WebNovelWei Lan29.03%

New Home

The next morning, Lan woke up as early as she did the week before. She cleaned herself up, went to the nearby lake, get the water supply for the day, and went back to the kitchen to prep the foods.

When soldiers woke up, they saw the jobs done...Lan? They all smiled in relief. Not because she did their job, but because she's getting back to her old self. They're all glad.

In Commander Wei's tent, Commander and General Wei were waiting for breakfast to be served. "We will be going back to the capital tomorrow morning. Prepare yourself and the men," Commander said. "Really? Already?" General Wei questioned. "What do you mean 'already' it's been over a year. It's about time we get called back."

At the entrance, a shed of sunlight shines in, and in comes the little girl. Lan. Both men clear their throats. Lan comes to sit in her usual seat--in between the two men--as breakfast is being placed on the table. They proceed to eat with no words exchanged. Lan ate heaps of food, filling her body up to make up from being deprived for a week. Commander and General Wei's minds could not help but be at ease.

Following traditions, no one can leave before the eldest finishes. Commander Wei decided to extend his meal to keep Lan in. No words could explain how happy he is, that Lan picked herself up since last night.

Lan notices this and broke the silence first. "Com-man-der-Wei--are you purposely eating slow? Or did you get older and slower the past week? Hmph!" she crossed her arms. "Hey! Lan, you don't talk disresp--" General Wei gets interrupted by Commander's loud laugh.

"Hmm, I am. Are you feeling better child?" Commander wipes his happy tears away. "Mm. I miss mother and father and grandfather, but I can't do anything if I don't help myself first. I was worried for mother, but I realized when you said it's harder for her to be harmed if she's an empress...it made sense."

Commander and General Wei are surprised at her overnight maturity.

"But grandfather, it is true you are going back to your home?", Lan asked. Commander Wei responds, "That's right, and you are comi--what did you just call me?"


The tent is filled with Commander Wei's laughter again. He picks Lan up and swings her in a circle. "That's right, I'm grandfather."

Lan thought about it overnight. No one will ever replace the grandfather who loved and favored her for the past six years. But Commander Wei is someone who truly made her feel like she's a part of a family again. The feeling that she thought she'll never get ever since that scary night. Plus, Commander Wei can help her grow stronger to achieve her goal: save her mother.

General Wei clears his throat.

"Ah, right, Lan, General Wei is now your uncle then. Call him uncle", Commander said. "Uncle?" Lan is confused. "That's right, uncle. He is my son, therefore, your uncle." Lan recalls the night Commander Wei called General Wei, 'Jing'er', but she never thought..no..it makes a lot of sense now.


Commander Wei bursts into cheerful laughter again. He didn't expect Lan to adapt so fast. Perhaps that's a skill. He's happy though, she is no longer as depressed. Lan is his granddaughter now, his family. He knew Lan also has a motive to save her mother one day, but he doesn't mind, he will help her grow strong and help her when the day comes.

The little girl that he spent the last six months building a relationship with, the little girl that made the days in camp fun and lively, is back.

General Wei, on the other hand, was embarrassed. He gave a sad attempt to hide his smile and nodded. He's also happy Lan is better, she even called him uncle. He doesn't want to show it, but he's happy.

"Lan, start packing your things. We will leave tomorrow morning." Commander Wei reminded. "What about practice? I missed a whole week..." Commander Wei chuckles, "Even the soldier won't be practicing either. You will continue to practice and learn when we get home," he gleefully looks towards General Wei, "your uncle here will make sure that happens."

Lan didn't have much to pack though. She only had a few oversized clothes the soldiers gave her when she came, and her mother's dagger that she always kept under her pillow. Commander Wei once offered to buy her clothes from the village, but Lan could only deny it as she was already a stranger hindering them. For them to use their limited money on her, naturally she declined.

That night, all men were excused from their night patrol and packed their belongings. All excited to go home, where their families are. Naturally, General Wei also packs his belongings, so does Commander Wei.

Amid his packing, Commander Wei sensed someone foreign nearby. "Come out." Right then, three men in black come out with their swords pointed at Commander Wei. Commander Wei laughs at their stupidity. "Bold of you to come and attack to the mightiest army commander of Xia. What are you here for? Moreover, who's your master?" The men only scoffed and started to attack all at once.

One came forward and Commander neatly pulls his sword out, slicing the man across his stomach--he fell bleeding to his death as his organs fall out of its place to the floor. The other two simultaneously attacked him but met the same fate as the first one. Commander Wei squatted in between and pokes at them, 'huh, stupid men.'

Outside, sounds of swords clashing are evident. More men in black. They are not men of a country. Bandits came to take revenge for their comrades who were killed by General Wei seven months ago. What took them so long? Planning. They waited for the perfect time and confidently attacked when the soldiers' guards are down as they packed. Indeed stupid men, however. The camp had Commander and General Wei, the top strongest Xia has to offer.

Soldiers and General Wei easily defeated them all. Commander came out and commanded them, "It seems like your training was not for naught."

Right then, the leader of the bandits slowly crept out from behind.

Lan who was awoken by the noise came out. Rubbing her eyes to see clearly, she sees a man in black creeping towards Commander Wei from behind with a sword. She swiftly ran as fast as she could to defend her grandfather's back. Her hazel eyes beamed with dark energy, 'must protect.' Without her presence being known yet, she pulls Commander Wei's sword from his waist and slices the man as he got close. When his body fell, everyone turned towards the source of the thump. They shiver at her presence now. 'When did she get here? Did she kill that man?'

Commander and General Wei were especially shocked. Commander Wei's sword is twice as heavy as a regular soldier's—one she's been practicing with the past six months. 'How did she..?'

Lan is indeed a girl with potential.

"Lan, you killed that man? With this sword?", Commander Wei questioned. Lan pants, unable to answer; She overexerted herself.

She panted until fatigue catches up to her, and comes blackness. Lan fainted.

When Lan came to be, her head laid on General Wei's lap. Her small body is moving along with...the bumpy road? Lan glanced at the window and saw the vast lands of crops and grass fields passing by in blurs. They're in a carriage.

She sat up to see the general by her side, and the commander sitting in front of her, both smiling.

"You're awake."

"We're heading towards the capital of Xia. Your new home, Lan."