Colors in the grey world

After his daughter left his studio, Ming Peizi opened the letter addressed to him. In the letter his Father-in-law first begun saying about his conjecture about the relationship of Lady Ye with the Poison Sect and promised to run a rigorous check on her. He also addressed about Ming Peng visit to the barracks, suggesting that it would be to Peizi's interest to have his son go at least once a year to the barracks so that he could recuperate the damage done to his body because of his debauchery and would also help in control his temper and emotions that tend to flared up at times. All in all, Li Zhiqiang hopes that with both of their help they could polish Ming Peizi to be a fine young man. At last, Li Zhiqiang wrote about his favorite grandchild. In the beginning Ming Peizi couldn't agree with his Father-in-law more. The talent displayed by his daughter was dangerous for her and their family if they hadn't the mean to protect themselves.

In this regard, Ming Peizi knew that he needed to gain more influence among his peers and show his worth to His Majesty. This way the power that he would have would increase, permitting him to protect his family.

But as he continued reading the letter anger started to appear. He couldn't believe what was being request of him. Let his precious Daughter to live under her Grandfather's protection until she can protect herself? When would that be for crying out loud?! And why would he even do this? It would only encourage weird rumors about her to circulate. No. That was absolutely not a chance of him letting her live there.

He agreed that she needed to protect herself, and could even agree to occasional visits for the sake of her martial training, but she should and WOULD live under his roof.

In his fury, Peizi started to write the response to his Father-in-law. Although he was still very polite, his anger was clear when one looked closed at his brushstrokes. Even if he could not win a fight, that involved fists, against his Father-in-law he could at least win with words. Using the hardest words and the more flowery speech, Ming Peizi wrote a letter that would, without a doubt, make the blood from Li Ziqhiang boil, since he prefer simple and direct speeches.

With a satisfied smile, Peizi closed the letter and called his servant boy to deliver the letter. Hmph, let you try to steal my Daughter, you need to be punish. For your status I will only do this.

Thinking of the face that his Father-in-law would do in a close future, Ming Peizi mood soared and he went back to his documents.


After leaving her Father's study, Ming Shu felt that she was dreaming. Her Father easily accepted her talents and believed her story. With only that Ming Shu was already very amazed, but he went even further and complimented her decisions and the attitudes that she took.

Ming Shu wanted to check his temperature to see if he was okay, but at the same time she also didn't want to break the scene as a delusional fever. Be it as it may, Ming Shu was in cloud 9 with all that she experienced today.

At the same she felt quite stupid. Was all her efforts to not scare her loved ones with her capabilities useless from the beginning? Was she wasting her time pretending for nothing? Ming Shu concludes that no. If she showed all that she could do, she would truly scare them. Hell, even she was scared with all this rebirth thing. The life that she would lead by revealing this secret would lead to two paths: she would be either a monster or a saint. Either lifestyles didn't suit her, so she chose to keep this secret for her.

Nevertheless, she realized that she was still rather closed in her walls. She could have trust her family more and showed the aspects that were inherently hers. Her wits, her easiness to learn any subject given to her and her quick thinking, were things that she was born with and not things that she acquired in her journey that would need her to elaborate a feasible source.

If someone asked she could simply say: "Mother gave me" and all was solved.

Ming Shu was rather pleased with all the discoveries she made about herself today. Since rebirth was such a novel experience, many times she got stumped on how to proceed. When talking with someone should she tried to be more childish or more mature? Was okay to express her opinion? Was the way she walked okay for a 10-year-old child? Was Mother going to suspect something? Is the way She treat her younger siblings right?

With many similar questions roaming inside her head to almost every decision, Ming Shu has felt tired since a long time ago, but always told to herself that at some point she would be able to do all the decisions unconsciously. It was a rather arduous thing, but it would for certain pay-off one day.

However all this precognitions were shattered. She always felt like a foreign consciousness in the body of a child, like a spirit that took over the body of her younger-self. For physical and mental differences, she never thought that this body was truly hers. Now, the wall that divided both her mind and body started to fall down.

Her Father not only just showed her that she could be who she really was without fear, but also that she could count on her family support to solve her problems. Although, when compared to her past life, she was depending on others more, the talks with her Father and Grandfather allowed her to see that, if she wanted, she could rely on them even more than what she was. She was a kid and was only right to depend on the adults in her life. Wasn't all right to behave a bit more childish and enjoy a childhood that she didn't have previously?

Having this reflection, Ming Shu felt like some of the shackles that locked her in her previous life started to undone. She felt free, she felt confident, and more important she felt happy and blessed to have such an opportunity to see aspects of life that she didn't see before.

The grey world that she lived since 12 years old was being colored with warm colors. Maybe at the end of her journey it would be all colored in most diverse colors.