Let My Hunt Begin!

Little John positioned himself between Tifa and the Bandit Leader. For some reason he felt annoyed that the man in front of him was dead set on making Tifa his woman.

He was not naive and fully understood Tifa's feelings for him. However, he was unable to return them. For him, Tifa was more than a friend, but less than a lover. He cares for her, but those feelings would not be as strong as loving someone.

He had often wondered if there was something wrong with him because there were plenty of women in the Earldom of Ravencourt that confessed their feelings for him.

Although they were not as beautiful as Tifa, they were still very pretty. He doesn't feel any attraction to them, and the only one he was strongly attracted to was Kei.

He had already consulted this with him in the past, and the latter only gave him an anxious look while backing away with his hands covering his butt.

When he asked what was wrong, Kei only said "No Homo" and ran away as if his life depended on it. They never talked about the matter about love ever again.

And now, he is feeling annoyed because someone was trying to claim Tifa as his own. 'Is this what they call jealousy? Strange, I need to talk to Kei when he wakes up and do another consultation.'

"I don't need your help. I can handle him," Tifa said with determination.

"No. Stay where you are and watch my back," Little John replied. "I'll handle him."


"No buts. I don't want you to get hurt. Make sure no one interferes, understood?"

Tifa took a deep breath before nodding her head. Deep inside she knew that she was not a match of the Bandit Leader, and don't want to be too stubborn about it. Besides, the tinge of concern in Little John's tone made her heart skip a beat.

"Don't worry. I got your back covered."

"Thank you."

Little John clenched his fist and summoned his weapon. "Devastate, Lazarus!"

A pair of golden gauntlets enveloped his hands. From a short distance, one could see the many runes that inscribed along its surface. There were also high grade monster cores embedded on each gauntlet. These monster cores started to glow in response to Little John's orders.

"Activate first seal," Little John said while flexing his fingers.

[First Seal Activated]

[Buster Mode On]

With his blood boiling for battle, he kicked off the ground and charged towards the Bandit Leader. The latter didn't back down and the two had a fierce collision. After the Blood Hunter incident, Little John trained under the tutelage of his father and mastered the techniques of hand to hand combat.

He realized that he's much more proficient in using his fists rather than weilding a weapon in his hand. Due to his Titan Bloodline, his body was sturdier than normal people allowing him to overpower his opponents when it comes to a battle of strength.

The bandit leader was an elite fighter and although Little John was successful in dodging and blocking the majority of his attacks using his martial skills, he was still able to land a few scratches on his body.

Stomping his foot on the ground, he summoned an [Earth Spike!] while thrusting his sword aimed at Little John's chest.

Little John sneered and activated his Titan Form. His size immediately grew to ten meters and the passive ability [Stone Skin] covered his body.

He slapped the Bandit Leader's sword with his hand and ignored the [Earth Spike] that only pricked the surface of his skin. The ground shook as Little John delivered a strong blow towards the Bandit Leader's chest.

A small protective barrier appeared in front of the Bandit Leader cushioning the brunt of the blow. Still, it sent him slamming to the ground creating a small crater around him.

Little John raised his foot and stomped heartlessly at the Bandit Leader's leg breaking it. The latter screamed in pain. He looked at Little John with anger, fear, and a tinge of regret.

"Cut off her legs right?" Little John said in a mocking tone. "Let me break both of your legs then." A loud cracking sound of bones breaking accompanied by another blood curling scream was heard in the distance.

The Bandit Leader took out a crystal from his storage ring and gripped it hard.

"I will return and make you regret the day you were born!" the Bandit Leader roared in fury. "The Shadow Bane Guild collects its debts!" He clenched his hand crushing the crystal.

It was a crystal that contains a long distance teleport spell. Little John ignored him and stepped lightly on the Bandit Leader's arm. "I forgot, you mentioned cutting of her arm as well." He applied pressure gradually as if relishing the sound of bones breaking.

The Bandit Leader screamed in pain. He was confused because the teleport spell didn't activate after he crushed the crystal. The effect should happen instantly, and yet, he was still here getting tortured by the towering man in front of him.

"Let's not forget the other arm," Little John said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I really want to smash your head to a pulp, but Kei is interested in collecting people for his... experiments. He ran out of test subjects a month ago, and your bandit group would fill that gap nicely."

"Why? Why didn't the teleport work?!" the Bandit Leader said through gritted teeth. "What did you do?"

Little John looked down at the man under his feet. He deactivated his Titan Firm and kicked the bandit's jaw lightly knocking him unconscious. 'Idiot. Why should I tell you my secret?'

Lazarus, Little John's gauntlet has a feature that prevents any teleportion spells from activating within a ten meter radius around him. This was an ability that was made possible from the collaboration of Kei and his father Cronus.

There were many instances in the past where their enemies managed to escape by using teleportation spells. In order to prevent this from happening in the future, they designed a weapon that will disrupt any teleportation spell from activating. Thus, Lazarus was born.

He glanced at the Merchant Guards who were rounding the bandits that surrendered. Scanning the surroundings, he kept an eye for opportunists that might take advantage of the situation.

He was right. There were a few groups who were watching the battle from a safe distance. Luke was keeping an eye on them from the sky. He was itching to join the fight, but Kei forbid him to show his true form unless absolutely necessary.

In his current form, Luke was only a [Class B] Spirit Beast. However, he could still deal devastating damage like what he did to the Guard Captain back at the plaza.

{Some of the groups are planning to head to your direction. What should we do next?} Luke asked. Kei told him to follow Little John's instructions during this "hunting operation" and he was duty bound to follow his orders.

{Let them come,} Little John grinned fearlessly. {I know that you've been holding back. I'll leave them in your discretion, but...}

{But what?}

{Try not to take their lives, Kei needed some guinea pigs for his experiments.}

Luke rolled his eyes. He had only been with his Master for a few days, but he could tell that Kei was a cunning individual. For him to use "live humans" as test subjects means that he's doing something inhumane.

{Very well. I'll try to keep a few fellows alive.}

{Good. I'll wait for Kei's private army to arrive and clean this place up. Until then, you can have your fill.}

Luke gave an ear piercing screech as he intercepted the unsuspecting fools that were headed in their direction. Little John was right. He had been holding back. What better way than to release his pent up stress to this little ants that do not know their place.

{Let my hunt, begin!}
