Idle Town: A Hot Mess

Loud music blowing up Jimin's house was nothing new to the neighbours but still they complained, ya know old people and how they hate our generation's loud bop music yeh something like that. The atmosphere that was hot, sweaty and probably smelt like alcohols and drugs.

They are college students what do ya expect, and parents were on a business trip. Had the house all to themselves. Drunk people making out obscenely in corners of the house but no one cared. Some rooms even smelt like sex. Bodies grooving to the loud and head throbbing music. Too hurtful for the eardrums, you can even go deaf.

Who cared? No one. Too busy wasting their careless youth away.

Yoongi was watching having a shot of vodka in this hands. Twirling his half empty glass. He was watching how close Jimin was with Jungkook on the couch bodies pressed. Hell, only kissing was left they were basically grinding their needy ass together probably thinking about someone it seemed.

"Remind me, again why did I have to be at this fucking party?", Yoongi whispered to himself chugging the rest of the shot.

Yoongi didn't want to waste anytime and moved towards the couch and seated himself. Jungkook went to the washroom leaving a drunk Jimin alone on the couch who was a blabbering nonsense.

" Yoongi-ah.,... hic... why won't... hic... you notice me? Am I...hic...that ugly. I...hic...hatechu!!!!", Jimin said in between the hiccups.

"Cute! But not so cute like my hobi", Yoongi mentally noted.

Jimin unconsciously scooted his body over to Yoongi's lap. Yoongi tensed at the body contact. Jimin moved his face to see the person behind. He smiled eye to eye believing he was dreaming about his bad boy.

"Hi, Min Yoongi. You look... hic... so cute but... hic..heehee sorry y-o-u a-r-e a b-a-d b-o-y. Hehe! Can't call you cute. Hee!... hic...Booo baaa baahh.", Jimin said making cute gestures and while hiccupping.

"You sure get drunk and irritate people, drink some water your hiccups are getting worse", Yoongi said looking away.

"Awww... hic... my bad... hic... boy... cares", Jimin said while pouting his plush lips and smiled.

"Shut up", Yoongi said in a whisper.

"Give me... hic.. water I... hic...wanna drink", Jimin said gesturing towards his mouth.

Yoongi passed him the glass, but Jimin did not take it.

"I said... hic.... give me... hic.. water, hehe... hic mouth to... hic mouth or else I am...hic...gonna die", Jimin said making his eyes bigger while blabbering incoherent things.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. He took the water in his mouth, a small amount and grabbed Jimin's head with his other hand. He smashed their lips together. The cold water flowing from his mouth to Jimin's mouth down his dress shirt. Jimin hummed with delight at the contact of their lips.

Yoongi didn't wanna admit but the soft lips were addicting with the cold water. He noticed the water that flowed down Jimin's throat made his white dress shirt transparent and exposed his pink nipples which were now erect.

"So fucking hot," Yoongi thought.

He took more water just as an excuse to kiss the drunk boy and devoured his lips until he was satiated with the red and swollen work of art he did. Jimin was dazed with how good the kiss was.

Yoongi took the chance and took Jimin's phone from his jean's pant. Dialed his own number and saved it. After all it was just the start of getting to know the subject of his mission.

He swipped the screen and found Jimin and Jungkook's picture on the lockscreen and on the homescreen, an old picture of Yoongi's from previous year was there.

"How whipped, is he? Well does half of my work", Yoongi sighed as he put the mobile back.

Yoongi noticed Taehyung entering the party but averted his eyes towards Jimin then he noticed Jungkook wasn't coming back so he left, leaving Jimin on the couch who was half asleep.

It would be right to say that, Yoongi did not want to break his heart. It's the first time anyone admired him just the way he was. Hell even his own parents rejected him. Now he was with his stranger who loved him but here he was trying to play with his heart for someone else's selfish needs and because of his own helplessness too.

He looked at him one glance and left the party.


"Babe, I told you I am sorry. I was busy", Taehyung said drinking the strong whiskey from his glass.

"Busy? Fucking which one of your dog in heat", Jien said curtly.

Taehyung pulled Jien by her waist and looked at her eyes.

"Am I the only one fucking dogs in heat? I think your cunt is one of them too.", Taehyung said having a stoic face.

"W... hat.. do.. you mean?", Jien said in her sickly sweet tone.

"Bitch, you going to others and fawning your made up breast that you got after having a comestic surgery is so cheap, you just want someone to fuck your cunt and to be honest I don't have time to waste", Taehyung said digging his fingers on her waist.

