How high?

Ming Shu controlled the fury she felt inside. Who in their right mind would want to be the study partner of the known bratty Princess. She remembered how in her past life Zhao Jinghua antagonized all the Palace servants because they were prettier than her or whiter than her. She would constantly incapacitate all those who she thought could and did surpass her. After marrying Zhao Song, Ming Shu found out that this was all an insecure caused by an Ego that was too nurtured in the past and couldn't sustain itself later on. Was the typical story of the prodigy child who in her later years became mediocre. Many sympathized with her situation, but Ming Shu was never one of them. She had always fought with tears and blood to acquire everything she had even when others said it was impossible. She was and is different from the snobbish Princess who instead of trying to improve herself from the beginning, chose to oppress all those who were better than.

Ming Shu absolutely abhorred this type of people and the people who let her be like that. She thought that beside the Princess's, part of the fault was her parents, since a child is partly molded by her parents. Even with all the loath, Ming Shu maintained the childish smile on her face and curtsied towards the Imperial Family.

"This subject thanks the Emperor for his magnanimous and is more than delighted with the opportunity to open her horizons with the Princess's plays"

Although she really want to refuse... Alas, she could only agree. When the Emperor says jump, you can only say how high right?

"It's nothing. Jing'er you should take the Young Misses present to see the small plum forest you prepared for this occasion"

"This Daughter obeys. Follow me"

Without waiting for the Misses got up or looking at them to see if they were following her, Zhao Jinghua left the hall with her two servants.

She was followed by Ming Shu and Yunning who were more or less ready to move. Mo Meihui hastily tried to follow them, just like other noble girls who were behind her, but they were still too far from the three.

The Princess was in front of the forest's gate. By the imposing pose she was making and the arrogance she had on her face, it was obvious that she had purposefully let the other nobles beside the Ming Sisters fall behind.

Ming Shu could only sigh. She really didn't want to deal with this spoiled brat that was clearly here to take fault with her. Submitting to her fate, Ming Shu bowed to Princess Jinghua.

"I'm sorry to make Her Highness wait"

"Hmph, is good that you at least know that you shouldn't make me wait. You retreat. I want to discipline these two impudent Misses"

Princess Jinghua pointed to her servants go to a place a bit far for them to retreat. The two maids didn't found the compartment odd, they only thought that the Princess wanted to teach a lesson because of her jealousy, like she did with other Princesses in the past.

Seeing the two maids retreating and the arrogance displayed by the Princess, Ming Shu started to make contingence plans to escape their perilous situation. She couldn't afford to offend the Imperial Family more than she already had today, so the only way is to try to talk her way out of it or escape...

"Stop overthinking. I'm not gonna hurt you or anything. Pretend that I'm saying bad things to you. Great, this type of face they should believe. Hey, you too, mimic your sister or something"

Ming Yunning was lost on what kind of craziness was the Princess up too, but still followed the direction diligently just like her sister. Two little girls had a crying face in front of a older one who seemed fierce. Anyone who saw this scene would thing that the older girl was bullying the young ones, and this is what Jinghua exactly wanted.

"Listen well, I already knew that you were talented, that stupid woman always brags about her two super talented apprentices-"

"You were faking all before?!"

Ming Yunning was shocked. She was really scared back then and now the Princess herself said it was fake. Even her sister was surprised even though it didn't showed in her face.

"You are an impudent one, aren't you little brat? As I was saying before you impudently interrupted me, she always talked about you, but I doubted how talented you really were. I thought that even if one was equal to me the other one... well, we saw what happened. Although I really got angry for the guts of challenge the Imperial Majesty I'm not an idiot to sour a relationship with the General Li's favorite granddaughter"

"Why would you fake then?"

Instead of answering Ming Yunning, Jinghua looked at Ming Shu, who she identified as the more intelligent from the two.

"Why won't you kindly explain to your sister?"

Ming Shu next words would define their future relationship, and Jinghua looking forward to see it this prodigy could accurately guess the right answer.