The Auction Begins [Part 3]

"The [Compass of Daedalus] points to the thing you want most in this world."

The audience was shocked speechless by Dio's words. This was the first time they heard of such a thing. All of them knew that if what Dio said was true then this compass was a priceless treasure!

"Wait a minute!" A man stood from the audience. He looked like a scholar and even though the mask prevents anyone from seeing his face, they could tell at a glance that he was not a simple person.

"Is this proven? Are you sure you conducted the proper tests?" The man asked in a challenging tone. "Can the owner of Auction of the Stars make an Oath to the Gods that this compass is what you claim as it is?"

"That's right!"

"Give us an oath!"

"We want a guarantee!"

"The Auction don't give refunds. What should we do if it was fake?"

The people beside the man nodded their heads in approval and voiced their concerns. More people joined the discussion and the noise grew louder with everyone shouting at the same time.

An artifact that points to the "thing that they want most in the world" was something unheard of. A treasure like this would be fought over by the many kingdoms in the continent if proven true.

Although they don't question the credibility of the "Auction of the Stars", they needed a guarantee before they make their move.

Dio sighed and raised his head. "You heard them, Master. They want your oath."

A loud laughter reverberated inside the auction house. It silenced the people clamoring for an explanation.

A man in his late thirties wearing expensive clothes with a sword hanging on his waist slowly descended a flight of stairs. He was seated in his own VIP room behind the stage where he observed the bidding process.

"You want an oath? Then I'll give you one!" Shin Seiji, the owner of the auction house said in a voice oozing with confidence.

He raised his right hand and made his pledge.

"I, Shin Seiji, hereby make an oath to the Gods that the [Compass of Daedalus] is an artifact that points to the direction of the thing you want the most! If there is any falsehood in my words then may the Gods smite me and torture my soul for 10,000 years!"

Shin Seiji stood proud. His blue eyes were clear and confident. His body posture was straight and true. The aura he released evokes tranquility and peace. Everyone stared at him with awe and respect.

A man who had entered the forbidden area and survived. Someone who was able to live and tell the tales of his adventures. The eccentric owner of the Auction House, Shin Seiji, and he made his oath in front of everyone.

There were still faint murmurings, but the commotion has died. Everyone backed down and waited for the auction to resume.

"I understand that all of you are in disbelief," Shin Seiji said. "To be honest, I tried to buy the compass so I can use it for myself. However, the owner was adamant that it be auctioned."

He sighed and shook his head. "He even forced me to make an oath that I and my men were not allowed to participate in the bidding for the compass. Do any of you have any idea of what I feel?"

Shin Seiji turned his back at the audience and climbed the stairs to return to his VIP room. He stopped a few steps short from his room and glanced at the crowd. "A treasure is right in front of me, and I can't even take it. Do any of you understand how frustrating that feels?"

He spread his arms wide. "To the person who will be able to get the compass. Name your price! I will multiply it by tenfold! I made a vow not to interfere with the bidding, but If any of you want to sell it to me… my offer stands!"

Turning his back on them the owner of the auction house entered his room without another word. A moment of silence fell after he closed the door. Dio didn't say anything and remained standing. His eyes were closed as if counting the seconds that passed by.

After a full minute has passed, he opened his eyes and grabbed the compass floating in the air. He placed it inside a box that had runes etched on its surface. Some people stared at the box with greed, and there were some who were tempted to steal it then and there.

Dio didn't pay any attention to them and closed the lid. He then faced everyone with a smile and returned to his cheerful demeanor. "There is no starting bid for the [Compass of Daedalus]. Everyone please, place your bids now."

"100,000 gold!" Kei shouted.

"350,000!" someone from the VIP room on the other side of the Auction house gave a counter-bid.

Kei didn't bat an eye. "500,000!"

"1,000,000!" an arrogant voice said from the room right next to him.



Kei sighed and leaned on the couch. This is going to be a battle between the rich and powerful and he didn't have the funds to participate in it. He knew that something like this was bound to happen. Yet, his frustration and disappointment could be seen on his face.

"If I have that compass, I wonder what would I find?" Little John muttered from the side. "Even I don't know what I want. How about you Kei? What do you want?"

Kei pondered Little John's question. 'What do I want? The thing I want most in this world?'

"I guess I am on the same boat as you, Little John," Kei replied. "I don't know what I want. Perhaps, the reason why I want to possess the compass is because I want to know the answer to that question as well."

Shino giggled beside him.

"Mmm? What's so funny Shino?"

"Master, I don't need a compass to tell me what I want the most in this world."

"Oh?" Kei's lips curled into a smile. "Then what is the one thing you want most in this world?"

"Master, I am looking at him right now." Shino stared at him a smile hanging on her adorable lips.

The two of them stared at each other and a pink atmosphere started to surround them.

"Ahem! Can you two lovebirds tone it down for a little bit?" Little Daisy said in annoyance.

Kei rolled his eyes at her. "Hmp! I bet you don't know what you want Little Daisy."

"Oh, I know what I want. It's a pity that she's not currently here." Little Daisy replied casually.

Kei was about to retort when he heard an offer for the compass that surprised even him.


"Hissssssssss!" Everyone in the auction house sucked in their breath. Even Dio gulped unconsciously at the offer.

"Fi-Fifty million from the gentlemen seated on the VIP room number 69. Is there any other takers?" Dio asked in a high pitched voice.

Kei made an inquiry. {Luke, is there a way to trace that compass?}

{Sorry, My Lord.} Luke replied. {The auction house is surrounded by a powerful enchantment. No tracking, appraisal, binding, or any other spells that can mark an object, or a person is working.}

{I see, what a pity.} Kei yawned. 'I guess we'll just have to wait until the auction ends.'

"Going once! Going twice! Sold! Congratulations to the gentleman on VIP room number 69!" Dio said in a booming voice. The compass disappeared from the stage and the crowd booed at the result of the bidding.


Inside VIP Room number 69…

Sirius picked up the compass and placed it on the palm of his hand. He didn't care about the amount of gold he spent to obtain it. What he care about was whether it works or not. The pointer started to move and pointed in the direction of Kei's VIP room.

A smile appeared on his lips as he caressed the artifact gently.

"So there you are, My Love."