The Imperial Knight

It is a bright, sunny morning when the two arrived at the capital. They walked the bridge towards the castle as vendors line up the streets selling wares of sorts. "Come buy the most fresh meat in the capital!", "The finest wares only here at Laura's Wares!"

"The capital is pretty lively, don't you think." Matteo, looking at the cheery streets, enjoys the sight of the busy people around them. Natalia, however, does not feel comfortable. "Oh, come on. You're in the capital, Nat. You should at least let go of your worries some time. Here, let me buy you some Focaccia, you're gonna love it."

Natalia tried to do so and followed where Matteo goes. After the long travel they had together, she started to trust him more than ever. "They're good!" Natalia exclaimed as she enjoyed eating the focaccia Matteo bought.

"See? Told you." Matteo smiled at her, satisfied that he finally got to see the glowing side of her. "Now that we're here, we should finally finish your task. Afterwards, hopefully I can spend more time with you." He asked.

"We'll see about that." She undeniably felt comfortable with him at her side. She always did her missions alone and for once she felt secured knowing someone got her back.

They walked as they look for Tigreal's homestead. As they reached the open gates, "I will leave you for now. Are you well-off alone?" Matteo asked her.

"Where are you off to?"

"I'm just going to take care of some things. I'll be back soon. Meet me at the plaza once you're through." Matteo then walked away.

Natalia looked at the house, observing if there's anything remotely unusual. She then noticed a man tendering to the gardens. Understanding that a threat is unlikely, she approached him, "Scusami, Signore?" she waved at him. "Does the Knight Tigreal live here?"

The gardener noticed her. "Si, signora. I'll go look for him".

"There's no need. I'm here." A dashing man in a gold armor appeared right in front of the door. He looked just like how she imagined an imperial knight will look like; heavy voice, muscular, long, brown hair, metals strapped to his body. He held a sword tied to his waist. "You're looking for me, Signora?"

"Si signore. I'm on a mission to deliver this to you. I'm told that only you can see this." Natalia said as she handed him the letter. "It's from Signore Nestore of the county monastery."

"Nestore?" Tigreal seems surprised to hear his name. "Come, let us head inside." He escorted her as they enter his home. She noticed a large tiger figurine that sits beside the living area. The room is lit with luxurious, gold lamps, and elaborate moldings accented by pots of greeneries in the corners. They head for the garden patio. "Please, have a sit." Natalia sat in a white metal chair. She sees how intricately detailed it is. "I haven't heard from Nestore in a while. How is he?" Tigreal asked as he starts to unwrap the letter.

"He is well signore, I take it you're an acquaintance?" Natalia asked the man.

"I am. I have had dealings with him before, ones that contribute to the empire." He started to read the letter. Natalia looks at him and sees the sudden change in his expression. His face went straight when he put the letter down. She noticed how he suddenly changed his stance as he grabbed his sword and swung it hard at her.


"Signore!" Natalia surprised, leaped away and dodged all attacks as he try to hit her. He swung his sword left and right and when he swung it right above her, she leaped from the chair to the fountain wall. Realizing he's not going to stop she grabbed one of her smoke bombs and threw it right below him. She sees him become disoriented while he coughs hard from the smoke. She then took the opportunity, jumped right at his back, her legs grabbing his waist. She strangled him with her left arm, locked by her right while pointing a knife straight to his throat. When the smoke clears Tigreal realizes he's been constrained.

As he breathes heavily, he said, "So you're the one he's talking about."

Natalia suddenly went curious. "What?", almost angry, she grabbed his neck tighter. "Who are you really?"

"I am Tigreal, I'm just testing if you really are the assassin he sent after.", he struggles hard to speak

She lets go of him, shocked by how he tried to test her. "I'm sorry signore, I would not have done it had you not attacked me first."

Tigreal went to fix himself while breathing deeply. "I had to see if you're capable."

Natalia, almost unsatisfied with his brief answer, "What was that for, really?"

He looked at her straight. "A formidable enemy is what you're about to deal with. Do you know who Faramis is?"