Whistle (Jungkook)

Prologue: You and Jungkook have been dating for a year and a half now. You two met coincidentally on a bus and you helped him travel without being exposed to the others and a gradual friendship grew between you two until the two of you developed deeper feelings for one and another and so both of you confessed at the same time. The relationship between the two of you, though not perfect resulting in arguments every now and then but the feelings you had grew even stronger in time. He introduced you to his members after a month of dating and on your one year anniversary Jungkook surprised you by making your relationship official-introduced you to the fans-and promised to always stay by your side throughout it all.


You were waiting for your boyfriend to finish with his shower, as you flip through the channels on the television. Just as you were about to switch off the television all together, an MV playing in the television stops you. The MV playing was DNA by BTS, and as it was one of your favourite songs you decide to just listen to it, while waiting for your boyfriend, who was really taking his time with that shower. The MV starts playing with your boyfriend whistling in the beginning, and you can't help the smile that spreads across your lips, watching him. No matter where or how, your boyfriend never ceased to make you smile. You unconsciously Whistle, well at least try to Whistle, along with your boyfriend but the only thing that does manage to come out of your lips were little puffs of breath. You get frustrated but don't give up even after the whole MV is finished, you still keep trying. So immersed in getting it right, you don't hear the shower stop and after a few minutes footsteps walking towards you. After trying for so long, your face red from the exertion, you still can't seem to get a single tune out but instead look like a wheezing patient.

"What are you doing?" A very familiar voice asks, startling you. You jump in your start and almost fall face first on the floor, but at the last minute manage to catch yourself which leads you to tumble off the couch, falling on your butt instead. You whip your head back to only find your boyfriend leaning casually on the wall behind the coach, and might I say looking like a sexy mess with his still wet hair and tight white t-shirt and black jeans. You shake yourself out of your wild thoughts, literally.

"What the? Jungkook! Don't you ever do that again!" You scold your boyfriend, trying to calm your still racing heart, which started racing some more at the sight of your absolutely handsome boyfriend.

"Sorry." Jungkook apologises, smiling sheepishly. "Didn't mean to scare you. Was just curious to know why my girlfriend looked like an asthmatic patient, when she isn't." He explains, while walking towards you and offering you a hand.

"I was practising." You defend, taking his hand and letting him help you up on your feet.

"Practising what?" He asks, taking a seat on the coach, pulling you with him so that you were leaning your back on his chest as he wraps his hands around your waist.

"Whistling." You answer, as a soft blush makes its way to your cheeks, not just from embarrassment but also from your position. Even after dating for a year and half, Jungkook still managed to make you blush with his actions.

"Hmm... whistling? Why?" Jungkook asks humming, as he presses a soft kiss to your temple.

"You were taking too long with your shower and I was bored." You complain, a pout forming on your lips, making him chuckle.

"That's why I asked you to join me." He reminds, making you blush a deeper colour.

"Hush, you! You were obviously teasing me." You say, turning your head a bit to face him, shifting slightly in his arms.

"Obviously." He nods, a smile playing on his lips. "But if you had accepted the offer I wouldn't have minded." He winks.

"Yah!!!" You blush a deeper shade, and softly hit him on his shoulder.

"Hahaha.. Sorry. Sorry." He laughs, taking your hand into his own, much larger one and intertwines them together. "You were saying something about whistling." He reminds.

"Right, as I was saying, you were showering and I was bored, hush, no more teasing. I was flipping through the channels on the television and I came across DNA MV and you were whistling and it looked so easy and I wanted to do it. Well now I realise that it only looks easy hence the wheezing." You explain.

"Oh, well from what I saw you were doing it wrong." He chuckles.

"Obviously. I don't know what I'm doing wrong." You complain.

"How about everything?" Jungkook teases.

"Yah, don't tease." You pout.

"Sorry sorry, what I meant was I could teach you if you like." He explains.

"Really?" You ask, smiling brightly at him.

"Yeah, anything to make you stop wheezing!" He teases.

"Yah don't tease!" You whine.

"Okay okay, I won't." He laughs. "So shall we begin?" You nod excitedly. "Okay so first pucker up your lips." He instructs and you do so, slowly. Jungkook looks at you fondly, you raise your eyebrow as if to say, what? He chuckles softly and before you can react pecks your puckered lips with his own.

Once he moves away he can't help but chuckle softly at your shell shocked expression. You lips were still puckered up and your eyes so big that it was actually a surprise that your eyeballs hadn't popped out. You blink twice as if slowly coming out of your shock.

"W-what just happ-happened?" You manage to stutter out.

"A kiss." Jungkook answers, looking amused.

"I know that." You roll your eyes at him. "Why?"

"Because you looked absolutely adorable. And I couldn't resist." He admits, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Jungkook!" You whine.

"Sorry sorry but really you looked irresistible." He defends, apologising.

"Be serious and teach me!" You whine.

