Before there was 'Him'

-Divine Realm-

A thunderous shout shook the heavens, as all intelligent beings whom inhabited the realm cowered.

???: "Where is my daughter?!"

Within a mythical and ancient looking castle, a handsome man could be seen pacing back and forth. His most striking feature were undoubtable his eyes which radiated a holy and majestic light. His pupils were of a rich golden coloration, which when combined with the majestic light they radiated would cause one to believe his eyes were akin to the sun. He wore a long robe fit to belong to a heavenly emperor which didn't help hide his powerful muscles and strong body from the sight of others.

All of the servants in the room could be seen kneeling on the ground as they silently prayed for their survival when faced with the wrath of their lord.

???: "I asked you! Where is my daughter?!"

A young looking maid servant could be seen prostrating on the ground with her face covered in tears. Yet the tears were unable to mar the girls beautiful face. In fact, most of the servants were good looking and not one could be called as 'ugly'. Yet the girl who was currently sheading tears silently on the floor was beyond extraordinary.

Gathering up her courage, the young maid spoke softly.

Maid: "Y…your Lordship, this lowly one knows not where the 3rd Princess is. When I arrived in her room earlier this morning, she had already left."

Hearing things that he had already known, the handsome man whom the maid addressed as 'Lordship' scowled at the young maid girl before howling.

Lord: "I know that! What I desire is to know where she has gone to!"

Although the young maid felt that her lord was being unreasonable, she still tried to think of an answer but due to her nerves she was having troubles calming down.

When the young maid began to panic, an ethereal voice echoed through the hall. Hearing the voice, all of the men in the room closed their eyes while making sure their heads were as low as possible, while the females all began to blush and stare into empty space with dazed and lost expressions.

???: "Dear, don't you think you have caused enough stress for one day."

Hearing the cold and unemotional voice of his wife coming from behind him, the man turned to look before his anger subsided and he looked deeply into his wife's eyes.

The woman who just showed up in the hall was the first wife of the man whom the servants addressed as 'Lordship'.

She wore a long, slightly revealing gown which tightly fit around her hour glass figure and only served to accentuate her 'assets'. Although her face was hidden behind a veil just going off her body, you knew she was a heaven toppling beauty. In fact none of the servants knew what she looked like behind the veil. All they could see if they looked at her face were her piercing icy blue eyes and long white hair.

Only sparing her husband a single glance, the woman strutted past him before stopping in front of the young maid. Once she had reach the maid, the woman began to bend her knees to the young maids level, which caused her butt to stick out as it pressed even tighter into her dress allowing for its miraculous heart shaped outline to be visible.

???: "Fina, it's alright if you don't know sweetheart. Do you have any hints as to where my mischievous daughter has run off to?"

Hearing the familiar voice the maid began to blush deeply as she quickly calmed down and thought about her best friends and where she might have run off to.

Fina (Maid): "Mistress Yuriko, lately the Young Miss has been obsessed with the Mortal Realm. If I were to guess I would say she most likely ran away due to his Lordship's scolding last night about how mortals were lesser beings. Knowing her she probably wanted to see for herself."

The way the young maid known as Fina talked to the woman known as Yuriko was a stark contrast to how 'respectful' she was to the Lord.

Hearing the lowly maid talk about him like that the lord was about to end her life.

Yet before he could move an inch, he suddenly sensed the presence of death.

Turning his attention back to his wife, he noticed she was glaring at him with her cold and emotionless eyes as if daring him to make a move. The glare from his wife shut the lord up as he desired to keep his life and decided to ignore the lowly maid's disrespect.

Turning her attention away from her husband, Yuriko looked once more at the maid before reaching her hand out to help her stand.

Once the maid was on her feet, she spoke softly.

Yuriko: "Thank you Fina. Come lets return before we begin searching for my silly daughter."

