After breakfast I was running up to my room to 'Study' again when Gaston took my hand, which jerked me to a stop.
"What're you up to, my lovely?" he cooed, I decided that I had enough of him and tried to pull away from his hand but he gripped tighter "I asked nicely once. I won't do it again, Rosemary. What are you up to?"
I just looked at the ground with ignorance, not answering him, but what he did next was uncalled for. He hit me on the side of my head. Hard.
"That's the problem with spoiled girls like you. You think that it's ok not to answer a man when he speaks to you" he smirks and continues "That will ALL change when we get married" he glared at me a said "One. More. Time. What are you up to?"
"I'm going to my room to study" I answered softly.
"Women don't need an education. They need to stay home. Clean, cook, and take care of children. Only men should get an education, they deserve it more after all. But since I'm more superior to you, I'll help you with your studying." he said.
I. Was. FUMING. Who was he to say what women could or couldn't have?! But then I thought about it, and realized I was being rude and ungrateful.
Gaston probably has a higher education, I should take this opportunity to have some help. "Thank you Gaston, how kind of you to help me." We continued to my study area in my room. But Gaston didn't really want to study, oh no, he wanted something far more fetched than what he said his intentions were a minute ago.