A Strengthened Bond

The two are walking the forests. They rarely talk to each other since they left the monastery as Natalia seems distant towards him. To try and break the silence, Matteo, looking at the bright sky, said "It is a beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Mm hmm."

After another long pause, "so, anything new… with you?" Matteo awkwardly asked.

"We are walking the same direction and you're going to ask me that?"

"Sorry! I'm just trying to break the silence. Are you rea…"

"Sshhh! Quick, hide!" Natalia covered Matteo's mouth, as they quickly hid in the bushes. She pointed at the men gathered in the distance.

"They're wearing scout armour from across the land. Why are they here?" Matteo noticed some of them.

The men are wearing silver-plated armor on a purple-colored clothing lined with velveteen and green accents. They wore swords and some of them, with lavish bow and arrows. Some, she noticed, were elderly wearing a long, olive robe with books strapped to their waist. She knew they were the mages. They stood a few meters away, not noticing the two as they talk.

"You know them?" Natalia asked.

"A bit. They're certainly not Moniyan. I've encountered several of them on my missions. I say they are on some nasty business. They parade the streets like heroes but they hide their secrets very well." Natalia looks as if she still has no idea of the identity of these men. "What, have you not met any of them yet? Haven't slashed someone's throat?" Matteo jokingly asked her.

"If I have I would have remembered, but something feels familiar with them. I just can't point it out." Natalia closed her eyes and tries to remember.



"Run! Quickly! The archers are here!"

The sound of arrows shot and guns fired, men ordering the people to be killed. It was them. The men who murdered her village.


She was in shock. It was them. She looked carefully at every detail she can remember; from their clothing, the way they move, the way they laugh. Everything. But all she thinks of is how these men robbed her and her family of the life they should have had. She is sad and she is angry.

"Natalia, calm down. You're not planning on attacking, are you?" Matteo nervously asked her as he noticed her clenching fists, tears streaming down her face.

She knows absolutely nothing besides the fact that these men were not from around. She hates herself for not knowing more. She realized she should gather more information before she make a move.

Matteo sighed as she walked away. He knew it was too dangerous for them to linger any longer. He followed her as he assures no one saw them leave. As they continue to walk...

"Are you alright?" Matteo worries.

"I'm fine, Matteo." Natalia looking irritated.

"What happened there? I never saw you like that before. I swear you are…"

She then cuts him, "I don't want to talk and I don't want you asking about it! It is not your damn business. What happened to 'not bother me with your endless talking' huh?!" Natalia exclaimed.

The two continued to walk as if they do not know each other.

Matteo randomly said, "There's really no point in blaming yourself for all that's happened."

"Excuse me?" She asked, almost curious of what he meant.

"I know all about what happened to you. I asked Signore Nestore." Baffled and annoyed, Natalia looks at him as he continued. "Don't you see? I care about you, but you won't let me in. I'm starting to see you probably liked Signore more than me, maybe he's more than a friend to you." She knew that Matteo will not stop. She looked away, realizing he's not going to listen to her. "Maybe you love him." Matteo said teasingly and laughed.

Natalia, not buying any of his jokes. "Nestore is a good man. He is like a father to me. He took care of me when I was little. To say that I 'love' him is not entirely untrue."

"Woah, no need to take that seriously. Wow, how can it be so hard to make you laugh."

"You have to try harder, mate."