that he is ready to turn into a werewolf at any moment. "This doesn't seem like one Estes would make."
"It's a rift," Freya explains. "The third stage of the repairs on the Gem was able to give us opportunities to travel through space and time, but with risky consequences. One of us has travelled out, I assume. They're going back in here."
"Let's keep watch," Karina orders. "It could be one of the cyborgs."
A minute passes and four people immediately pop out of the dark rift: Alpha, Harley, and two new people no one could recognize. The cyborg seemed panicked, as he immediately faced the open rift and made Beta launch a bullet barrage. Harley threw his cards in response. A bloodcurdling wail elicited from the rift, and it closes suddenly, leaving a deafening silence.
"Dammit, we shouldn't have trusted that route in the first place," a newcomer said. He sported brown tousled hair with a white jacket and a leather top. He wore black pants with fashioned combat boots with a purple scarf matching the shirt. On his hand was a glowing dagger, which he, out of impulse, kept fiddling on his fingers.
"There was no other way," Harley sighed. "At least we got out of it alive."
"Alive?!" the second newcomer yelled. She had purple hair tied into a ponytail, with a pendant with three blue feathers. She wore an eyepatch covering her left eye, and held a classical sniper rifle (the ones you see in the old days). Her outfit awfully makes her resemble the royal guard Lancelot was with before he went rogue. "If it wasn't for the monster and the rebels, we-"
"Hey, what's going on here?" Hayabusa asked, raising his hand. "Alpha, what did you do with Harley?"
"Well, we picked up a close relative of his," Alpha answers, nudging at the mage. "He said they'd be of help, but the mission was too risky. I am glad we got out in one piece."
Cyclops was in the distance, and saw Harley with the newcomers, trying to settle an argument.
"Where have you been?!" the one-eyed magician asked, hugging his best friend. "I couldn't see you with my hourglass."
"Long story," Harley said.
"Who are they?" Cyclops asked him, looking at the unknown pair.
"Who are the newcomers, Harley?" Chou interrogated.
"Lesley and Gossen."
(Yes, I used Gossen. And I won't refer to Hayabusa's new character bio. There's too much things to fix.)
"At your service," Gossen bowed. "Sorry for all the commotion. Space travel is a drag.
"Not really," Lesley adds. "My little brother is a bit awkward when it comes to decision making.
"Hey!" Harley exclaimed. "I worked hard to pull you from there to here!"
"Wait, Harley, you had an older sister?" Ruby started, shocked.
"In a different dimension. Another long story. C'mon, let me show you around, sis! This place has awesome stuff." Harley beckons Lesley and she follows him around. Gossen looks at the two dearly. Alpha and Chou follow them to keep them on guard.
"I get dragged into this. Heh. Guess it makes my job a lot harder," the assassin said.
"What kind of job?" Alucard asked.
"Wait, you're the Demon Hunter, right? The one Harley was talking about?"
"Yeah, why?"
Gossen reached out his hand. "You deserve a handshake for taking on the big bad at the same time." Alucard takes it and shakes.
"You know of them, don't you?"
"In my home, I still gained knowledge concerning other worlds. This, technically, is the main dimension, I assume?"
"True," Freya answers.
"The onslaught of Alice and Vexana also reached to other worlds. Like I said before, protecting Lesley and Harley will be a lot harder. Besides, I get paid for it."
"You're the personal bodyguard?" Lancelot asks. "Also, what's with you twirling your dagger?"
"Oh, pardon me. Mannerisms." Gossen suddenly dashes away from them and launches five daggers of the same type in different directions, sticking out of the ground. After a while, he flies back to the group, the daggers going back to him. They simply pass through him and disappear.
"I'm done explaining what I can do," he says. "If you need anything, just ask."
"Wait, how could you do that?" Karina asks. "You're a lot faster than most of us."
"My daggers are imbued with magic. They gain special properties. They easily launch away and come back to me. However, I have not completely mastered it. The hit-and-run techniques are risky, and needs absolute speed."