"Why're mad? I was joking. I missed you", Jien changed her tone to a now soft one seemingly know that Taehyung had something that he could use against her.

"Now we're talking. I missed you too", Taehyung said in a sarcastic tone.

Jien pressed her breast on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung cupped them and teased her nipples.

"Babe, I was joking about your breast, ya know you got just the right volume", Taehyung said as he pepper kissed her chest and collarbone.

"Babe, I think I had too much to drink I gotta head to the bathroom, ok see ya", Taehyung said putting his glass on the table and slapping her ass while getting up.

"Hmm ok, see ya", Jien said backing away.

Taehyung went to the bathroom.

"Why do you even entertain him, Jien", Jisoo said looking at her glass.

"Maybe coz he is good in bed and much easy to handle, except sometimes he is an asshole", Jien said looking at Jisoo.

"Yeh loving dicks sucks! Come on I know you like Jeon except that he is gay", Jisoo laughed.

"Oh shut up! I like no one!," Jien said in a whisper looking towards the empty couch where Jungkook was seated previously.


Taehyung went to the bathroom stall. Too lazy to lock the main door. He unzipped his skinny jeans and pulled up his sweat shirt. The drug was taking affect making him feel hot and high. He was busy minding his own business until someone came and fell on the bathroom door with a loud thud.

The stranger picked himself and went to the other stall. Taehyung didn't bother to check. Except the stranger was a drunk Jungkook.

"Ahh this feels so good", Jungkook slurred moving his hand up and down in a slow stroke.

He applied lube on his member dripping with the precum.

"I feel so dizzy, ahhh I want to cum... Fuck", Jungkook moaned in a high pitched tone.

Taehyung was blown by the sudden scene that was going on. He knew the voice, how can be forget that feathery voice that once dissed him.

"Jeon Fucking Jungkook, you are making me hard, for pete's sake get a grip Taehyung", Taehyung said lookin at his pulsing and hard member. The throbbing hard was so fucking painful.

"ahh.. I want someone to fuck me!... Ahhh... Ummm.. I can't do this alone... God", Jungkook moaned more sensually than ever stroking his member which was now red with too much friction.

This was the limit, Taehyung ripped open the door and went to the next one.

Taehyung opened the door and found a wasted, horny Jungkook lying on the floor. Pants undone, hair messed up, cheeks flushed, eyes big and drooling from his plush lips. The sight was such a turn on. He merely gulped looking at the hot mess.

"Stand up, Jeon", Taehyung said eyes filled with nothin but lust.

"Ehh I don't want to", Jungkook whinned.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook waist and pulled him up and pressed his body against the cold wall. Taking in the detail of the well defined body underneath the oversized black hoodie.

Taehyung licked his lips.

"We don't have time, lets help each other, ok", Taehyung said looking and smirked, when Jungkook nodded.

"Hyung, I want to come, my dick feels weird", Jungkook said while blabbering nonsense.

"Oh boy, I know let us feel good ok", Taehyung said eye growing dark.

Taehyung took Jungkook's member wrapped his fingers around the long thing. The girth and the veins on his neck were a fucking turn on.

Taehyung sucked light hickeys on his neck and jerked his member. Jungkook moaned loud with every movement.

Jungkook took Taehyung's member and palmed him hard. The bulge grew and standing tall. Jungkook bit Taehyung's shoulder as he jerked his body forward with the increasing pleasure. Taehyung did the same on Jungkook's neck and felt like he was reaching his climax.

Taehyung nipped at Jungkook's ears resulting Jungkook to come undone on his chest. Jungkook mouthed Taehyung's nipples and palmed him hard which made the older ride his orgasm in his hands while coming on his hands.

Both fell on the bathroom floor as they were too weak to stand.

"Hyung, I feel sleepy, what should we do?", Jungkook said still not recognising that it was Taehyung.

Taehyung smirked feeling more aware of the situation.

Taehyung picked Jungkook up and took him upstairs in one of the room to lay him down. He looked at the boy sleeping. He thought he was cute but so hot in bed. Taehyung shrugged his thought and went downstairs and noticed that by then the party ended.

"Oh you're still here, fuck my head hurts, get out. I need to have my beauty sleep.", Jimin said groggily.

Taehyung rolled his eyes and left.

On the way home, Taehyung just remembered the hot mess that Jeon Jungkook was, a moment ago. He mentally noted that the boy should never drink. He wants to be the only person to see him like that and wreck him like today in ways he didn't know, see him break down under him would be such a beautiful sight.

No one else is allowed & he will make sure of that.