Escalating Rumours

Things were not the same as they were anymore ever since that disarrayed night of the grand ball. It had been almost three weeks but the Alanians were nowhere near the state of giving up what they were rioting for. The words about Prince Hoseok had spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom and the people were enraged. The citizens began to hang up banners and posters, displaying their needs of getting answers from the royal family. They were also starting to believe that what happened last year was done by the same prince as well. Because of all the hate that Prince Hoseok was getting, Queen Adora resolved in fully sponsoring the payments needed to recover Mrs. Montana's broken home under the prince's name. But of course, 'Prince Hoseok is only doing this because he wanted to cover up his mistakes!' and 'He's not sorry for what he's done! If he was sorry, he wouldn't do it again after he already did it last year!' were what they kept on saying. The royal family and the people who work inside the castle were trying their best to protect Prince Hoseok by not letting him know on what was currently happening. He didn't remember anything that happened that night, he only knew that he went to the bathroom to wash his face but his memory after that was gone. Prince Jimin knew that things will not be getting any better if he doesn't start solving this missing puzzle now; he was determined to help his hyung.

But the whole situation had gotten worse when King Sihyuk suffered his first heart attack. It was during the speech ceremony five days after that night. The purpose was to deliver alleviation and easement but the hundreds of citizens that had gathered around the front yard of the castle were met with a dreadful sight instead. They were terrified with how their King had fell on his knees right in the middle of his speech. Queen Adora was quick to swoop in and covered her husband with her whole body from the visibility of cameras recording meanwhile the guards busied themselves and helped the limping King inside the castle. The growing noises of the crowd had snapped the princes out of trance and Prince Jimin stepped forward to try his best to calm down the whole situation. It didn't, though. As days gone by, it had only become much, much worse. A lot worse when the announcement of the new King was made.

"Why is Prince Jimin being selected as the next King?" Downtown was crowded but the man's voice was so loud that it could be heard despite how many people were yelling at the same time. It was unfortunate how these same people who were once united was beginning to split up due to injustice.

"Prince Jimin is far more worthy than Prince Hoseok! Let him claim his throne!"

"But isn't Prince Hoseok supposed to be the rightful heir?" This time it was Jungkook. Taehyung stood right beside him and he sighed, wishing how he could just take a step forward and explain to Jungkook and everyone else about Prince Hoseok's illness. But of course, it was not that simple. Jungkook was indeed a silly and carefree boy, his hobbies being to tease people and annoy Taehyung as much as possible. But somewhere inside there, Jungkook was someone who valued integrity and fairness, always demanding for solid proof rather before making empty assumptions.

"Who wants a king that trashes his own citizen's homes? He's bringing shame towards the royal family!" Jungkook's head was quickly directed towards where the furious tone of voice was coming from. He felt his blood was beginning to boil and the heat of anger pooled around his head.

"How dare you speak as such! How do you know for sure about what did really happen that night? When we all got there, Mrs. Montana's home was already trashed. No proofs at all that it was Prince Hoseok's doing!" Jungkook stopped to take a breath. The previous man opened his mouth to say something but Jungkook cut him off. "There were four people! Four! Both princes and their personal bodyguards, but why Prince Hoseok is being accused?!"

"Were you even there at all? Didn't you see what Prince Hoseok looked like? Sleeves all rolled up with blood in his hands!"

"I saw but that does not proof anything! It was probably because he held a piece of glass or something. Prince Jimin's hands were all wrapped up too, if you hadn't noticed?"

"Are you accusing Prince Jimin then?" Another man asked.

"I'm not accusing anybody. I'm just saying that we can't just assume things only from what we saw," said Jungkook, more calmly than before. There were few people nodding along, agreeing with Jungkook's point of view. But there were also others who didn't. Both parties were fighting for what they believed in and it didn't take that long before they went for physical contact while the others joined them as well. Taehyung struggled to pull Jungkook away from the mob and it was hard because Jungkook was resisting. His anger had gotten the better of him and to be honest, he really felt like breaking that man's nose until it bled.

"Calm down, Jungkook! It's not worth it!" Taehyung managed to distance themselves from the crowd, which required him to literally hook his arms under Jungkook's armpits, wrap them around his chest and drag him away with all his might. Jungkook's tries of nailing his heels to the ground were not that much of help either but Taehyung succeeded anyway. If the atmosphere were not that serious and tense, they would be laughing at how childish they must look.