"Another sparring partner to fight against," Zhao mumbles. "Another difficult one to beat."
"Really, that's all you could think about?" Miya jokes.
"We are going to have a bit of explaining to Estes, then," Cyclops finalizes. "Wait, where's Hayabusa?"
"What do you-" Odette looks around, and notices the ninja's sudden disappearance. "I hope he's fine."
"Ah, my love," Lancelot replies. "This comrade of ours has fortitude."
"Unless Kagura is around."
"Hmm, I have a lot more to meet," Gossen says. "Time to get updated. Can you guys show me around and such?"
Okay, boys and girls. This is what you've all been waiting for.
The sauce.
The one thing you truly relish.
And… probably the only reason why my story is still alive. XD
Take a deep breath…
Here we go.
Are you ready?
Hayabusa teleported around, reaching his residential home. He was bored, and he wanted to have a bit of peace in mind.
"Was it disrespectful to leave without warning?" he thought. "Meh. Too late, anyway."
He opens the door to his room…
And was shocked that Kagura was sitting on the edge of the bed, reading a photo book.
"Dammit, Kagura!" Hayabusa spurt, startled. "You almost gave me a heart attack."
She simply smiled at him. "Sorry, couldn't help myself to get here."
"What's that?" he asks, looking at the photo book.
"Memories. A lot of them."
At the same time…
Argus was at the roof of the citadel, with Rafaela.
"How's the view?" Argus asked.
"I fear that we will not persevere, but with you, we're grateful, at some point in time," the healer responds. "Do you have the essence?"
Argus creates a dark rift and pulls out dark, swirling matter from the hole. The negative energy around was volatile…
"It is time, my sister," he began. "I may be of use, but the heroes around us deserve more than what is coming towards them. If anything, this is how we can repay for our shortcomings." He hands the dark essence to the angel. "If they are to fight a war in which they will inevitably fall, we must give them the chance to have one more time to dwell in happiness, starting now."
Rafaela puts the tip of her scepter on the dark essence. The staff injects light on the essence, and the matter overflows with white light, expelling it.
"The curse has now been dispelled," Rafaela announced. "If necessary, I can reset the changes."
"Thank you, Rafaela. I owe you." Before Argus could fly away, she asked…
"You love her, don't you?" Argus looked on the floor, feeling guilty. "You love her, because she is like you. She… helped you to be who you are now."
"Yes. I do. Nothing can change it." Argus held a nearby pedestal, feeling weak. "If it isn't wrong to love, why are we forbidden to do so?"
Rafaela couldn't answer. "Argus…"
"Do you know why I took the sword?"
"W-what do you mean?"
"It was out of greed, but not for power. It… it was for everyone. I wanted it… for everyone. The sword… I wanted to use it to help everyone."
"Argus, you didn't know what the sword contained! Don't put this on yourse-"
"I know. That's why I'm distancing myself. I don't want to put you all in danger. Promise me, let me charge first, before you do the same. My greed for peace… brought chaos." He flies away, and Rafaela was left dumbfounded.
"I have forgiven him, but the world will turn his back on him. How much longer does he have to suffer before we accept him?"
Back to the pair…
Who were laughing over the pictures. For precaution, Hayabusa simply leaned on the wall while Kagura sat on the bed.
"Too funny!" Kagura exhales.
"Yeah, when we made a transparent whoopee cushion and put it on Furukuzi's seat. He doesn't know where, and we had to leave to avoid getting noticed because of our laughing!" Hayabusa chuckles. "Oh, this feels too inappropriate."
"Well needed, however."
"Yeah, yeah, good point, good point." Hayabusa sits beside her, without a slight feeling of nervousness.
Kagura began to speak again, but with a low tone. "Do you remember?"
"The last time we saw each other."
Hayabusa couldn't do anything but feel worried. "The playground…"
"The last time we had time to be together, on that swing…"
"You told me then, that we will part ways."
