The Auction Begins [Part 1]

A giant structure appeared outside the City of Freyport. It was shaped like a Coliseum with multiple levels. At the entrance, two men wearing gray clothing were standing guard. Both of them emit an aura of the elite.

They didn't bar anyone from entering the Auction House. They were there to ensure that no one would prevent people from going in. In the past, there had been an organization who tried to monopolize the auction by barring everyone from entering.

Shin Seiji was not a push over and that organization was erased from the face of the continent. That was when the credibility of his auction house had been recognized and people gathered en masse to see the treasures that lies beyond its doors.

Shino looked at the towering structure in amazement. "Wow! It's so big!"

"Mmm, it is." Kei said. "I just hope it doesn't disappoint."

Kei walked hand in hand with Shino. Little John and Little Daisy walked beside them while Tifa and Mifa walked behind Kei.

The men turned their heads and whistled at the beautiful ladies accompanying him. Kei gave them a carefree smile and even nodded to some of them. He was used to being the center of attention. The gazes mixed with jealousy, envy, contempt, disdain, and disgust were nothing new to him.

No one blocked their way and their party entered the auction house safely. They headed straight to their VIP room and waited for the event to begin. Their room was located at the highest level with an excellent view.

Kei's eyelids fluttered from time to time as he waited patiently for the event to start. The girls shot him a worried look, but he just smiled at them. They understood. All of them do, and yet they were helpless. Shino snuggled closer and Kei kissed her forehead to ease her anxiousness.

Their group had made preparations for the worst case scenario, and Kei was confident that nothing would go wrong with their plan. He was seated on a couch with Shino, Little John, and Little Daisy.

Luke was perched on Kei's left shoulder, while Lily was coiled on Shino's right arm. Tifa and Milfa stood guard behind them.

An hour passed and the Auction House was filled to the brim. Kei glanced at the people seated below them and nodded his head in satisfaction. Different people from all parts of the Eastern Federation have gathered and their presence was a sight to behold.

"After the King choose a crown prince, let's all go on a vacation. I want to travel the entirety of the Eastern Federation," Kei said with a smile. "I've always wanted to visit the Elven Kingdom of Heliotrope, the Majestic halls of Quince, The Colloseum of Gladiolus, and the Sacred Forest of Edea."

Shino smiled beside him, "Sounds like a plan, Master. I can't wait to see them too."

"After you've seen them all, what's next?" Little Daisy asked.

A sigh escaped Kei's lips as he rubbed his sleepy eyes forcing himself to stay awake.

"If there is an opportunity I want to travel the continent of Eleison. But, before that I need to go to the Central Empire of Sparta first."

Little Daisy looked pensive. "Why?" The Central Empire of Sparta was a nation that had tried to conquer them in the past. The Earldom of Ravencourt was the first line of defense against their conquest.

The only reason why they haven't succeeded in the past was because the army of Ravencourt were battle hardened. Also, the previous Earls were powerful in their own right. A few years ago, they sent an army to test the waters.

It just so happen that Kei was there in the fortress for a routine inspection. That was when the Spartans had a taste of his lightning bolts. It was also the time when he was recognized as an Overlord of the Federation.

Kei was a powerful deterrent that kept them at bay. They knew that as long as the Overlord of the West was alive, they could forget about their ambition from stepping on the lands of Edelweiss.

This was also the reason why the Spartans treated Kei with hate and respect. They believe the creed "Survival of the Strongest." The strong makes the rules, and the weak has to submit or die.

And Kei was strong, very strong. Strong enough to be recognized by their Emperor Leonidas IX.

"Why?" Kei had a peaceful look on his rough face as he stared to the West. The walls of the Auction House blocked his sight, but his gaze remained straight and true. His lips curved into a smile as if seeing the object of his affection. "It's because I made a promise."

Kei whispered something, but his voice was too low for anyone to hear.


Somewhere in the Central Kingdom of Sparta

"Princess, it's time for your dance lessons." a maid bowed her head as she waited for the answer of her master.

"Oh? I hate dance lessons the most. Why is there even a need for it?" A lazy sounding voice answered from behind the curtains.

"The Grand Empress Dowager said that dancing is an important skill, especially if you want to have an excuse to spend some time with your beloved." the maid was expecting her question so she prepared the answer that would make her reconsider.

"An excuse huh? Right, an excuse… very well. I will be there in a few minutes. For now, leave me alone." the lazy voice continued from behind the curtains.

"As you command princess." the maid bowed one more time before leaving the room.

Behind the curtains was a luxurious bed. A young lady that seems to be sixteen years old was sprawled on top of it. Her long, silver-white hair, trailed at her side.

Her clear, light-crimson eyes, stared at the East. Her right hand gently caressed a silver collar on her neck as if it was the most important thing in the world to her. It glowed faintly and an emblem of a lightning bolt appeared on its surface.

"I'll be waiting," She said softly. "Waiting for you…"


A gentle breeze entered her room. It passed through the curtains of her bed and lovingly touched her face. She closed her eyes and a small smile appeared on her lips. The wind carried a message, and she had received it.

"Un, I'll be here," She whispered to no one in particular. "Kei…"