
Asking Li Muqing if he dared was the same of asking if he wanted to breath. Of course the answer was positive. What's more now the tigress became tamed, she is even using words to counter his taunts instead of her fists. Why should he be scared of tigress without claws?

"So take your weapon. Let's start"

The other four started to realize that something was wrong, but they were still confident on Muqing's training. It was just when the two were in the combat stance that their attention went to the spear. Although they didn't recognized it, they felt an ominous aura from it. But before they could warn the fool that clearly went to his death, they heard their Grandpa's voice.

"Shit, I'm late"

"What's wrong Grandfather?"

"That spear that Xiao Shu is using is the 'dawn breaker'. That brat is dead"

"Sorry Grandpa, I think I heard it wrong, I was sure that you said the dawn breaker, but is such an imp-"

"Heard it right. Is the dawn breaker. Is amazing that in her age she can at least hold it, but even be able to train with it... as expected from my favorite"

"Favorite? No this is not even the problem. Why does Xiao Hu have such a precious weapon in her hands?!! Even if she is the favorite, this is too much!"

"Well, don't get agitated I made a deal with her, so she train with it for today. Stop making a fuss is just a weapon"

"JUST A WEAPON?! This is the imperial gift from the Late Emperor!"

Li Zhiqiang avoided the gaze from his eldest grandchild. He was sure that it wouldn't hurt anyone if the Emperor knew of his little doll training with his partner... but just in case, he would make a silent order in the house.

"Stop whining like a girl. Look is about to start, be ready to aid your brother once it's over"

At the phrase cue, all four boys looked at the miserable soul that was going to visit King Yan soon and made a silent pray to him. The youngest of them even kowtowed three times in respect.

Ming Shu saw that her cousin was finally ready to fight and to turn things more interesting, she decided to taunt him.

"Are you sure you don't want to forfeit? Although I am a girl and younger then you, is not a shame to admit defeat to someone you absolutely know you gonna lost to"

"Who is going to win is yet to be determined, don't get cocky ahead of time Xiao Hu"

"Is good to have confidence Cousin. Why don't we make a bet, if you loose you will need to call me Queen and obey my orders for a month"

"What if you loose?"

"I'll admit that you the most handsome and most powerful of all cousins"

"And will obey me for a month!"

"Sure. Then is a deal?"

"Yes. So let's start"


Before Li Muqing could do anything, Ming Shu acted first and attacked first. Because the spear was heavy, her speed dropped, what permitted Muqing to accompany her movements with his eyes but not with his body.

When his body finally registered and tried counterattack, he felt a cold sensation in his neck, when his eyes tried to see what the sensation was, the sensation transformed from a cold one to a painful one.


"Too boring. But I think with dawn breaker is too easy after all. No weapons is better to beat you into a pulp"

Dawn breaker? Wasn't this the name of his Grandfather's spear? Li Muqing didn't have time to process the thought of having the dawn breaker pointed to him, when Ming Shu flew straight at him and started to punch him. To this moment until the end only the painful wails of Muqing were heard.

"Not in the face!"

"You! What kind of animal are you?"

"That's why I said that you could never be a flower"

"Sorry! I'm wrong"

"Please stop! Stop! I'll heed to my Queens orders for the rest of my life if needed"

Amuse with the proposition Ming Shu finally stopped.

"Are you saying the truth?"

Li Muqing wanted to refute her, but because she was still on top of him with her little fists having his face as target he chose otherwise.

"Yes, yes. I'll be your servant for the rest of your life"

"It's you who proposed it, don't forget. Did you hear what he said Grandpa?"

"Yes Xiao Shu. He promised to do his role properly as his cousin for the rest of your life"

"Good! You can't renegade your promise now that Grandpa is the witness Muqing!"

Shit, why this brat is so smart now?! Li Muqing was utterly pissed.

"Sure. Can you please get off me now?"

Ming Shu quickly got up and turned to the rest of her cousins with a big smile after picking the dawn breaker from the ground.

"Does anybody else want to play with me?"

The four bear children quickly shakes their head with so much vigor, that Ming Shu felt that their heads were going to fall. Who would want to fight such a wild tiger? Not them, thank you very much.

"This is a shame then... here Grandpa, your spear is really something else. I wish in the future I have one as good as yours"

Li Zhiqiang picked up both his beloved partner and his prized Granddaughter and quickly left that place before she wanted to teach that brats a lesson again.