"You had such a funny look on your face. Seriously, you look ridiculous when you're worried."
"Damn, I didn't know how harsh you could be, Kagura," Hayabusa joked.
"Anyway… we were nearly caught back there. We had to hide around the whole city."
"With the risk of us touching… we're stuck in that cramped space in the storage room."
"We were almost caught! The guards were too menacing."
"Yeah… what a nightmare!" Hayabusa swept his brow, perspirating from thinking about it. "Their masks were creepy."
Kagura set down the photo book on the nearby table, and looks at him to her left. "It was really fun back then."
"Yeah… I missed those times." Hayabusa exhales sharply. "No worries back then."
"Yet, here we are, destined to do something that costs our lives."
He looks at her. He still can't believe that he couldn't get used to seeing her face. The same face that gave him hope.
"I want it."
Kagura looked at him quizzically. "Want what?"
"The past. The peace, the quiescence of it all. I don't want to fight anymore."
"If you want it, we have to fight for it."
"All because some edgy lord of evil wants to corrupt the world."
"Hey, we could do nothing about it. We have to adjust."
"I don't want to anymore," he breathes. "I'm tired of adjustments. It's all so tiring, and we barely get rewards."
"Is one step closer to your wish too small for a reward?"
"For me, yes. Because every time I get closer… it always steps back twice as far." Hayabusa recalls the argument they had back in the balcony… what he said to her that left her shocked.
"Don't drown on me," Kagura orders. "It's too early." She grasps his hand, unaware of the fact that...
"I almost can't…"
There are times that our beloved heroes express their pain as they lay alone in their beds and cots, their tears falling from their eyes. You see them as valiant and brave, but they are just like us, no matter how hard you judge them. Who are we to deserve their help…
When we despise who they were, and disregard who they are?
Now, you see the perfect example, as you see the two of them at the edge of the bed at point break.
"Things were much simpler then," Hayabusa whispered. "I don't want it to be like this…"
"Don't… fall. Don't. Just this once," Kagura said. "I am here. Don't fall on me."
"I already have. What could we do?"
"Choose. Leave or stay," she said, glaring at his eyes, sadness nagging her mind. He picks the former as their foreheads touch and their eyes close, and they stayed like so for half a minute until it dawns on them.
Rafaela has broken the curse.
Kagura began to hyperventilate, and Hayabusa was dumbfounded. Swiftly, she grabbed the collar of his suit with her fists and rose up, dragging his body and slamming him into the nearby wall with force. Her breathing grew ragged, and multiple thoughts surged through her mind. Hayabusa could barely react, and he felt like he would keel over any second.
"I… I… ugh… How on…" she mumbles indistinctively, barely making any sense. "Haya… I…"
"It… it's just too much…" he mutters. "Kagura, I… I don't know how to put this…"
She punches the wall out of frustration, nearly hitting his head in the process. Her breathing slowed as she slowly leaned on his chest and wrapped her arms around her neck. Hayabusa unknowingly puts it around her.
"Kagura… I…" He wants to let out what he wants to say, but he couldn't. He couldn't release the pain that suddenly resurfaced. He couldn't pull out the invisible spike jutting out of their systems. He tries to hold back his tears.
Kagura slowly removes his hood and mask, revealing his blond hair and fair face. She always liked it about him. As they grew, he didn't change. He became better for her. He never changed, up to the smallest detail. She cups his face with her hand, their foreheads touching.
She said to him, "One thing. Promise me one thing today. Follow… your heart's desire. And no matter the outcome, don't hold back."
Hayabusa's reply?
It took a few seconds for him to process what she said, but at the instant he realized what she meant, he followed suit.
He suddenly pulls her closer and kisses her, forcibly putting her mouth to his, but she didn't care. She didn't care about the pain she felt on her teeth as their lips slammed. As long as he kept his promise, she'll be fine.
