Chapter 21 making the nekomata home, and Vali: goodbye everyone, hello hot springs.

so I found out that Shirone is 5, kuroka is 7 and vali is weirdly enough a day younger that me. we are still in the abandoned building and no one has come by yet so were still safe.

"for the space is there any preferences. like terrain. and for the house, does a 4 bedroom 2 bath work?"

"I would like a hot spring there in I am going."

" nya a garden would be nice."

"4 bedrooms, are staying there too nya?"

"yeah I'll sleep there when I am really busy and can't go home. I have a lot on my plate. ok can you hide for 5 minutes here, while I make the house in limbo. I'll be back right away then I'll make a portal to the sub space that will be your hidout. or should I bring you to limbo as well, fair warning if you go you could end up going insane. there isn't anything but fog for miles so you will have to stay with me. its sad but unless I am making something or looking for someone there isn't anything or anyone there."

"I'll go"

[right sound like fun, seeing a realm that I never knew much about.]

"we'll go to I cant be left behind, plus vali would be out protection if we stayed so with him going we'll have to go."

I pull out the limbo transportation cube and say "alright this is called the limbo transportation cube, all I need you to do is have a hand on it and we'll be off. oh and as payment for this help. I'll give you something to do there to help me if that's alright."

all three nodded and touched the cube. I felt a little weirded out about the looks I got from Kuroka. I shivered a little and started my transfer to limbo. in there perspective everything started to turn dark and then disappears. next thing they new they were surrounded by thick grey fog.

"hey so dont go out, if you do trying to find you will be a pain here. I'll be making the house here so while I do that you can watch. one of my abilities as the purgatory dragon emperor is I can make anything here as long as I have the magic power to do so and it is limited to my imagination. so I have made a couple blueprints that I'll make and you can chose one of the style houses. I'll make all of them so you can see it."

"so this is limbo, it's strange I cant feel anything here. like there isn't anything else but us."

"as I said only when I am looking for someone or making something does this place have anything going on. and when I am looking for someone, it means someone who died and didn't go to heaven or hell, but came here because they have regrets."

I start to make the 3 houses and they were shocked at the amount of detail I put into it. sadly it was hard to do. 95% of my magic power was used to make these but the results were worth it. the 3 houses were masterpieces. while I was breathing heavy because this was exhausting I told them to go inside each one and pick the one they want.

"hey and kuroka and Shirone, can you come here for a moment?"

" nya what is it?"

"what nya?"

"can I touch your ears when we go to the sub space. I am a little curious about them."

"nyahahaha, sure but be gentle, it hurts when people dont know how to pet well."

"I am ok with it nya, just make sure we are safe and you can even touch my tail nya."

"Nyaaa sister, that's not right, you cant do that unless you want to be his girl. dont you know that's an intimate gesture."

"nya well Shirone I wouldn't mind being with him. he is basically helping us stay alive. that's hard for most people to do nya. are you just jealous because I said that first nya."

"nya that's mean!"

"hey you two, I asked about touching your ears. anything involving relationships will not be happening unless your ok with not being the only girl. I have a harem already. 2 official and 2 soon to be. you really want to be with me, then you'll have to know this. also what house do you guys want?"

"nyahahahaha well look who is a true dragon, wonder if I should. oh nya and I like house 3."

"nya I like house 3 too nya."

"vali are you ok with house 3"

"never really cared about it. thanks for your help though. it's good to see a dragon with courtesy."

[right, hey Ichiro, can you help vali get stronger?]

"I say this to everyone who asks. i will but not for free. keeping you hidden is no problem, but training as well, I already am almost dry. I even have to use a skill I have to make 32 different clones of me to do everything. I cant make any more until I have more magic power. but I can do a dragons link with you.

"awe you mean you can copy our abilities, how does that help."

"think of what I do similar to a computer. I copy your files and move them to my dragon. that means I can copy mine as well and move it over to your dragon.

[oh so you can make a copy of your abilities that your willing to have others learn and transfer it to me so I can tell Vali how to use it.]

"correct Albion, I will give you things like dragon aura and the one I am using to make my clones called dragon clones. in exchange though I would like a copy if your abilities. oh by the way Albion. do you know you have more power that you cant remember what it is or called?"

[yes I know I lost some of my memories and abilities when becoming a sacred gear. wait do you know what some are? if you do I will allow this exchange to happen.]

"yes, remember I told you I have watched the record of this world. some of the past and future. though the future can be altered by me like what I am doing now. like if you didn't find me Shirone would become Rias Gremory's servant and renamed Koneko and kuroka would have been a S class criminal, so me helping you has changed history a little. Albion, your power that you forgot was reflect and compress. reflect allows you to reflect power as long as it isn't a dragon attack. and compress allows you to half your opponents size for each compress literally making them so small that they vanish."

"nya so you saved us from having been killed, but also saved me from having to seperate from Shirone nya, I am thankful nya. I'll be in your little harem nya so touch my tail all you want nya."

"Nyaaa sister! ugh whatever, I'll be in it too."

"no problem you two, we'll do that at the home in the sub space. just nothing too far ok"

[a true dragon to its finest, we as dragons always prefer more women. also thanks for the info on my forgotten abilities.]

"yes let's get out if here, this place is my territory but it is still insanely boring."

they all nodded and I pull out the limbo transportation cube. they saw me put the house into it and destroy the other two houses with a grey and golden flame. with a wave of my hand it dispersed and the houses were no more. they touched the cube and we left limbo. then as we arrived back in the abandoned building I opened the portal fast. we all went inside and they were surprised at the sub space. green meadows with flowers blooming, a spot with a bunch of hot springs, they would have thought this was still earth if the sky wasn't white. I place a foundation on top of a hill by the hot springs. then I put the house on the foundation. they thought that it was as if I could do anything. I made beds and dressers for the rooms, a table and chairs under a chandelier for the dining room, a stove, fridge, microwave and cupboards in the kitchen. it was fully stocked with meats, vegetables, eggs and other foods I though they would like, also things like plates bowls and utensils. a living room with a couch, a TV that is connected to the outside world, one of every game and console I have made so far. and 3 recliners. I came out of the house and gestured that I was done. vali didn't come and I found him walking to the hot springs. I laughed a little as I showed kuroka and Shirone their new home/hiding place.