Pulling her hand along leaving no room for debate, Yuriko and Fina disappeared down one of the many corridors leading out of the hall. Having been left behind, the Lord felt his face had been lost enough today due to the actions of his wife and dismissed the servants to search for his daughter in the Mortal Realm.

-Next Morning-

*Knock* *Knock*

Random Maid: "Mistress Yuriko, we have located the young miss."

Awoken by the words of one of her maids, Yuriko removed the covers from atop of her revealing her nude figure before she made her way over towards her wardrobe to get dressed.

With her large breasts swaying back and forth as she got dressed, she had just gotten her underwear on when another sound was heard in the room.

??? "Mmm…"

Hearing the noise which came from her bed, Yuriko put getting dressed on hold as she walked back to her comfortable bed.

Lifting up the covers softly the figure that was underneath was revealed to the world. Yuriko crawled into the bed before laying down on top of the nude figure. Placing a gentle kiss onto their lips, she spoke softly.

Yuriko: "It's time to get up, we have work to do."

After speaking, she slid her fingers downwards before rubbing the other person's moist lower lips.

"Mmm more, please Mistress."

Removing her hand from Fina's now dripping pussy, Yuriko spoke to the now awake young maid.

Yuriko: "Nope, we did it all night. It's time to get up, or else."

Although she was smiling, Fina knew that her Mistress was serious so ignoring the cries and longing of her body for more, Fina exited the bed and began to put her scattered maid clothes back on.

Yuriko: "You're getting better in bed Fina. The amount of energy you have been giving me has also increased lately."

She said as she slid into one of her dresses.

Fina: "Muu…don't tease me Mistress Yuriko!"

Having finished getting dressed, Fina attempted to hide her deep blush as she knew the reason for her progress was due to her Mistress 'training' her almost every night recently.

Helping her Mistress zip up her dress, Fina admired her flawless skin and supple ass.

Noticing her naughty maid's wandering eyes, Yuriko decided to punish her.

Yuriko: "You like looking at your Mistress don't you Fina?"

Surprised at being caught Fina quickly stepped back and bowed her waist before saying.

Fina: "I deeply apologize Mistress."

Smiling Yuriko grabbed an object from her wardrobe before calling out to the still bowing Fina.

Yuriko: "You need to be 'punished'"

Knowing exactly what her Mistress's punishment was, Fina sighed softly before reaching behind her back and lifting the hem of her maid skirt revealing her pure white stained panties and garter belt.

Walking up behind her, Yuriko pulled her panties to the side before inserted a large dildo into Fina's pussy, and a smaller one into her other hole eliciting a horny yelp from the young maid.

Not even bothering to say anything to the hunched over maid, Yuriko began to head towards the door.

Seeing her Mistress leaving, Fina didn't dare to idle as she tried to ignore the feeling coming from her lowing region and follow a step behind her Mistress.

Exiting the room the two began to head towards their next destination, Yuriko once more with her face covered in a veil and a cold expression on her face while Fina with a slight hick in her step.

Exiting the Imperial Harem which is Yuriko's domain inside of the castle, they headed towards the Realm Gate which served as a gateway that lead into many different Realms.

The Mortal and Divine Realms weren't the only ones in existence but rather the two which sat on the furthest ends of the rankings.

The Mortal Realm was known to be the weakest of the realms as it contained only mortals whom possessed no powers, or powers which didn't serve any significance.

Where as the strongest and most respected of the Realms was the Divine Realm. Only the strongest beings in existence could enter with a single inhabitant being capable of destroying a mortal world single handedly.

Between these two Realms existed a seemingly infinite number of Realms which contained all manor of beast, intelligent species and powerful experts.

Yuriko was born as one of the strongest species in existence and managed to start out in the Divine Realm. She belonged to an ancient clan which was one of the rulers of the Realm and was eventually married off to an opposing clan to ensure 'peace' within the realm. Which she knew was only an excuse for what was to come.

However, Yuriko was against it all. The man she was forced to marry was one of the known scums of the Divine Realm. Thankfully though she was stronger then him and was able to hold her own.