She pushes him harder to the wall and pays back the favor, putting her legs around his torso. He cautiously carries as he walks slowly to the bed and lays her there. Hayabusa drops his katana and discards it, as it was becoming a nuisance.
"I… I can't think, I can't-" Hayabusa mumbles, gasping for breath, but Kagura wouldn't let him stop that easily.
"Don't you dare. Don't… you…" she threatens, losing focus. "Don't let go…"
They squirmed around the bed, fixing their position, so that Hayabusa could be leaning on the bed, Kagura sitting on his lap. They pulled away, trying to breathe, but their impulse led them to keep going. Kagura traces his face with her hand as he grips her waist, eliciting moans from her.
"You didn't change," she said, smiling. "You never changed a single thing. I like it," She kissed him lightly, but her mind resurfaces the bad memories from her. Hayabusa could feel the dread. "But… it hurts… it hurts! I… I don't know why it still hurts… Tell me… I need to know! I need… to know! I can't…"
The ninja hugs her as she pounds her fists on his back, but he was hiding the pain he was feeling as well. Every strike dug deep to him, and he forced a brave face.
"We've held it in for too long," he whispered to her, brushing the locks of her hair. "It hurts because you're relieved. It's a good thing. It means… you still care." He wipes the tears off her eyes and looks directly at her face. "We're done suffering, the both of us. We wouldn't have gone far without each other… if it weren't for that."
"How could one night cover a decade?" she asked, her eyes growing heavy.
"Anything that can happen will happen."
She hugs him tightly. "Don't let go of me."
"Why would I? Now it's all over, I'm here to keep my promise. And I promise you… I'll be here alongside you, whatever the circumstance."
"But it's something you won't keep until the end."
"A friend of mine once told me, that those promises are the best ones." He kissed her longingly, and they fell into the trance once more.
And love won… for now. As they lay on the bed and filled the hole in their hearts, love won. As they patched the mark of their suffering…
Love won once more.
(So… how was it?
Well, it took me a few days of practice for this, so please bear with me. Also, I'd like to remind the fact that Romance isn't a genre of the story.
Though, I'd let it slip for once and give you this.
But it won't stop there.)
(Before I continue, I'd like to say this.
Moonton, you won't gain more money when you put Martis in the original server.
Wanna know why?
Because you killed the God of Immune. And you will lose lots of supporters.
I suggest you bring the immunity dash back.
Or you'll regret it.
I'm being realistic, not threatening.)
Miya is at point break.
"Dammit, how on earth could I confess to him? Argh, this is infuriating!" She punches the nearby wall of the training arena. "Ugh, this would've been much simpler if I hadn't had feelings for Zhao."
Coincidentally, Yun was walking around aimlessly when he saw the archer talking to herself. Out of curiosity, he hides in the corner of the wall and listens.
"Argh, if it wasn't for his handso- Dammit, Miya, why are you saying this?! Anybody could be listening in! Dammit, Dammit!"
"Wait, what are you even talking about?" Zhao thought. "This is interesting."
"I'm such a weakling, and I can't even just walk up straight to him plainly and say, 'Hey, Zhao, I like you.' It's just so unfair!"
After hearing that, Zhao appeared from the corner out of impulse. "Wait, you like me?"
Miya turned around and nearly jumped in embarrassment. "W-wait, what… Zhao! What on earth are you doing? Don't tell me you were- Oh, wait… no… no, no, no…"
"Miya, tell me, it's okay," Zhao said, maintaining his face. He wasn't blushing, but Miya was as red as a tomato.
"No, no, it's not like that! I really didn't-"
"C'mon, Miya, just tell me. I don't-" Miya suddenly punched his gut with such force that he almost doubled over.
"You don't what?! Tell me! If you weren't listening in on my monologue… Argh, you're so annoying!"
