Chapter 4

"What is going on, Miss Cassandra?" Sabrina asked.

"It looks like Max activated his powers rather quickly." chuckled Aunt Cassandra.

"We need to put the fire ou-" Sabrina's words were cut off suddenly when a blast of water shot out of her fingers and hit the fire on the coffee table. With a loud hiss, the stream of water put the fire went out.

"It seems you have activated yours as well. Sabrina, you seem have the power of water, and Max you seem have the power of fire." Aunt Cassandra said, impressed.

"Wow, that is so cool! How about Pierce?" Max asked, excited.

"No, nothing yet. Now all we have to do is wait for Pierce's power to activate." assured Aunt Cassandra.

"Maybe it has to do with drawing?" suggested Sabrina.

"Yes, maybe that is why he likes drawing so much. And why he is so good at it." my Aunt Cassandra said.

I walked up to the picture of a small Red Frilled Lizard and I wished I could touch it, feel it as if it were actually real. There was a bright light; it was so bright I had to cover my eyes. When I opened them again I saw a small Red Frilled Lizard. in my hand. It looked around, licking the air, and when I looked at the picture frame the lizard was gone.

"What just happened?" Max asked.

"It looks as if Pierce has finally activated his powers; it looks as if he can make pictures come to life. He may have just inherited a good majority of our family's powers."

"That is soooo cool!" Max exclaimed excitedly. "How did you do it?"

"All I did was imagine that the lizard was being pulled out of the frame and becoming 3D and it became real." I said.

"Alright enough of that! Time to go home, it's almost 8:00. Your parents must be worried." Aunt Alexandra said with a worried voice.

"Okay, bye Pierce! See you at school tomorrow! Hope you feel better." Max said.

When Max and Sabrina left, I got ready for bed. My aunt came in.

"How ya holdin up?" She asked.

"I'm miss them a lot." I said.

"I know, so do I." She said. "Well, good night."

"Good night Aunt Cassandra."