◇ Chapter 1◇

»» — [No Title] — ««

"There was no one left but him"


His head was resting against the window as the trees rushed past him. He could hear the low rumbling of the train as it rolled through the forest. Soon he would reach that point of the trip that brought back a flood of memories. In between the trees, his eyes caught a glimpse of an old mansion. He closed his eyes a moment. And when he opened them again, he looked at his wrists. Lines ran around his wrist. They looked like cracks in dry sand. He faced the window again, but it was his reflection he looked at this time. Similar markings stretched from his right eye and down his cheek, then to his neck, where they continued down to his chest. There were so many memories he'd wish he could just forget, but then again. He couldn't forget about his friends. They were part of his life after all. They were part of the biggest turn in his life. Since that incident, his life had been turned upside down. He missed them. He wanted to see them again. Closing his eyes, he pictured them in his head.

"Wait for me. I'll reach you one day"