"Gods above, Miya! That hurt!" Zhao moaned. "Look, alright, I'm sorry for-"
She wasn't listening. Miya kicked his stomach. Sure, that wouldn't be much of an injury, but the internal damage…
"Yeah, you better be sorry! If it wasn't for you holding out the Reapers back there, I wouldn't have had feelings for you! If it wasn't for my friends teasing me about you, then I wouldn't have been pressured to do this! I'm so worked up and embarrassed because I like you, and I don't know how to even tell it to you properly! I…" Miya was furious, but she began to cry. She covered her face, and Zhao, who was struggling to stand, hugged her as she sat down on the ground.
He shushed her, and whispered, "I know."
Miya was shocked. "W-wait… you… knew all along?"
Zhao smiled. "All I wanted was for you to do your part. And besides, I won't kill you for admitting."
"Zhao! You little…" Miya raised her hand to slap him, but it held in the air for a while. She glared at him until the menacing stare turned into one of longing. Slowly, the raised hand cupped his face and she kissed him. It was a short kiss, but it calmed the tension in her.
"See?" Zhao told her. "It was that simple. I was only waiting for your turn to act."
She buried her head on his shoulder. "You're so annoying."
"Annoyingly cute?"
"Shut up."
They hugged for a while, until…
"Oh, crud!"
"I forgot my spear! It's somewhere in… oh, wait, it's in Hayabusa's place."
"Oh, yeah, you still have a sparring match with Balmond."
"I don't want to fight the dude with my hands. He's scary. Anyway, I've gotta go!" Zhao gently pulled her out of the embrace and waved goodbye, a smirk on his face. "Don't get too worried waiting for me!"
Miya waved. She wasn't blushing anymore, but she was giggling unconsciously. "He's perfect…"
Zhao panted all the way to Hayabusa's residential place (which is the same residential place he is in. It's just that they have different rooms) and opened the door. If Hayabusa was sleeping or zoning out, he wouldn't call out his name. He raced for his room and rummaged the closet and weapons rack. The spear isn't there. He checked Fanny's room. The rack there contained katanas and maneuver gear. He checked Chou's room. He only sees a couple of sparring dummies. He slowly walks up to Hayabusa's room. He couldn't hear anything because each room was soundproof, but he breathed in slowly and opened the door.
"Hayabusa, have you seen my-"
Okay, guys. I really don't know how to put this.
It would really mean going across the border of Rated T.
So, just try to picture what our beloved never-fading hero saw in that room. I need not specify, just to let your imagination run wild.
But I will say this. Yun Zhao nearly had nosebleed.
The ninja and Kagura were glaring at him in embarrassment, but they remained silent. Zhao notices the spear next to the frame of the door, so with utmost care, he slowly grabs the spear while looking down, because the sight of seeing the two of them in their current position is really… jarring. Anymore would make him suffer permanent blindness.
"So, um… yeah. Thanks for… keeping it safe. I, uh… good luck with that. Hmph, peace, I guess?" The spearman stammered uncontrollably as he closed the door.
"Dammit, he found out," Hayabusa muttered. "I forgot to lock the door."
"Shut up, we only have one night to cover it."
Miya was waiting outside the door of the residential home, and as Zhao opened it, he jumped.
"Augh, Miya! You almost had me back there!"
"Sorry, I couldn't help it. Wait, what's with your face? You're so red."
Zhao knew that if he said a single bit about what he saw in that room, he will be chopped liver. "Uhm, it's better not to talk about it."
"Is there something wrong?"
"No, no, we're safe and sound. It's just that, well… it's not really in my power to tell you."
"Oh, okay. Secrets?"
"Very important. So…"
"It's alright, I understand. Shall we go?"
"Yeah. Pray I won't get butchered this time."
"You're a challenge, Gossen," Lancelot said, sparring with the assassin. "Your techniques barely have counters."
