Amusing family

Ming Shu told her everything. Si Yifeng's real identity, what she's been doing, their feud with Prince Song and even her brother relationship with Yifeng and the possibility of him also participating in the royal struggle knowingly was mentioned. Since she confesses is better to push someone to be in the middle with her.

It never passed on her head to keep anything. Her mom would worry independently if she told about the royal struggle, and is better to have her know everything so that she could cope with any unforeseen event.

"Heee... so Xiao Feng is the crown prince and he already pulled my little babies to this dangerous situation. It seems I need to have a little talk with him later. Don't worry. Later you can go and protect them from the shadows. I doubt any royal guard can beat the girl who can defeat a war bathed warrior. And those useless brats can be your meat shield in any case"

After that she kept saying how she would beat and train all those useless brats, and even the future emperor would receive her wrath, for putting her treasure in these type of things.

The dangerous air emitting from her mother prompted her to stay as quiet as possible. She could only light a candle in her heart for them and hope that her mother was just kidding.


Ming Peng who was riding a horse got a strong goosebumps that affected his horse riding. Li Muqing who was by his side disdainfully looked at him.

"You're such a wimp that can't even ride a horse. We would have a better hunter if you let the little tigress take your place. She's way manly than you"

Ming Peng didn't even got angry. He really thought so to and was to used to this brat poisonous tongue.

"When I meet her later I will pass your message to her"

"What message?"

"That you said she looks like a man"

This time was Li Muqing turn to almost fall off the horse.

"I-I didn't said that! I just said she was braver! Yes, I just said that!"

"Are you afraid of her?"

"I'm not!" Li Muqing screamed.

"Shut up. Rather than discussing the future beating that Muqing will receive,do you mind explaining again how you just drag us to a royal dispute"

Ming Peng looked away. Can he say it wasn't him, but his sister who did it? He didn't even knew when his sister got involved with Yifeng. Was it because of him? Did he really brought the wolf back home? Just thinking about the wolf paws grabbing his sister he wanted to pull his hair.

Si Yifeng who kept quiet until and saw how awkward his friend was tried to salvage the situation. He really didn't know how smart the Li Third Young Master was to deduce his real identity from just a vague explanation on what happened to lead to the danger ahead.

"It wasn't his decision, the little girl suggested that you would be perfect to this plan"

Just as he finished, he felt hostile stares at him.

"Little girl?" Li Muzhong asked.

"Ah? Yes. Shu'er and I came up with-"

Before he could finish he felt a sword in his throat.

"What is your relationship with her?"

Muqing asked with a chilly voice.

Yifeng gulped. He saw how serious Muqing asked this question. If he answered wrong, he may not even need to wait for his brother assassins, he will perish here. Not only Muqing had his sword on his throat, Li Muli was playing with his dagger, Li Muzhong had his hand on his sword and Li Muting had his bow in his hand and Li Muchen was aiming his crossbow at him. Even his friend only stared at him waiting for his answer.

'Little girl what kind of help did you get me?'

"A very pure friendship. I really mean no harm. I see her like a little sister"

There was a moment of silence. Li Muli tried to find anything amiss, but he only could see that ISI Yifeng was telling the tru, signaling to Li Muqing to drop his weapon.

"Haha. I hope Your Highness doesn't mind the type of jokes we play with each other. We are all tough guys and our kind of pass time may be a little rough for you. We meant no offense"

Si Yifeng wanted to scoff at this laughing tiger excuse but still smiled graciously at him and shook his head.

"We are among friends please Yifeng. I'm no highness right now"

"That is true otherwise why would a noble prince ask help from a defenseless little Miss right? But don't worry since she asked from us to protect you, you will come unharmed from the hunt. We can even help you further so that you won't needless depend on such a frail helper"

Si Yifeng felt the unmasked warning but still brushed it aside with a smile. This family was truly funny. He couldn't even mustered a slight anger from their disrespect. Maybe because he wasn't raised in the palace or as a royal prince he didn't felt his majesty insulted or was as close minded as he other brothers.

"Xiao Shu is my friend so it's obvious that she would worry about my situation right?"

Yifeng saw everyone around him tensing up again and almost let his laugh escape. A truly an amusing family. It seems this hunting will be more interesting then he originally thought.