chapter 6-My plan get closer( part 3)

He did not hold the jug like I was hoping he would.He stared at me with that intense look .I felt he was looking into my soul.He couldn't see into it could he ?I felt very vulnerable . I was dressed as a man so he did not know that I was a woman.and he kissed me …which means he liked men…..didn't he ? So what do I do now? I waited .He looked at me and then said " come here .sit here beside me ."

Now I was really nervous.

"Your Highness please pardon me . It was an accident on my part.I am not into men.That will never happen again .I am ready for any punishment "

I knelt down in front of him and looked at his sexy feet.

I extended the water jug to him .He took it after some time and I heard the sound of him drinking water .

At least now he will be distracted and forget what just happened.

" what is your name?" He asked me

" Your Highness I am Hui Huan " I replied

" No I meant your real name " he insisted.

I was puzzled . what did he mean by that ?

I repeated my name again .

He sighed .He got up and walked towards the window through which we could see the full moon .The weather had turned very cold now.The rain had stopped

And then he turned and said " I am tired and I am going to sleep "

He lay on the bed and slept .

I was feeling a bit unhappy .How could he sleep just like that after kissing me like that ?

Then I noticed that there was another bed near the door for me . I was used to sleeping on the ground and anywhere but he had provided a bed for me .

I lay on the bed and looked at his sleeping profile.It looked like a painting by a very famous artist.He was so incredibly handsome that I forgot to breathe.

His muscles were like a fighter and his body was lean and incredible.How could a person have such a wonderful body and face too?!!

I closed my eyes and dreamt of him making love to me .My dreams were my own and I could fantasise what I wanted .Nobody can take that from me .

I had a smile of my face and the pillow had become his body in my dreams and I was kissing the pillow like crazy.

I hugged the pillow imagining it to be his body .

I was in my dream world ...…..

I turned my head and saw her kissing the pillow . I got up and walked upto her .i gently pulled the pillow from her and lay down beside her . She hugged me tight and I held her .She burrowed her face in my neck and started nibbling at it . I could feel her warmth and I felt my temperature rise .

I kissed her on the lips and they kissed me back ,sucking my lips and invading my mouth.

And then she opened her eyes.Those dreamy brown deep forest eyes in which I lost myself .I felt a strange light in her eyes and it was as if I was hypnotised .

In the moonlight I could see the glow on her face .She suddenly realised that she was in my arms and tried to move away from my arms ,all the while looking into my eyes.

I held on tight and refused to allow her to move away.

I had to tell her that I knew the truth ….

" I know that you are a woman…" I began.

" oh " she appeared stunned .

I got up and allowed her to get up from the bed.

" the night when you were seriously injured the doctor discovered the truth and told me .He will not tell anyone .Your secret is safe with me ." I smiled and turned towards her .

She looked at me nervously and said " I am sorry for hiding the fact .But I have to tell you something else.i am not from your time .I am from the future .I travelled back in time suddenly .Does it make sense?"

I was a bit confused .What was she trying to tell me ?! Was she rejecting me indirectly.i frowned.

" I cannot understand what you are saying ? How can you come from the future ?what is this time travel ? It doesn't exist ." I walked towards her and held her arms " I love you .Do you love me ?"

I don't know why I blurted out something like that .But I had always been like that .Just tell the truth and then there was no problem.

Suddenly I felt some vibration through my fingers and saw that her arms were disappearing and then within seconds she vanished .

I stood there and finally I believed her ,But it was too late …..she had gone ….away from my life ….

I knelt down and the tears flew down my cheeks ..I felt the vast desolation of the dark night .

My heart hurt and I screamed .

Within seconds the servants came running and they stood outside the closed door.

I shouted " nobody can come in "

There was silence outside .The servants would not come in now .I was alone with myself and my sorrow.I could still feel her lips on mine and her arms around me. I cried till I could cry no more and the tears dried on my cheeks. I lay on the bed where she had slept and finally sleep engulfed me in its oblivion.

I did not want to wake up in a world where she did not exist….