History of the Realm

Rei: "Haa…So I think its about time you told me your feelings on all of this."

Allowing herself to roll over, which caused his cock along with a pool of sperm to exit her pussy, Yumi knelt on the bed as her face morphed into one akin to a maid serving their lord.

Yumi: "Yes, Master. Due to myself being the creator of your cards, I know how they work best. Although I probably wouldn't have made them if I was in one of my more….rational…persona's, it doesn't change the fact that I already have. With you binding me, it is akin to you taking me as your slave. You may use me however you desire. As such, there is no point for me to fight against you as I mine as well just embrace this experience. I have grown up as a sheltered existence, to the point where I was hardly ever allowed to leave the castle I was born in. I long to explore the outside worlds, and as master will most likely do so as well I feel only joy at becoming your slave."

While listening to her words, Rei pulled his pants up before sitting in front of the still naked Yumi.

Rei: "Alright…but what is up with this 'slave' thing? As well as your personality swaps? The card told me a little about It but I would like to hear it from you."

With an expressionless face, a stark contrast to her earlier sloppy look, Yumi spoke servantly.

Yumi: "Certainly Master. Yet before I tell you about that, I must first inform you of my home. My father is of a clan comprised of Devil's. Within the Divine Realm, there are three major clans which could be said to rule over the entire realm. The first and weakest of the clans is my mother's clan, the 'Askari'. Then there is my father's clan, the 'Evos', and finally the 'Ragnar' clan. The 'Ragnar' clan is known to be the strongest of the three clans with it possessing over a half of the Divine Realm as their territory.

The 'Ragnar' is a clan of giants which have existed in the Divine Realm since its creation. They once ruled the entire realm, only to be pushed back by the invasion of the Devils during the 'Age of Drakar'. Drakar was a mighty warrior and once the Emperor of the Devils. He lead them into the Divine Realm and fought back the giants, even going as far as to slay the King of Giants in single combat. However, Drakar was slain by the Divine Dragon 'Nayumonru' who sought salvation for the beast tribes which were also natives of the Divine Realm alongside the Giants.

With the two Kings dead and only one, Nayumonru, remaining, the beasts allied together forming an alliance between the tribes as they pushed back the Devils and Giants and carved their own territory. During this age many great warriors rose and fell, my great grandfather was also a fighter during this time and had lead the Arctic Kitsune into battle alongside the savior Nayumonru.

However, one day Nayumonru vanished. No one knew where he had gone or if he would be back. This allowed the beasts some protection as none dared invade in fear that the Divine Dragon was actually just slumbering within their territory, but it still holds true that due to this, the beast alliance was unable to continue their conquest and peace between the three clans was formed. Peace didn't come immediately though as after Nayumonru's disappearance there were a few more years of conflict before things settled down.

So although my clan may be considered the 'weakest' due to our territory size, and our numbers, it is not at all due to our strength. If another war was to break out, the 'Askari' would be able to match both the 'Ragnar' and 'Evos' clans in might, however, if it turned into a war of attrition, we would lose.

Due to how powerful the Kitsune were, a fact witnessed by many during the war, they were elected as the leaders of the 'Askari' clan. Since then, the Kitsune have been known to be the strongest of the beast races, this was also partially due to Nine Tailed Kitsune's being nearly impossible to kill.

The clan has four Kitsune tribes within it, Cinder, Dusk, Arctic, and Sky. Although I don't know a lot due to having grown up away from the clan, my mother told me that the Arctic Kitsune tribe was the first leaders of the clan during Nayumonru's reign with my great grandfather being a close aid of the Divine Dragon himself. Near the end of the war though after Nayumonru's departure, my great grandfather passed his position down to my grandfather before he left in search of Nayumonru. Thing's didn't go so well though, as during the final battle which was a bloodbath, my grandfather gave his life in order to slay both of the other clan's leaders, along with many other fighters belonging to the two sides. This feat struck even more fear into the clans as after that battle a peace treaty was signed, marking an end to an era of war and bloodshed.