"Okay okay. Back to teaching, now pucker your lips." He instructs. "I won't kiss you, now just do as said." Jungkook adds once he notices your narrowed eyes. You huff but do as told. "Now take a breath in." He instructs and you follow. "And slowly let it out." You do so but no sound comes out, making you pout. Before you can try again your boyfriend pounces on you, kissing your lips, cheeks and everywhere else. For the first few seconds you were frozen in shock, but quickly gain control back and try to push your boyfriend away.

"Kookie!!!!" You complain.

"You look so adorable! I can't help it!" Jungkook defends.

"You know what, forget it." You huff, crossing your arms around your chest.

"I'm sorry y/n. I promise to control myself better, let's try again okay?" He asks, giving you his puppy dog eyes. You let out a sigh giving in.

"This time no matter how adorable I look, or how irresistible I am control yourself!" You command.

"Promise." He nods, showing his pinky finger. Your curl your own pinky around his. He flashes you his famous bunny smile making you melt.

"Okay, pucker your lips and take a breath in." Jungkook instructs and you do as told. "Now hold it in and try to picture a tune inside your head and slowly let it out following the tune in your mind." He says and you do so but again to no avail. You pout. Jungkook softly pecks your nose. "Don't give up. Try again." He encourages you. You try 5 time more before a soft tune manages to escape your lips.

"I did it. I did it! Did you hear it?" You ask your boyfriend, giddy about your success.

"I did and I'm so proud of you." Jungkook says kissing your forehead. You smile happily a him.

"How about you try a song?" Jungkook asks and you nod excitedly. "Which song?"

"DNA!!!" You scream, making your boyfriend chuckle, at your excitement. "I wanna try the part where you Whiste." You say and he nods.

"Alright. Do you remember the tune?" He asks and you nod. "Okay how about you give it a try?" He asks. And you try but aren't able to get the tune or any sound for that matter, out of lips. You sigh dejectedly. "Come on now don't give up. Want to know a secret?" He asks and you nod.

"I didn't manage to get the tune right the first time either. I had to try numerous times before I was able to get it right." Jungkook admits.

"But you make it look so effortless." You point out.

"It wasn't easy. What am saying is keep trying." Jungkook says, giving you an encouraging smile. You nod and try again but no success hit this time however you did manage to get a sound out. "How about I show you and you try to follow?" Jungkook asks and you nod. Jungkook starts to Whistle the tune and you concentrate on how his lips move, and you must say he looked absolutely adorable. You can't help but peck his lips, taking him by surprise. "Wh-what?" He asks, looking at you with his eyes opened wide, making you giggle.

"Now you know what it feels like." You stick your tongue out at him.

"Well if you wanted a kiss you could just ask. I would be more than happy to oblige." Jungkook says, smirking.

"I'm sure you would." You roll your eyes at him.

"I can do it right now." He says, leaning closer to you, but you push him away.

"No you won't. Go back to teaching and I promise not to startle you with a kiss again." You say, all serious.

"Fine!" Jungkook huffs. "But you don't have to stop yourself from kissing me. Instead you're more than welcome to do so. I know you can't resist this." Jungkook says, smugly waging his hands over his body.

"Just get back to teaching." You brush away his comment.

"Fine, follow what I do." He starts softly whistling the tune and you follow, carefully observing him and repeating after him. He shows you how to do each syllable, each note and you try to do so. After a few minutes you manage to get the tune right of the first 000.2s. You keep trying and Jungkook helps you every step of the way and after a few more attempts you manage to get out the tune. You jump, excited.

"I got I got it!" You cheer, jumping in the couch.

"You did! Told you that you could do it." Jungkook smiles, already affected by your excitement.

"Thank you thank you. Let's do it again." You clap your hands.

"Fine together." He agrees and you nod. "3...2...1" And the two of you start whistling together, and by some miracle manage to synchronise (Jungkook Whistles the same as you).

"Yay! I can Whistle now!" You dance excitedly.

"Yeah, you just happened to Whistle better than I do." Jungkook compliments.

"And now your lying." You chuckle. You take your seat back on the couch and Jungkook pulls you to him, your back to his chest.

"Thank you." You say, playing with his fingers, as he hums. "For synching your tune with mine." You explain.

"What?" Jungkook asks, trying to act innocent.

"I know you did it on purpose Kookie and if you wanted you could Whistle better than what you did just then." You tell him, turning your head to look into his eyes. "Thank you." You smile, lovingly at him.

"Always." He returns your smile and presses his lips to your forehead. "And now that I've successfully managed to teach you to Whistle, so now pay me." He says smirking.

"Pay you?" You ask, surprised.

"You think I teach for free? That preposterous." Jungkook exclaims.

"What's preposterous is you asking your girlfriend to pay you!" You argue.

"Even so. Teaching fee is not partial to girlfriends, it's the same for everyone. And besides I will only ask something that you can give me, so don't worry." He says.

"Fine. What is the fee?" You ask him, and from the glint in his eyes you are not going to like it.

"A kiss." He says, making you choke on air.