"Precision, Lancelot," Gossen answers back. "Believe me, it's not easy to do this." He throws his daggers as Lancelot was engaging in his shadow step stratagem, but it was hard for both combatants to keep the pace. Lancelot casts his dashes and slashes, trying to nick Gossen to prevent him from throwing and returning the daggers. As Gossen was moving around, he was losing patience, as he couldn't hit the knight just for once. In the end, they ran out of energy to fight.
"You're a worthy opponent," Gossen said, shaking Lancelot's hand.
"So are you to me." They rested on the benches when Lancelot opened up a random topic.
"You like Lesley, don't you?"
Gossen scrunched his eyebrows. "What makes you say that?"
"I can tell if someone has liking for someone else by merely looking at their faces. And yes, what I say is true. You may reject it, but it's still your choice."
"You're not playing any tricks?"
"Why would I? We're comrades, Gossen. All I want is your honest opinion."
Gossen thought carefully. "Well… I don't know if you're right and all. I haven't felt it yet. What makes you say that?"
"You didn't become her guardian because you were hired. You volunteered. You seem like the rebellious type, the one who will do anything to prove your worth."
"That rebellious side of mine cost me lots."
Lancelot was puzzled. "Cost what?"
"It's not easy to say."
"It was the same for me when I had to confess to Odette," the knight replies. "It is hard to show our true colors. Take it from me, who so arrogantly took on a party of magical combatants from the Paxley family."
Gossen's eyes widened. "Wait, what family?"
"The Paxley family. Why, seems familiar to you?"
"You didn't recognize me when I went out of the rift, did you?" Gossen was nervous.
"No, why?"
"It was where I belonged to."
Lancelot realized it. "You were in another dimension, Gossen. I didn't face someone like you when I fought that branch."
"Were they infamous?"
"They were. They chose to ransack the Land of Dawn to gain more power. However, I assume yours was kind."
"Kind, but inconsiderate," he spat. "They were one-sided. They believe that those who use brute force are animals and that they are not worthy to be in righteous places. I wanted to prove them wrong by incorporating both might and magic."
"An interesting combination. And then?"
"When I was to be tested, I defeated my opponents faster than anyone, much more my ancestors. But instead of agreeing, they gave me two choices: To stay and discard my techniques, or be banished."
"And you went against them," Lancelot replied. "I am kind of like you, you know? I may not be rebellious, but I was arrogant. I was unmatched; I didn't know my carelessness would mean the end of me. That is, until she came into my life."
"Odette. You really owe a lot to her. She probably taught you those maneuvers," Gossen said, smiling. "It seems we're just the same at some point."
"Small world, my friend. Small world."
Akai suddenly arrived into the scene, puzzled. "Hey, dudes! Have you seen Kagura anywhere? I've been trying to find her."
Cyclops, Harley and Nana barged in as well. Cyclops seemed distressed.
"Hey, Akai! What're you doing?" the feline mage asked.
"Oh, hey Nana! Have you seen Kagura?"
"Last I know, she was back at the residential homes and such," Lancelot replies. "What's the problem?"
"I just have this weird hunch in me, like something… awkward is happening."
Cyclops began to whisper hurriedly to Harley. The fellow wizard's eyes widened and he nodded lightly. He began, "Maybe she needs a bit of free time? I mean, I often see her walking around, so you would probably see her by chance."
"Yeah, yeah," Cyclops added, shaking. "Y-you know? Privacy."
"Hmm, you do seem nervous, Cyclops," Akai pondered. "Are you alright?"
"He just drank too much sugar a few hours ago," Nana answers back, smiling. "He'll be fine."
"Okay then. Gotta go, mates!" Akai sprints aimlessly, still feeling jolly. After he goes out of sight, Cyclops sighs heavily.
"He should not know about it!"
Gossen asked, "Know about what?"
"Don't ask!" Harley stammered. "I-it's none o-of your business!"
"The little dude might've seen something in his hourglass," Lancelot suggests. Gossen quickly dashes out of the seats and grabs Cyclops' hourglass from the back.
"Hey, give it back!" Cyclops commands, but Gossen pushes him away.
