Another day had passed and Tigreal had readied himself for his journey to the Temple of Light. He fixed his armor and he went on to ride his carriage. Maria bid him goodbye and he waved in return. The carriage then started moving out of his mansion. He was unaccompanied other than the coachman. He looks out the window and sees the busy streets of the capital. He realizes how he hates the idea of his country being destroyed. So it is his pride or his country's safety; and it should always be the latter. He wanted to talk to Alucard personally and without reinforcements. He knew of the feelings Alucard had towards him, but he has no choice.
It was almost half a day before he reached the temple. He went out of the carriage and immediately noticed how peaceful the place is. He walked slowly as he approaches the entrance. It seems that the place had not changed much, but not entirely is so.
The last he was here was a couple of years ago when Alucard was still a young boy. He remembers that moment that this man was captured by the demons and has endured the captivity for years. Now this man, who considers himself the "Demon Hunter" is known for his expertise of defeating blood demons and conjurers. "It was the result of him being held captive for long."
He stopped walking as he reached the front door, feeling of doubts and uneasiness surround him. He let out a sigh and held on to the door handles and pushed the doors open. There he sees Alucard, sitting on the floor facing the fire pit. It is as if he is praying.
"You interrupt me." Alucard said as he opened his eyes and turned to Tigreal.
"It is good to see you Alucard." Tigreal approached him slowly.
Alucard is surprised but not exactly welcoming. "Well, if it isn't the mighty Knight-Captain Tigreal" He stood to face the Knight. "It has been long. What brought you here to the Temple?"
"I know you do not feel glad to see me here, but I need you. The empire needs you."
He went on to face the pit and put his hand over the fire to heat himself. "What for? I am not with the Knights anymore, Captain. Besides, I swore to a mission. I will say it again to you; I will not bother myself to petty empire squabbles."
"Please Alucard, let me explain to you first. I would not come all this way here to trouble you with 'petty squabbles', but you must hear this; we are indeed fighting demons at the empire."
Alucard straightened himself as if he was shocked and unimpressed. "What happened to your mage scholars then? They still too 'perfect' to help?" He let out a chuckle. "They were of no help to me the moment I was seeking revenge, all I needed was information and guidance but no, they were useless. Now, the empire is looking to me for help, how the times have turned."
"Alucard I know how you feel about me and the empire but can we please put this all aside for once? We are after all fighting a similar enemy."
"Very well, speak to me of this enemy." Alucard looked at Tigreal.
"We are dealing with demons, conjurers who yield a powerful spell of necromancy. We believe they want the empire to fall. Do you know who Faramis is?"
"Faramis, I have heard of that name before. Have you seen him personally?"
"No not personally, but Natalia have seen him."
"The church assassin?"
"Indeed, you know her?"
"No, but I have heard of her. How did she come about him? I know that this Faramis is extremely good at hiding. I have been on him for years but still, no clue."
"I will let her tell you about that. It is not my story to tell. But know this; she is not exactly fond of him either. Both of you want him dead."
Alucard chuckled. "Well it seems we will get along just fine. Where are we off to now?"
Tigreal looked at him shocked. "You're helping me then?"
"What does it look like? Of course I will. If it means to end this Faramis then, I will lend you my aid."
"Very well. Know that I am grateful, Alucard. You are going to be of great help to us."
"Let it be known that I, Alucard, the Demon Hunter chose to help the empire clean up this mess." He said jokingly.
He went on to fix his sword on to his waist, went out of the temple and followed Tigreal to his carriage.