In the garden (1)

"Oh my! We're sorry to intrude Brother. Don't worry we will be leaving now"

Without waiting for anyone to react, Zhao Jinghua made the first move. Just kidding, she can finally put this disgusting brother of hers after eating so many losses in his hand and his mother, that she had todo her outmost to control her twitching mouth corners.

Following her lead, not only the four girls who accompanied her bowed and prepared to leave but also the young masters who came with them.

Obviously they also understood the scene in front of them like the Princess said. Plus, since she said so, that's probably more to it. Although very eager to gossip neither of them were eager to participate in a royal intrigue.

The only exception to this harmonious response were two people.

Gu Yuxie completely froze when she saw her beloved with another woman in his arms. With an aggrieved face, large tear pearls rolled, crossing her small and cute cheek.

She was the epitome of a fragile little being who needed someone's protection to live.

When Ming Shu saw this she couldn't help but sneer.

Honestly, for most part of her life she always thought the little miss Gu was just a small and fragile flower who needed protection. Because of this, although they were love rival, she never hated mistreated the girl in anyway.

She even felt that she was particularly distressing and many times she thought she was a bit too much for competing with this fragile little doll. After all she was always a very self-confident and strong woman (well, except in the face of love, that is).

But all her misconceptions about Gu Yuxie were violently torn down when she entered the Palace and understood how terrifying those woman can be just to get a little favor.

Just like now, the favorite act that Miss Gu likes to pull was to pretend to be pitiful and victimize herself. Almost anyone would surrender to her, Zhao Song was even more pronounced than the others.

Many times she was pitted like this and if it was not for the fact of being oppose to cold and mocking eyes when Gu Yuxie sold pitiful, maybe until today she would believe the medicine that the little miss sold.

From where she was Ming Shu could see how venomous and calculating Gu Yuxie's eyes were. She could even imagine how many ways of dealing with Xiao Qingqing Gu Yuxie must have thought in these little time.

Sometimes she wondered if Zhao Song knew the true face of the woman he swerved his love for. But rethinking now she could only say that they made the perfect couple.

Both of them have extreme personalities but usually maintain a mask that is the opposite of their nature. As fellow sickos it's only natural to identify themselves and feel close to each other.

Ming Shu thought she finally figured out their inexplicable attachment to each other.

"My dear sister what nonsense you're spouting? We just happened to meet. I was just leaving but Miss Xiao accidentally stumbled and I helped her. I'm glad that you all came since I won't need to leave anymore"

In few words Zhou Song cleaned his relationship with Miss Xiao but also opened the possibility of her courting him and not the opposite.

Ming Shu only sighed to such glibly tongue. But even so he can't escaped. Just looking at Gu Yuxie, one could see she has determined Xiao Qingqing as a rival. From now on because of this thorn they will bother each other and the reason of their dispute will be Zhao Song.

"Is it? Such wonderful coincidences exists, my maiden heart throbs for you two"

Princess Jinghua made a exaggerated reaction that almost made her companions laugh. Joke, maybe you really met accidentally, but shouldn't you just made a turn? Why you still holding each other?

Everyone who didn't know the inside story made up a dog drama really quick and looked at the 'couple' with subtle eyes.

Zhao Song who already let go of Xiao Qingqing flicked Princess Jinghua forehead.

"Silly! Even if you're jealous of your big brother you should not say such a things. Don't you know a maiden's reputation its very important? Come now, apologize to Miss Xiao so that we can let this matter die"

Zhao Jinghua almost fried in the spot with this flick. This bastard! Who would be jealous of a vile snake like him? She now only wanted to wipe the spot he touched otherwise she is afraid of being sick.

But she can't do it. There's too many people here and although everybody here knows about the palace infighting, the Imperial Family doesn't allow others to see their jokes, so they always maintain an amicable face in front of outsiders.

With a polite but alienated smile Princess Jinghua made a small courtesy to Miss Xiao.

"I'm sorry Miss Xiao, I had no intention on harming you, I just found incredible that my Brother who is always accompanied by some of his friends came here alone and accidentally met you and thought he would finally pursue some young Miss. For a moment I was to delighted and surprised and didn't measured my words. I hope you can forgive my blunder"