Chapter 12 talk with parents, training the angels, and the determination.

I wake up and it was early, I was felling good about my new maid. I'll have her be a spy for know but she will need to be a assassin later. I go to the kitchen and found mom cooking eggs

"oh Ichiro, breakfast will be ready soon. how has school been?"

"good just got done with the years on the math side of high school. I'll be doing some science next."

"oh how wonderful, you already did high school math."

"dad came now and was looking at me."

"good job son, we are proud of you."

it is strange that they don't seem to be weirded out bu the fact that I already can do high school work in first grade. dad actually doesn't make much money, I want my family rich so they can do what they want to do. I was thinking of making a business.

"I was hoping to make a business, but I would like your help father, can I, please?"

"well your smart enough I suppose. but your not old enough to have a bank account, or have a business license."

"that's why I need your help. I want it to be under your name and a bank account for the company. for what we will do. I was thinking a gaming company."

"ok, gaming company, hmmm, I can do it. you will run the affairs and all I have to do is have it under my name correct?"

"yes and I will give you 10% of the income for it. the rest can go in my savings account that you guys have for me. also the name will be "limbo games". we will make the games and consoles."

"how will you get the material and and will you do it by yourself?"

"I will do it myself and for materials it's a secret. ront worry though I have to keep it a secret. it is through legal ways and isn't against the law."

"ok, when should I go to get the license and bank acount?"

"within a week or two, after that you and mom will be able to have that vacation tou always wanted."

'good think my magic isn't against the law' I thought and chuckled in a evil way in my head. I wouldn't make cash come out of thin air and go to the bank with it, but making things for a business I would totally do. I looked at the time and said we needed to eat and head to school. I went to wake up Issei came to the table to eat breakfast, went in the car and headed to school.

me and Issei got out of the car and went to class, I got to my first high school science test and Issei and Irina had there test for first grade math. I tutored them quite a lot within the time we had after training. if they get anything under 100% I will have them do punishment training. as for Irina she had confidence and Issei was nervous. I tap his shoulder before tests start and read his mind, one of the things Abeloth told me I could do now. I imputed the formulas and tips to answer the questions.

"Issei, you can do this. remember the tips and formulas, use them to solve the questions, and you'll get 100%."


as for my test I am now done with first year of high school science. I have a feeling that I could ask the school district and they would let me have school as a break. in high school I could do things I haven't done like culinary arts or sports.

I feel like I could do sports really easy right now with how strong I am. I love how OP I am as a six year old. maybe by the end of grade school. I will be closing in on ultimate rank being.

now break has started for us three and we go to the courtyard for the angels again.

"all 60, nice to see I didn't scare any of you."

"good afternoon Ichiro Sensei"

I divided so there were 13 of me. they looked at me with a little fear but calmed down after they didn't feel like I was going to attack.

"each me will take 5 of you. the original me will be helping with thos 2."

"ah Michael told me to give this to you. a device to go to a room full of holy mana."

"thanks let's go"

12 of me and the 60 Angel's go into the room it was like I was on a cloud. I started with telling them how the training worked. they started to release all there mana and with my eyes of an emperor on I controlled the holy mana and pushed it into them. it was cool because it had a healing effect so for the training, everyone had not used any endurance and were still upbeat and ready to train. I guess they could train forever in here until they all mastered it. I told them that we were going to to this for a week straight, I made tents for 72 people and food to last us a week. water for showers and drinking. they looked at this and was amazed. they got back to training and so did I.

back at the school I was training Irina. I called with Michael's communication device and told him what will be going on. he said good and thanks. I said he didn't have to worry and they will have mastered it by the week. I hung up and told Irina that her training will stop here.

"hey little bro. come over here"

"what's up"

"you can now start your martial arts training. you ready, get in a fighting position"


he got in a position and I readjusted it. I told him this would be the posture you want when fighting in martial arts. I showed him some basic fighting moves and he followed. I told him to do these moves for 15 minutes and to punch that tree for the other 5. I gave him gloves for the punching.

he did it and more. he did the moves for the 15 minutes but when the punching happened he exceeded my expectations. he did it for 20 minutes and near the 15 mark the tree had a fist mark in it. and he wasn't hurt at all either. my gloves were maxed with healing capabilities so he would hurt his hand and make it bloody and it would heal. I think he found out and that's why he did it more that expected. I saw his determination to improve and called him over.

"I'll check our parameters now."

Name: Ichiro Hyoudou

Race: human

Overall Strength: high rank level 2.

Credits: 175

Soulbould Tools: purgatory dragon core(sacred gear) *released*, system(Alexa), chains of the void, limbo transportation cube.

vitality: 9019>

endurance: 8741>

power: 6397>

magic power: 8129>

defence: 7875>

magic defence: 9516>

dexterity: 5127>

developmental abilities: magic absorption(-), aura of a dragon(36), purgatory flame(1/100) shadow movement(10/100), aura suppression(56>/100), martial arts(-), eyes of an emperor(-),dragon clones(60>/100).

Party: Sally(maid), Bob(archer), Bobby(swordsman), Melissa(maid, assasin apprentice), Issei Hyoudou(active student), Irina Shidou(active student), angels(inactive students, completed(6>/60)),

Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race; Human

Overall Strength: newbie, level 2

soulbound tools: boosted gear draig *locked*

vitality: 45

endurance: 67

power: 85

magic power: 3

defence: 91

magic defence: 2

dexterity: 61

developmental abilities: martial arts(5/100),

Name: Irina Shidou

Race: human

Overall Strength: newbie level 2

vitality: 73

endurance: 42

power: 11

magic power:105

defence: 8

magic defence: 84

dexterity 15

developmental abilities: magic absorption(17/100).

I told them we will do this again and the schoolbell rung. Irina left with her dad home and we went home too.

the Angels got there first food break. they had improved alot. I mean 6 already mastered and a couple are on the way. it should be done in a week or less. I was happy and went to my room.