Just after the marriage was finalized and the knots were tied, that bastard of a man attempted to force her into submission and lay with her. Yuriko though she didn't like it, agreed to birth his children in exchange for power in the clan. Due to lust the man had agreed which allowed her to gain control of most of the clan. All she needs is a little bit more effort and the entire clan will belong to her, then she can end that mans life as repayment for taking her purity.

Although she despises her husband, she loves all three of her daughters. Due to her races unique characteristics and being a primarily matriarchal race, all three of them share a deep bond with her and not their father. With the birth of each of her daughters she took more and more control from his hands. First was obtaining the Imperial Harem and made sure her word was law. All of the women within the palace were under her command. Next were the shops and clan businesses. She took over all of the clans financial duties allowing her to gain control of the stores and properties that the clan had owned.

Yet after the birth of their third daughter she made a push to obtain more control causing her husband to grow suspicious. So he took in another two wives and attempted to use them as spies inside of the Imperial Harem which was her territory. Thankfully due to her race she was able to obtain the other's loyalty yet to make him less suspicious she allowed the two to continue 'serving' him while feeding him false information.

All she needed was one more push to obtain everything. It was at this time that her youngest daughter ran away after having an argument with that man.

Entering the Realm which her daughter was suppose to be in, Yuriko quickly discovered that it wasn't the Mortal Realm but rather one of her daughters self created Trial Realms which she had practiced creating a Realm with. It turned out to be a failure resulting In the place being similar to a void with nothing within it.

Within that nothingness, Yuriko saw her daughter alongside a young human boy and was curious as to what the situation was.

Together with Fina trailing behind her, Yuriko headed towards her daughter with graceful steps.

Yuriko: "Yumivell Askari! How many times have I told you not to run away from home without my permission?"

With her hands on her large, fleshy hips, Yuriko chided her daughter before noticing something odd.

Yumi: "Ahh…Mother!!"

Running over, Yumi wrapped her arms around her mother in a tight embrace.

Yuriko: "Yumi? What's that around your neck? Also who is this boy?"

Hearing her mother's words caused Yumi to blush deeply as she placed her hand onto a tattoo around her collar and was about to introduce the boy she noticed that he was staring in a daze towards her mother causing her to pout.

Yuriko also noticed the boy's dazed expression as his eyes roamed all over her body. Although usually when men do such a thing she feels disgusted and has their eyes ripped out, for some reason this boy's gaze didn't feel like all of the other men's. Although the same lust and desire was present, It seemed almost…pure?

Suddenly she noticed the boy's eyes clear as his earlier dazed expression changes into one of determination. Yuriko notices him taking out a card of some kind. As she was beginning to grow curious, she heard her daughter cry out.

Yumi: "Ahh?! Rei Don't!!"

Confused and now cautious due to her daughters shout, Yuriko prepares for a possible attack from the boy yet after the card glowed with a white light, everything returned to normal and no attack came leaving her confused.

Just when she was about to question her daughter, she felt her surroundings change as she was suddenly on top of an ice covered mountain. All around her was a land of white, as snow fell from the sky leaving not a single place barren. She felt as if she had returned home to her clan when suddenly the sky lit up and she was transported back in front of her daughter and the mysterious boy.

Confused as to what just happened, she then noticed that not to long after she reappeared, Fina also suddenly appeared causing her to believe that whatever happened, Fina had also been wrapped up in it.

Turning her attention to her body, she noticed a strange tattoo appear around her collar similar to the one her daughter had. It looked like a flower with vines draping below it before encircling two parallel lines, one smaller one on top and a larger line on the bottom. (For those curious 二 imagine the Bleach Second Division symbol intertwined with vines and a flower on top)

Looking towards her daughter with a serious expression, Yuriko didn't have to wait long before she 'spilled the beans'.


Yumi: "Sorry mom…this is what happened. It all started when I went to the Mortal Realm…"