The Queen

"Faramis, faramis." Natalia kept thinking about this man. No one's capable of being so evil, right? Dead bodies returning to life, being used as a pawn for battle; it is just so wrong. As she approached the gate out of Tigreal's home, she put her white robe back on and slid the hood to her head. She then heard someone call her.

"Natalia!" Matteo called as he came running towards Natalia.

"Matteo! What is it? Are you alright?"

He breathes heavily, "See I was out eavesdropping some of the guards. They say some person seem strange. I think something pretty bad is going on."

"You went where?"

"The guards at the gate were pointing at someone. I heard they were talking about how suspicious he talked and acted, so I followed him as he went away. He led me to a cave where they camp not far from here but so hidden out in the forest." His tone is panicked but composed. "Natalia I'm telling you, it doesn't seem good."

Natalia then cautiously looked out in the crowd to see if someone spotted Matteo and followed him. She then whispered, "What do you know?"

"They were, they aren't… normal." Matteo stutters and shakes as he speaks.

"Not normal?"

"I think they were being controlled by someone who they call the 'Queen'. 'The queen won't like it of she knew we don't have the lead yet' is what they're talking about." Matteo scratches his head and tries to remember what he heard.

"How do you know they were being controlled?"

Matteo explains as he waves his hand to his face, implying something. "I saw one guard remove his helmet and armor. His eyes glow green and his body scorched. There is no way he could have lived with those burns in his body."

"What?! That can't be true." Natalia dragged Matteo by his arm as they moved to a more secure and hidden corner. Just as she took another glance at the crowd, she said whispering, "I was just with Tigreal who told me that there is someone named Faramis that uses dark magic and stuff to bring dead people back to life."

"Well that could maybe the other villain but I'm telling you this 'queen' sounds dangerous."

Natalia is panicked but skeptical, she shakes her head, "Are you sure you followed the same guard to the woods? This suspicious guard?"

"Yes! I'm…" Matteo stopped as he noticed Natalia's growing disbelief. "You don't believe me?"

"I do believe you it's just, something doesn't add up." Natalia analyzes the information. "If what you're saying is true then, we have Faramis to deal with, then this queen?" She sighed. "Take me to this camp you're saying. Are you sure no one followed you here?"

"I think so." Matteo wiped his sweat on his forehead and put the robe back on.

They started walking out of the capital and into the forest, being very careful of the steps they take.

"I mean how can they walk freely in and out of the capital? Don't the Moniyans have any clue how dangerous they can be? They noticed that he seems strange and that's it? Unbelievable." Matteo said in disappointment.

"We don't know that yet. The knights can't act right away without proof that some guards are conspiring against them. Hell, I'm pretty sure even Tigreal knew nothing about that cave."

They entered the darker part of the forest where the ground is almost shaded by the huge trees and covered by green grasses. There is a hint of rain moments ago as the ground start smelling of wet soil. The sun is almost out.

Matteo stopped and he blocks Natalia's way with his arm. He looks at a distance where he recognizes a rock that sits just below a giant cedar tree. "We're close. Be careful."

Natalia went low and light on her feet as she followed Matteo. They stopped at a huge tree's roots just enough to cover them while they peek. "There." Matteo points at a direction not so far from they were sneaking. "It's just across the swamp and right underneath that berm is the cave that goes underground. That's where they were hiding."

Natalia looks at the sky and noticed that it is already dark at night. "Let's go."

As they approach, they went in very carefully. The cave entrance is wide enough for them to hide at corners and crevices effectively once a guard comes through. They reach for a higher vantage point and peeks. Natalia noticed that there are armed men camping. They were fully covered in metal armor and swords were hung by the side. Some are awake, some are asleep. They got a bonfire and on it are fishes they cook that she presumes are their dinner. She looks for more evidence. It is true what Matteo said. The men aren't normal at all. They walk around the cave fairly slower and she notices that some guards are having a sort of involuntary arm contraction as it moves all too suddenly to places. Some others it were their neck, their head shakes or their legs. She figured it was awful to look at. As she turned farther left, just below the small cliff they're sneaking from is a table lit by candlelight, an urn and a satchel with scrolls.

She then pokes Matteo and points. "Look, we have to get that satchel."

"What now? We can't get there, let alone pass all these guards alive! If we're caught we're dead."

"Watch me." Natalia cockily smiled. She slides her way down and behind the rock below. Matteo nervously watches her as she make her way. She sneaks just before the cave wall, hiding from every object that she comes on contact with, being very careful not to tip anything and drag attention. Just as she's walking she heard the armed men talk in an almost husky and slow manner:

"How satisfying it is to see people burn." One man chuckled. "But the queen won't be too pleased we can't hit the capital just yet."

"We will find the perfect opportunity, right now we haven't got the trust of the knight commander. After so we'll burn the capital to hell." The man raised his drink. "For the queen!"

"For the queen!" They all shouted synonymously.

"Wow, they must've follow the queen so blindly." Natalia thought. Just as they are drinking she reached the table and carefully grabbed the satchel and placed it right over her shoulder.

She trails the same way out and signals Matteo it is time to leave.

As they reach outside they immediately went for the capital. "You're crazy, you know that? One wrong move and we're gone." Matteo told Natalia.

"Are you always this scared on a mission?" Natalia asked him as she fixes herself from their hurried exit.

Matteo glances at her, he knew that every mission he takes he is always alert and focused. He gets the job done swiftly and without mistakes. But earlier he seemed so nervous, he wasn't like that before. He figured he is not scared for himself, but for Natalia. He sighed at the thought of her getting in the danger. "No I'm not. I'm just worried is all."

"But we're alive and outside. We're fine." Natalia assured him. "We have to warn Tigreal. I heard they plan to burn down the capital too." She said as she reached for the scroll. "Let's see what else these bastards are up to." Natalia opened the scroll and reads.