Unexpected hidden friend


Zhao Song crushed the report in his hand in front of his puzzled dark guard.

The guard didn't understood why his Lord was so frustrated with finding that the Si Sefond Young Master was just a normal dunce. Wasn't good to find his suspicion was wrong? But as a good dark guard, he just kept his head down quietly.

Zhao Song didn't know what was passing through his guard head. He kept silence for a long time, causing the poor guard to have cold sweat in his back.

"You were the one that was surveilling him, were you not?"

"Yes Your Highness"

"Did you see him with anyone... different?"

"Different Your Highness?"

"Yes. Someone who people didn't expect him to meet. Some bard, some scholar, some prostitute. Anything out of place this days?"


"Think well"

"...he seems close to the Ming First Lady. Although not often, they seem rather close"

"Ming First Lady? Ming Shu"

"Yes. Her brother and Si Second Master are friends. So maybe that's why they're are close Lord"


Zhao Song swiped everything in his desk in fury scaring the poor dark guard tht was kneeled on the ground.

The room temperature got lower with the depressing pressure emitted from Prince Song. Neither the dark guard kneeled or the ones in the dark dared to breath.

Zhao Song couldn't control his anger. Not only his brother had acquired the Ming and Li on his side he couldn't even trace the power on his hand! How could this possible? Was his father helping his brother? The Empress? But even so, how could their forces have so much disparity?!

The pressure on the room got lower and lower until Zhao Song opened his mouth again.

"What do they do together?"

"Ming Miss and Si Young Master?"

"Who else?"

Zhao Sing looked fiercely at his stupid subordinate.

"They met with some scholars. They also shared a meal together"

"Scholars..." Zhao Song muttered. "From today on you will follow Ming Shu and report to me if you find anything... peculiar"

"Yes My Lord"

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Song encounter himself alone in the study again.


Ming Shu was sleeping until she heard the steps in the roof. Silent and careful steps.

'Dark guard'

Ming Shu chuckles to herself. There was only on person that would send her a dark guard.

'Haa... Zhao Song you are truly fantastic'

That he could at least suspect that she was someone important enough to send a guard to stare at her says how unusual his mind was.

'At least I didn't misread him this way. He has a very smart mind'

With thoughts in mind she close her eyes again.

A few days passed and the dark guard went whatever she go. He was 24h by her side. To have someone monitoring her all the tune beside unsettling was a bit pitiful. Even in the rainy days she could feel his presence. When the thunder came she almost asked if he didn't want to take shelter that she promised that she wouldn't leave her place.

But even if it was amusing have him around to take her boredom, she was now restricted. She couldn't visit the scholars or send letters to Si Yifeng.

Truthfully not a planned one, this break was marvelous. She was for the first time in months living like a normal girl would.

Drinking tea in the afternoon while admiring the beautiful garden on her courtyard, she wondered until when her break would lest.