"C'mon," the assassin says, curious. He peers into the hourglass. "What kind of secret are you- wait, what in the world?!" Gossen drops the hourglass in shock, turning red.
Lancelot stands up. "Hey, are you alright? What's wrong?" He runs and picks up the hourglass before Nana could pick it up.
"No, Lance! Don't!" Harley pleads.
"Relax, this wouldn't-" Lancelot's eyes widen as he sees the scene before him. He couldn't put his eyes away, but he felt awful watching it as every second passes. He hands the hourglass to Harley in shock, and Harley passes to Cyclops.
"Ugh, now you know!" Cyclops said, infuriated.
"So that's why you intervened," Gossen heaved, hyperventilating. "That's why you didn't want Akai to find Kagura."
"Yeah… traumatizing, huh?"
Estes stands on one of the high balconies of the citadel, looking below him.
"You have done well, Estes," Hylos said to him, joining him.
"These heroes will have gained each other's trust. I want it to be that way before the big happening."
"They are willing to sacrifice their lives," the centaur replies, looking at Roger, who was mingling with Ruby happily. "Just for what they love."
"Barely anyone would come back alive after this."
"Hell, it seems like everyone wouldn't. At least, you have fulfilled their wishes to some extent. It's better than doing nothing."
"Hmm. You haven't changed, Hylos. You remain by my side, no matter the shortcomings."
"When did you even have shortcomings? Don't be so hard on yourself. You have done a great job as a king."
"But the people. Many remain disgusted and rebellious."
Hylos looks at the setting sun resting on the horizon. "You can do nothing. Let them learn. One day, they will comprehend."
"Estes, I have news," a voice says. Karina barges in the conversation. "The Ocular Sun has found the final Shard. However, the location makes the future operation trickier."
"We shall see," Hylos says. "Let's go, my liege."
The trio walks down the steps and into the secret underground chambers, where a few heroes were already sitting in the round table, discussing matters. Freya remains silent, sitting down.
"My marksmen are here," Karrie announced. "I will give them their current directions and operations. They will remain on standby to guard the place."
"Our rations are still fine," Bane adds. "We have stocked up enough food to make us last two weeks during the war. A few scouts of mine are dispatched to know more of the Dark Lord's plans."
"I will keep watch on the shores," the general, Yi Sun Shin, volunteered. "If any attack is imminent, my ships will block the way to give time. How about you, Franco?"
"My men will guard the borders. I have given them orders not to attack anything unless given the order. This would prevent the cases of false alarms," the Viking answered. "Ah, the King is here."
"At ease, my brethren," Estes says. "Commence Ocular Sun's report analysis."
The yellow holograms appeared, showing off the real-time presentation of Gaius. The final location was somewhere east of the Land of Dawn, a couple of kilometers away.
"Zoom in," Yi commands. The projection does so piece by piece until it makes the exact location visible. The blip on the projection directs it on an infamous place.
"Keva Infernus," Karina mutters. "Known as 'The Cave that Goes Below.' The gravity in the chambers of that cave keeps altering. In the bottom is the last Dawn Shard. Many have tried to traverse that place, but none have returned, not even a single demon. Why would the Dawn Shard be here in the first place?"
"Someone must've brought it in. Try examining," Hylos suggests. The Ocular Sun reverts the real-time projection and traces each time a traveler enters the said cave. The latest person who went in the cave was…
"Moskov. What would he be doing there?" Karrie asks. They eye the scene as Moskov hurriedly rushes in the cave. Karrie catches a glint from his hand before he goes out of sight. "Hold on, I saw something."
"I saw it too," Freya adds. The projection zooms in even more until the object in Moskov's hand comes into view.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Franco exclaims. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"The Ocular Sun confirms its authenticity. But even with Alice, Vexana and Zhask..."
"Whatever the case, what we saw was true," Estes sighs. "Moskov placed the Dawn Shard there. What we have to find out is why."