"Wh-what?!" You ask, stunned.

"My fee is a kiss." He repeats.

"You mean you want a kiss again? Didn't you get enough? You stole a few kisses earlier." You point out.

"Hey! That's different and also don't forget you too stole a kiss from me." He argues.

"How is it different?" You ask, confused.

"Those kisses I stole cause you were driving me insane with your cuteness and now this is kiss sis a few for teaching you to Whistle. And also cause your adorable." He explains, making you sputter in disbelief.

"Exactly that! You thought me to Whistle. Nothing else." You argue.

"It's still teaching so stop making a fuss and pay me." He smirks.

"You won't let this go will you?" You ask, already knowing the answer.

"Nope." He shakes his head. You sigh.

"Fine." You give in. You lean in to peck his lips, making him lean more closer to get the kiss faster. Just as your lips were about to meet you took a detour and kissed his cheek instead and lean away to see his dumbstruck face, making you chuckle. "Done." You smirk.

"What? No! It's not done. The deal was a kiss!" Jungkook whines.

"Exactly, a kiss. And I did kiss your cheek." You say, your smirk turning into a smile.

"No a kiss is on the lips not cheeks." Jungkook complains.

"You should have been more clear. You said a kiss and I gave you one. Done." You say, blinking your eyes innocently at him. "Now all that whistling took a lot of my energy, and I'm hungry. I'm gonna go find something to eat." You say, before quickly rushing towards the kitchen, leaving your dumbstruck boyfriend behind on the couch. But before you could take a step inside a tug on your hand makes you spin and land on a firm chest. You look up to find your boyfriend looking down at you with a sly grin. You struggle in his grasp but he tightens his hold.

"I'm hungry too." He says, smirking, making you gulp.

"If you let me go I can make something for us to eat." You try to coax him.

"No, I'd rather eat you instead." He states, lifting you off the floor and carrying you back to the couch.

"Kookie!" You exclaim in surprise as he drops you on the couch, you sit straight but before you could get out Jungkook blocks your exit with his arms and leans closer to your face. You keep bending further from his face and finally fall on the sofa. And before you could scramble away Jungkook hovers over you, pushing half of his weight on you to hold you in place. "K-Kookie." You manage to stutter out. "Wh-What are y-you do-" before you can complete your sentence He silences you with his index finger on your lips.

"Ssshh. Don't waste your breath on talking. I have another work for your lips." He smirks, before placing his lips on top of yours and kisses you softly. It's not long before the kiss turns passionate. After a few seconds both of you part away to get the much needed air back into your lungs.

"Kookie." You manage to gasp out, making him smile, and causing him to pepper kisses all over your face. "What are you doing?" You giggle, as his breath tickles your skin.

"Taking my payment." He says, kissing your cheeks.

"Enough Kookie. I think you have enough payment to last you a year." You giggle, making him stop, and look at your face.

"Your kidding right? This isn't enough to satisfy me for a day!" He states, all serious making you laugh.

"God! Your insatiable." You say.

"Blame yourself for it." He grins widely, winking at you.

"Blame myself? What did I do?" You ask, and immediately get the feeling that the next words out of your boyfriends mouth is going to be incredibly cringe worthy. So before he could open his mouth you quickly close it with your lips on top of his. After a few seconds you pull away.

"Told you, you can't resist me." He says, all smug.

"Please I kissed you to shut you up." You defend.

"Shut me up for what?" He asks.

"From saying whatever cringe worthy lines you were about to say." You say.

"You mean, this?" Jungkook smirks, making you groan. "'Blame yourself cause you made me unable to live without you or you kisses?'" He smirks.

"Kookie!" You groan. "This won't do. We should break up. I can't deal with such a cringeworthy boyfriend." You joke.

"Really? Well too bad. I thought you to Whistle, therefore your stuck with me." He smirks.

"What? Why?" You ask, chuckling at your childish boyfriend.

"Since we Whistled together then that means we are Whistle married and there's no backing away from it." He answers, seeming quite proud of himself, and you loose it and burst into a fit of laughter

"Really? Whistle married?!" You laugh.

"Yup." He sticks his tongue out at you.

"God! What am I going to do with you? Your such a dork." You says, ruffling his hair.

"Well you love this dork." Jungkook winks.

"That I do." You agree, looking fondly at him.

"Good. 'Cause this dork loves you too, very much." He says kissing your nose. "And not to forget we are after all Whistle married." He adds, causing both of you to burst out laughing.

"Looks like we are." You nod. "And I'm hungry, let me up so that I can make something to eat." You say, trying to get up but Jungkook pulls you down along with him and hold you closer.

"Not now. I wanna hold you for a while longer." He says, and you nod giving in.

You can hold me for as long as you like I'm not leaving anytime soon.., You think, snuggling closer to him.


A/N Hey guys another update. So what did you think about the chapters? ?? Like it??? Hate it???? Loved it???? Again requests are open you can send them trough comments or DM...!!

xoxoxoxo Daydreamz107 :)