"He has no rights to say things like that about Prince Hoseok! How could he?!" Taehyung had never seen Jungkook like this. The Jungkook in front of him right now looked so outraged, desperately in search of something, like a predator hunting its prey.

"I know, Jungkook. Believe me, I'm on your side. I understand you want justice but that doesn't mean you can just throw yourself into the pit and beat everyone who is blocking your way," Taehyung explained soothingly. Jungkook's facial expression softened and he hung his head low, feeling like a child being scolded by his mother. Taehyung chuckled at how abruptly Jungkook's demeanour had shifted. This Jungkook was more familiar to him.

"I'm sorry, hyung. I didn't mean to start anything. I just think that it wasn't fair…" Jungkook's voice was almost as thin as the air but Taehyung managed to catch his words.

"Don't call me hyung! We're not that close!" Jungkook giggled at Taehyung's attempt to lighten the mood. Taehyung smacked Jungkook's chest and said, "Don't laugh, Jungkook. I'm serious." He was not.

"I think you like me, hyung. Why else would you pull me away from getting into a fight?" Jungkook grinned from ear to ear and his bunny teeth was displaying. He wiggled his eyebrows and Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I pulled you away because you scared the crap out of me! Your parents would be worried sick if they see you all bruised up."

"Okay, that and you care about me." Jungkook poked Taehyung's shoulder over and over again with a mischievous look on his face. Taehyung clicked his tongue and shook his head unbelievably.

"Whatever, Jungkook." Taehyung shushed Jungkook's poking finger and walked away from him. Three steps and he paused, turning around. "Are you okay, though? You were pretty mad just a moment ago and now you're just being annoying."

"Did you just asked me whether I'm feeling okay?" Jungkook's eyes sparkled.

"No, I didn't!" Taehyung denied.

"You just did!"


"Yes, you did! I heard you!"

"You heard wrong, then!" Taehyung was getting embarrassed so he spun around and continued walking. He didn't want to admit that he was becoming soft towards Jungkook. Prince Jimin would burst into a fit of laughter if he ever found out about this so he decided to keep it as a secret only for himself. Jungkook's lips formed a pout but it soon turned into a smirk when an idea popped inside his head. He lurched forward at full speed and jumped on Taehyung's back, securing his position by locking his limbs around Taehyung's waist and neck. Taehyung stumbled on his feet at the sudden impact but he managed to keep his balance. He complained, "Get off, brat! You're heavy!"

"You don't have to admit it, hyung. I know you love me!" Jungkook ignored Taehyung's annoyed groans and proceeded to hug him even closer. Taehyung realised Jungkook was not going to get off anytime soon so he hooked his hands under Jungkook's knees to support his weight.

"Shut up or I'll drop you," Taehyung stated firmly, trying to hide the fondness that was clear in his voice. Of course, Jungkook didn't shut up, but Taehyung didn't drop him either. After countless times of Jungkook trying to faze Taehyung by tickling his sides, they arrived at the pharmacy, which was actually their initial destination before they accidentally overheard the ongoing chaos and rerouted there instead. Taehyung lowered down his body and Jungkook hopped off to the ground, stretching out his limbs.

"Thank you for not dropping me, hyung," Jungkook chirped. Taehyung squished Jungkook's cheeks together.

"I don't like you but I'm not evil." Jungkook beamed in between Taehyung's grip, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes making an appearance.

"Sure, you are," Jungkook said and Taehyung released his grasp. The bell chime rang throughout the pharmacy when Taehyung pushed the glass door open. He scrunches his nose at the displeasing odour of medications. They went to the prescription counter to retrieve a new set of tablets for Taehyung's grandmother. A man was already there when they reached the counter so they queued behind him. He was talking to the medical assistant behind the desk and Taehyung could've sworn that his voice was familiar; a long forgotten voice but still so fresh in his memories at the first hearing of it. His suspicion was confirmed when the man turned around as soon as the medical assistant handed him a small white plastic bag full of his prescribed tablets.

Taehyung knew that the man would not recognize him at all but he ignored that fact and asked, "What are you doing here, you piece of shit?"