
Inside the Divine Kingdom of the Main God of the Goblin World, the council of gods was watching the scene of invaders they had never seen before with interest.

The invaders comprised three factions but it was obvious that they were one group as they all wore golden armors and possessed equipment that bore a striking resemblance to each other.

The group was a massive one that covered the skies with power, as golden soldiers covered the skies making it seem like many miniature suns had been born. However, oddly enough, the mortal goblins didn't seem to notice these figures as they carried on with their task.

To reach the level of Earth Stage, the gods were obviously not stupid as they came to realize that power beyond their comprehension might be obstructing the sights of the mortal goblins. Power of this level surpasses even an Earth Grade artifact; as only beings at Heavenly or items of the Earth Grade could possibly do so.

The council of gods was discussing where these warriors that could rival Divine stage warriors and above have come from. In the World of Gods, Divine stage beings are normal and even Earth stage gods are commonplace; but for a group of well-equipped warriors that move like a well-trained machine, only powerful families and organizations could have them.

If one came to that conclusion, this didn't make sense as powerful families and organizations wouldn't gain anything from invading the Goblin World as just a land governed by their servant would produce more resources than the Goblin World would produce in a hundred years.

As they observe the golden army that was located in three different locations, the goblin gods notice three figures that seem to be as radiant as solar stars as their powers were beyond theirs. One was a woman that was more beautiful than even the goddesses of the Moon Family and even the Nature Goddesses of the Elf Tribe pale in comparison. Another was a male that stood tall and possessed a long ordinary spear that caused dread to cover their minds. The last was a figure covered in black clothing that made the council fearful and terrified.

The gods watched as the beautiful woman began to heal the goblins and cure the land as she moved. With each step, a miracle was created.

The broken and non-fertile land bore fruits as vegetation spread with her at the center. A vast forest of towering trees crack open the ground, the air becomes purified and becomes holy.

With another step, the old, sick, and weary goblins with dark clouds over their heads revealed startling expressions as the old became young, the sick got cured and the weary felt at peace; the goblins felt as if the gods had truly taken pity on them and planned to save them. Although they were confused that the gods were human-looking, they didn't care; for the image of their corrupt leaders and gods changed to a nobler and radiant one, with a particular Seraph in the center of it.

One city after another experiences the warmth and love of the Divine Goddess, as she floats in the air with her six pairs of wings and halo above her head. Her smile made the dark clouds evaporate, the dead to rise and the living to feel content. This truly was the appearance of a god to the goblins; one that deserves their worship.

The goblin gods' faces became conflicted as they were happy that the outsiders were taking care of their race, and not enslaving them, but they were angry as they could feel a steep dip in their divine power reserves. As more and more people stop believing in them, they are closer to falling from grace, which will mean death, because time will catch up to them, when they can't stop its corrosion and would have to pay back the time they have stolen.

The old goblin revealed a smile of pure joy as he couldn't believe the revelation that he gained from the goddess would come so soon. He was happy that the invaders were better than he expected, so he didn't care about the loss in divine power, if he could guarantee that his race would be one living in peace, and not in constant fear, so what if he falls from grace? Many other gods will surely take his place in the future.

He turned to nod at the goblin goddess but what he saw was the gods looking on in fear and shock! The old goblin was startled, what could prompt such a reaction, turning back around, he saw the being all the gods were most scared of, including him, tap the door of the Divine Kingdom, corroding it from the inside out, scattering it in less than a minute.

The old goblin stood up in shock, " Impossible, how could he crack open the door? This is impossible, even in my travels with the Main God, I didn't ever hear of a being capable of entering someone else Divine Kingdom!! Not even the Ancestral Gods could do so!!" He was truly shocked beyond words, he knew what a Divine Kingdom was, it was the crystallization of one's laws turning into a separate world where the Heavenly God was truly an omnipotent God. Inside the Divine Kingdom, even if it was an Ancestral God, it was impossible to breach, but possible to destroy the Divine Kingdom. This was the reason the Main God told the gods to enter his Divine Kingdom in times of crisis, and also the reason it is where the council of gods is located. However, looking at the person who just tapped the door, corroding it, he didn't think he was beyond Ancestral God level but how else could he explain this?

The old goblin's face deepened into a frown with fear in his eyes as he consulted the others, "What do you guys recommend we do? I will be honest with you, even if we all fight to the death, I don't think we could harm this being, and even if we did, there are two others of similar strength plus the armies behind him. We have two choices at this point, fight and die, surrender and hope for the best. If he could enter into a Divine Kingdom with ease, I'm sure not even the Main God could beat him in a head-on fight."

The group of young gods hesitated, they truly didn't want to fight as they weren't adept at battle, even if some of them were gods of that aspect. They haven't seen any battle since they ascended, so how could they face an unstoppable person?