Thing's were rough during the years following the war for my family though, as my grandfather before his passing was only and to birth a single heir to the Arctic Kitsune tribe, that person was my mother. Although we had other tribesmen, the other tribes decided that we no longer had the might necessary to rule over the 'Askari' clan. My mother was still a child at the time and couldn't refute the council which lead to the Sky Kitsune tribe taking over as leaders of the clan.

Perhaps due to fear of my mother's linage, the head of the clan pawned her off to the 'Evos' clan as the bride of their heir when she was still young. Thankfully by the time she had actually been sent over, mother had managed to become strong enough to defend herself, awakening her eighth tail. The amount of eight tailed Kitsune within the clan are slim due to the lack of combat which allowed our ancestors to raise quickly. Now only the leaders of the three tribes possess Nine Tails, with the Arctic tribe being the only one with Eight Tails.

Mother believes though that another war will soon be upon the realm as the 'Askari' and 'Evos' clans are forging bonds. Bonds which mother thinks will lead to another war where our clans fight against the 'Ragnar' clan in hopes of obtaining their territory and resources."

Listening to the history of this fantasy like realm caused Rei to feel slightly exasperated at the fact that he was born in such a mundane world. Everything Yumi had spoke of caused Rei to feel as if his blood was boiling. He desired nothing more then to be able to explore such a fantastical place filled with Giants and Dragons, Devils and Beasts. It all sounded to grand.

Rei: "Are there any human's in the Divine Realm?"

This question had been one which bugged him slightly as he heard no information regarding humans in her story.

Yumi: "There are indeed human's within the Divine Realm, however they have only recently been able to enter the realm and are of a rather insignificant strength compared to the peak of the realm."

Rei: "Ahh I see. So what about your story?"

Deciding to move the conversation along, Rei asked what he had trully been curious about.

Yumi: "I am the third daughter born between my mother, The Arctic Kitsune Queen, Yuriko Askari and father, the Devil King, Salvar Eos. Their relationship is a rather poor one due to my mother being forced into it, however, knowing it was partly her duty to give the Arctic Kitsune tribe an heir should she be killed, she agreed to bare my father's children. The Kitsune race in most cases has difficulty getting pregnant due to their races unique traits, however the opposite could be said about the Devils. Their ability to reproduce is on another level, because of this my mother managed to have three children, a rare case amongst Kitsune.

I managed to inherit most of my mothers bloodline as well as my fathers. Yet due to this, the opposing bloodlines have brought me no small amount of problems. My older sisters share similar problems as I do, just in different aspects. For me, my personality underwent a split after birth causing me to develop two persona's each with their own experiences and driving factors. As I grew stronger, I experienced more splits until I had quite a few. My mother had told me that my racial trait was a result of 'Envy'. She said that all devils are born with a trait which originates from one of the Seven Sins. Whenever I was envious of the way others acted I apparently obtain a personality related to theirs. As for my sisters, my oldest sister's racial trait was derived from 'Lust' while my second older sister obtained, 'Sloth'. I have learned to live with it, but it still doesn't change the fact that it caused me to have issues making friends."

Seeing her sad expression, Rei felt that his heart was being stung slightly. Reaching out he wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her into a tight hug.

Rei: "Don't worry about the past. From now on the two of us will be together."

Hearing his words, Yumi couldn't help but grow teary eyed as she returned his hug with one of her own.

Lost in each others embrace, both of them knew deep inside that from that moment forth, nothing would be able to separate them.


Startled slightly, Rei pulled back slightly as he looked at Yumi's giggling expression.

Yumi: "Hehe! Yumi hungry."

Seeing her swap back to her childish persona, Rei figured it was a good place to end their talk as the duo got out of bed and began to make some food together.

After what felt like a long time in their own little world, Rei and Yumi finally exited the card as they reappeared back in Yumi's realm.