The real idiot


"Very well. Let's first get something clear, since it's important for your survival inside the Palace. Do you know why I punished you yesterday and today?"

"I overstepped my bounds in the performance. You showed that you are in a higher stand than me"

"It's only half-correct. My aim was to curb down the arrogance you have. Yes, you are a genius and own unimaginable talent, but inside the Imperial Palace, where the walls have ears, this skill of yours won't shield you. Yesterday, you made rude remarks that could make your whole family perish. I don't know if your arrogance comes from the fact that you have a strong backer or your capability, but remember that no one under the heavens is immovable. I hope that from today onwards you will be more careful about what you talk and where you talk, your careless remarks can bring me down too. Besides, inside the walls from the Palace, not even your grandfather can save you"

Ming Shu was startled by what the Princess told her... was she that careless? Thinking about all the events since yesterday, Ming Shu realized she was too overconfident these days. Perhaps was because of the safe environment she was living now or perhaps she felt more empowered because of the new status she had as a prodigy…

No, that was not it. Yes, they were all problems, but they aren't the cause... they were merely consequences of the main problem... The real source for the good and bad things happening to her is the memories of the future she experienced. Because of them, she became complacent thinking she knew what would happen.

But does she really? She knows a future where she will love, suffer and die because of Zhao Song.

But, that is not how this life will go on if she has any say on it. Many things now differ from the life she knows. She now has a united family, two younger brothers, and no feelings for Zhao Song.

Sure many things won't change and few facts will help her avoid dangers, but these won't make her immune to problems that will arise. This knowledge only gave her a little advantage over her peers. She could only keep it if she doesn't relax completely.

She was never good on scheming or strategizing. The reason she was victorious in battles, be it with soldiers or concubines, was because of her carefulness and strictness to herself. If not for the Princess, these characteristics would be extinguished as time passed, and she would end up in a bad situation eventually.

Having figured out where she wronged and what she should improve, Ming Shu felt some knots inside her loosen up. The real idiot here was not the Princess, but her.

With a smile on her face, Ming Shu bowed to the Princess she had underestimated.

"This subject thanks Her Highness for the compassion showed for this subject. This subject will deeply regard this favour"

"Humph is good you are aware of. I received a major scolding because of your punishment yesterday, if not for Brother-"

Princess Jinghua hastily covered her mouth. She is not supposed to talk about her brother's existence to anyone.

Coughing, she tried to divert the subject back to the original topic.

"As you can see by the punishment that I gave you, I'm not one of the brightest Royal Children. I couldn't foresee what dangers would befall me in case you got sick, for example. What I want for you is to have you accompany me to study and discuss with me the many subjects that a Princess should learn. This way I will have to push myself harder and although I may not reach your level, I will be above my peers"

"Sorry for my presumptuous questioning, but Her Highness Realize that I'm three years younger than you right? I'm not studying the same subjects"

"For one I am aware that your music assignments are at a higher level than mine, as for the rest…fufu, the Imperial Tutors today will test you today. Those subjects you are behind I will give you a month to catch up. This should be enough right?"

"... right"

"Come on, don't do this face. I also dislike you the same amount you do to me, but we will be together for two years. You should quickly learn to get along with this personality of mine and erase the parts of yours that I don't like"

"How could that be Her Highness? This subject adores the Princess who is the pearl of the Emperor's eyes"

"Sure, the same I am the smartest girl of the whole Empire. Now quickly go do the tests. I will meet you a month from now"

"If you way may excuse me Her Highness"

After receiving her permission, Ming Shu left to do the tests passed by the Princess.