Zhao Yifeng

The whole venue was silent. Everybody looked at the young man dressed in imperial robes besides the Emperor. Their minds were blank and they only managed to stare at the three people sit in the main seats.

The silent persisted a minute or so until a minister took a step further and congratulated the Emperor for the return of the future crown prince. One after another, those present on the banquet extended their congratulations to the Imperial Family, meant it or not.

Si Yifeng looked at his father helplessly. Couldn't he be more subtle about the subject? Announcing this is your lost son with the Empress and your crown prince didn't exactly brought Yifeng admirers.

He saw the people congratulating them. He could see precaution, hostility and disagreement, and couldn't help but sigh. It seems he has rough days ahead of him. The party that supports him, it is still to little compared to the other factions and this abrupt introduction didn't helped him either.

If not for his mother begging him together with his father to make his identity public in her hunting banquet, he would only revealed months later. Unfortunately he really couldn't take his mother pleading and his father also wanted to investigate his assassination in a bright light.

Si Yifeng doubted his father didn't know that the perpetrator was his favorite son in the court, but since he offered it would be too ungrateful for him to refuse.

"Zhen is also happy his son came back to where he belongs. Unfortunately it was not for the right reason. We thought we could protect our son by shielding his identity but in this hunt an attempt to Zhen's son's life was made"

A murmur began among the subjects.

"Since his fake identity couldn't protect him we decided to bring it back. Zhen is grateful for the Li Young Masters and Ming Young Master for protecting Zhou Yifeng's. Your rewards will be delivered to your mansions"

The Emperor paused and looked at everyone present. Staying extra long in Zhao Song before taking his eyes off and continuing his announcement.

"Furthermore, we will open an investigation to his assassination case. Ming Peizi, Li Zhiqiang. Both of you will be in charge of the investigation"

Li Zhiqiang and Ming Peizi step further and kneeled.

" " this subject accepts the decree" "

"Good. The banquet can begin then"

As he sat down in his seat, the servants around begin to serve the food. A few dancers brought for entertainment began their performance and the ambient who was boiling with the news, calm down.

Ming Shu looked a bit dazed at her food.

Who was she? Where was she? What she's doing?

This is too different from the last life. Although she knew that things would deviate from the track she knew, wasn't this too ridiculous?

Last time there was this parade followed by a massive banquet. Si Yifeng had already whitewashed his reputation and was worshipped by the commoners as well as nobles because of his many contributions in war and disaster reliefs.

She raised her eyes and looked at key figures in the court. Independent of the faction all of the had the expression that was reflected in her face.

If the Emperor present a prince in such informal way everyone assumed he was not favored by the Emperoer. However this is only if the Emperor didn't announce that the crown prince seat belongs to Yifeng already.

This coupled with appointing the two neutral ministers that had enough power to not be manipulated by any faction, made those present unable to guess the Emperor's mind.

Ming Shu looked at Si Yifeng and saw him with a proper smile instead of his flirty smile he always had. A strict feeling irradiated from his body which completely contrasted with everyone perception of him. However for Ming Shu it was quite nostalgic seeing him so.

This was the Si Yifeng she knew and fought against.

She tugged the corner of her lips and her eyes trailed to Zhao Song.

He still maintained a kind smile and was chatting with the third prince and other young master as if unbothered by the notion that he lost the position of crown prince.

But how could this fool Ming Shu who knew him better than himself?

She could see that different from what he portrayed he was boiling with anger and was clearly impatient with the two who were talking to him.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mo Meihui looked at her friend as if looking to a neurosis.

Ming Shu shook her head.

"You wouldn't understand"


"Did you tasted the chicken? If you don't want it I'm not welcome"

Ming Shu diverted Meihui's attention before she exploded.

"... don't you have any manners?"

Ming Shu shrugged.

"It didn't hurt to ask"

Meihui rolled her eyes and got closer to Ming Shu.

"It's really unexpected that he is an imperial son"

She said in a low voice surreptitiously looking at Yifeng.

"It makes you wonder if everything- identity, personality, behavior - were all fake"

Ming Shu looked at Meihui with a bit of surprise. Is this so called animal instinct?

"Perhaps. We will know in the next months won't we?"

Ming Shu said with an indifferent voice.

"Tsk. You are too boring. What you think Yunning?"

Ming Yunning who was quietly listening to them made a face as if put in a difficult place and became silent.

"... I don't know"

She finally answered. What she really wanted to say is that could he fake his visits to the red building? Obviously not. But taking in account where they were and her sister's advice in never speaking about the royal family in public places, she still contained herself.

Meihui once again rolled her eyes.

"You're transforming my cute Yunning in a boring being like you"

"It's better than being a savage like you"

The two girls started their usual bickering and the banquet proceeded with the false calm.

After the main course of food, it was time for the hunting results.


Ming Shu thought and looked at Zhao Song once more.

'Count me moved by your infatuation'