Let there be a bright future before us!

If you ask the little plant how it had expected to die, never would it have told you "Oh a human ate me" and if you ever ask the same little plant what it had expected after death, never would it have imagined this.

A man with silver hair like a sheet of silk flowing over his shoulders sat on a bamboo rocking chair in front of him, rocking back and forth lazily. His eye-catching red robes outset his hair and skin, making them appear even whiter. In his hand was a book that he seems to be absorbed in reading. When the man finally looked up at the dazed little plant, it saw that the man have a pair of eyes so impossibly dark that there seems to be no light in them.

"Hi I'm God, but you can call me Roy~"

Dear god... t-this is actually god??? In a trembling voice, the little plant ask "A-are you the great Dao then?"

In the cultivation world, the great Dao is the god who created the way of cultivation as well as the three thousand worlds. He is the highest existence and all cultivators strive to become a god like him.

Smiling he props up his cheek on the arm of the rocking chair before answering. "No, I'm not Dao, but similarly I am also a type of god."

The man doesn't seem to have any intentions of explaining further so the little plant decided to let the topic drop.

With a crisp snap of the man's fingers, a table appeared in front of the soul of the little plant, and the white space around them slowly became the interior of a pleasant little cottage. There was even a cold refreshing smell of sandalwood wafting through the air. Following several more snaps, thick documents appeared on the table.

"The host can choose any system. The terms and conditions are written in their documents, Host can look them over."

The little plant floats over the table, still somewhat confused. "What is a system for?"

There were many new terms on the various documents and the little plant felt a bit overwhelmed with all these new information. This was not how he imagined afterlife to be. What happened to Aunt Meng Po's soup and the promised yellow river? Are there some sorts of discrimination against plants in the afterlife?

Roy pursed his lips. "Everyone in this world has some sort of predestined fate and their lives would play out according to their fate. For example, there are people born with immense luck and they are destined to reach the top that many people can only dream of. Others are born with the fate to ultimately be trampled under others. Sometimes the guy in charge of death messes up and a person that's not due to die yet dies. This error would cause everyone's fate to spiral out of control. You as host will continue living as that person, fulfilling that person's fate and the system is used to decide what kind of fate will you be handling."

Scanning through the documents, a particular one caught the little plant's eyes. As it read through the front page, it's metaphorical little eyes glints with excitement.

"The villain system."

Roy looks at him. "Host are you sure? That is one of the more demanding ones."

The god is having mixed feelings. Although it would be quite interesting for him to watch, he can see that the soul of this little plant is still rather pure... can it handle the being a villain?

The little plant, on the other hand, was ecstatic. "Hehe, the sweet days with legs and revenge are not far ahead." It never expected itself to be so lucky. Not only does this job comes with a new lease on life, but the benefits are also top notch too!

Seeing that the little plant was set on the villain system, Roy decides to not say anything. After the little plant's confirmation, the document that says villain system bursts into flames, the ashes circling the little plant's soul before disappearing.

"I won't be able to talk to you anymore until you return to this space. The system will guide you from now on."

The little plant's vision gradually began to darken until it completely lost consciousness.


When it opened its eyes again, it found itself lying down on a bed facing the ceiling. His body ached like someone had hit him all over. Getting up from the bed took a bit of an effort as he wasn't used to this new body.

[ Welcoming Host to the system. I am villain system 003.]

Hearing the voice in his head, he jerks his head and looks around frantically.

[ Host I am linked to your soul with no physical form. From this day on, wherever you go I'll go and if you die, I'll also disappear. As life partners, let's develop a healthy relationship, ok? ^_^]

The system's voice held a hint of shyness like a bride meeting her mother in law for the first time. The system sincerely wants to get along with its host! Let there be a bright future in front of them!

Walking towards the mirror stand in the room, he touches his face observing this body's feature. Pale skin flawless like jade and a pale lip that was pressed into a stern expression. A set of exquisite eyebrows grace his forehead and his peach blossom eyes are capable of enthralling anyone that looks into it if only he would smile. His whole person screams cold and unfeeling, excluding the aloof air of an untouchable immortal.

[ Host, would you like to receive the memories of this person?]


Memories from the body's previous owner flash before him. Every aspect of his life was included, even childhood memories that were long forgotten were replayed with sharp clarity. This body's name is Su Yang. He was born as the son of the sect leader of Pearless Heaven. Pearless Heaven is an elite sect that even the emperor have to give face to. In the sect, he was a rare talent with double water and wood spiritual vein that complemented each other. Before he turned 14, he had finished the Qi condensation stage and now at the age of 18, he is at the peak of the Foundation stage. He is regarded as a talent that might reach the Core Formation stage before the age of 20 and is treated as the next successor to the Peerless Heaven sect. Su Yang was the type of person that other people considered as a flower growing on top of a mountain, high and untouchable. His cold looks made him appear even more unapproachable.

As he continues to study the memories, a soft knock interrupted his thoughts. "Yang Shixiong, may I come in?"