As if sensing their thoughts, the goblin goddess spoke, "If you are worried about the origins of these invaders, I can tell you that they are not from the World of Gods; so there is a chance we can enter their God grace. However, their origins eludes me, so I'm not sure if it's a good idea." She shook her head as she spoke. She kind of figured it was impossible to escape by the number of Divine Stage warriors and by the sheer might of these figures that don't seem to be gods. So as long as a majority of the gods stick together, no matter what fate is in store for them, she will not get the brunt of it.

The younger gods hesitated no longer and decided to surrender. If even the strongest old goblin was not sure he could survive with his life, little had to be said about them. They might always look down on the old goblin, but they recognize his immense strength which was only a breath away from Heavenly God.

One of the young gods, one of the smarter ones, questions the goblin goddess, " Geiger, how did you know of these figures? How do you know they are not from the World of God? Your information doesn't seem to add up, it's like you are hiding something." The others except the old goblin realize something and look at Geiger, the goblin goddess.

Geiger frowned but still answered, " Everyone here knows I am the goddess of foresight, who comprehends the law of foresight, making me glimpse parts of the future, parts that involve me. I have seen this group in my visions; I don't know where they come from, but I'm sure it's not the World of God."

The same young god asks, " If you know of this, why didn't you warn us? We could have prepared before this happened, so tell me why didn't you want us?" The young god's voice was calm but one could sense oppression and dread.

The old goblin shook his head as he knew even if she had told them, they would have not believed her, despite the fact her predictions have always been right.

"Lucas, why pretend like you don't know. We all here know if I had come and told you about what I had seen, you all would have called me crazy. Would you believe me if I told you that a force that could rival a powerful family was invading and it is not from the World of God?" Geiger didn't even look him in the eyes as she was too angry with them. These gods were complete morons that love the little power they have, thinking they are high and mighty. Now, with certain death before their doors they change and become noble gods? Are they trying to fool her or themselves?

Lucas, a God of war was speechless and angry but no words came out from his mouth. He didn't know what he could say as she was right. Obsessed and blinded with the illusion of power; he knew that he would not do anything to jeopardize it, which meant choosing not to believe when facts and past experience are placed before him.

Gritting his teeth, Lucas couldn't find anything to rebuke her with, so he remained silent.

"An interesting drama indeed; so you guys are from a joint world called the World of Gods and you are gods, even when so weak? Interestingly! Maybe we are overstating the World of Gods." A very out of place voice spoke as black smoke converged from the shadows of the gods into a beautiful woman that could make the beauty of the stars to be her backdrop.

The woman was dressed in a black dress that suppresses her massive breast, and destructive figure. The woman's eyes were crimson and bloody as she looked at them, licking her lips, causing some of the weak will gods to become hard and hiding it in embarrassment.

Who could it be if not the goddess of night and darkness, Ainese? She had hidden inside the shadow of one of the many soldiers under Yama, entering into this world before separating and jumping from shadow to shadow.

As the mistress that governs darkness, it didn't take long to sense the life force of the gods here, and being the shadows to some jump to this place. However, since she was curious about what these figures were doing, she didn't immediately show herself but observe. It was truly a let down that they would choose to surrender but it's not a bad result. Getting more information before they invade the main world was more important.

All the gods jumped up in fright and shouted, " Who are you?!!! How did you get in here?"

Ainese's beautiful brows furrow as she looks in a direction with a sign, 'Yama is truly a terrifying person, I doubt I got this far without his interference; he must have closed his eyes because of what I told him, and was his way of tacitly approving of me. ' A pure smile appeared on her face as she thought about this, 'However, Yama wouldn't have thought I reached here before him; after all, he doesn't know the limits of my divine authorities.' Turning to look at the frightened gods, Ainese continued to smile causing the fantasies of the young goblins to run wild, " I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Ainese, the Goddess of Night and Darkness, the second wife of the Creator. I must say it's a wise choice to choose to surrender or you might all be exterminated."

A chill went down the backs of gods as they heard her words. How long had she been listening to them? If she wanted to kill them, it would be late by the time they realize it. Especially after seeing their shadows move when she appeared, and learning of what kind of goddess she was.

While terrified and grouping together to protect themselves against a common enemy, sweat drip from their brows as her words reach their minds. Goddess of Night and Darkness? She was a goddess of two laws? They had never heard of a god ruling over two laws before, maybe this was why these invaders are so powerful!! She even said she was the second wife of the Creator? Who is she exactly?

The World of God had a Creator as well, one that died eons ago against a similar level being. They know that Creators are the pinnacle of beings, the ones that truly grasp the power of the universe. To be the wife of such a level of existence, the fear and terror of the gods increase.

Seeing the frightened look of the gods, Ainese frowned as she couldn't believe such a weak group warrants her husband and children's attention. Her husband plans for a grand battle to conquer a world yet it was earned so easily?

"Enough, my son will soon arrive, surrender to him and you won't be harmed. Truly what a pity, if only you all chose to fight." Ainese shook her head as her body disintegrated into shadows that vanished.

The gods remained standing, looking at the place the goddess was once at. As they ponder over her words, a boundless aura of death and decay covered the entire building, announcing the appearance of Death.