Descent of the Creator

Lain was thankful that even while wearing his armour he could still use mana. He knew the other devs didnt want the players to be too powerful, so they wont be good at magic and fighting skills. He thought that as an avatar, he would not be an exception to that rule, after all, only the Chaos Titan, the dev race was excluded from it.

Flying down from his palace, his feet touch the metallic ground of the continent of gods. When he created the continent, he wnated it to be a continent that would be prefect, with gold and other beautiful materials everywhere, but the ground should still be normals, not so hard and frim.

On the way down, he notice that one couldnt see his palace from the continent, as if hidden behind a invisible barrair. Thats to say that they wont be able to see his statue that stood tall over the entire world. The statue was able to see everything and suppress whoerve wasnt suppose to be there, which also the job of the three Supreme and Five National Gods.

Now that he thought about it, he had not visited the gods he created or imiated. They have been living a pointless existence as it was nigh impossible for someone to reach this world, especially since this was now the sixth world of the World Tree. The World of Goblins was situated a level lower than Earth, being consider a mortal world.

It was for that reason that the pools of the gods had the World of Goblins add to it. They had one more world to spread knowledge of themselves. To be honest these gods that he created before falling to sleep seem to be align with his knowledge of gods incaple of descending in the mortal worlds but was stong and could cause harm and damage to the world through different methods.

With his thoughts swirling, Lain look down and saw his gods knelt dowm, which cause the goblin gods to follow suite. He was confuse as to why they bowed, but he suppose it was because the King of the Gods had taken the iniative. As the first to be born and also the most unique of the gods, he should know of him, after all when he was born it was very likely that he saw the palace and the statue in the skies.

" Rise, there is no need to kneel, this is your home, a host kneeling to their guest doesnt seem right, does it?" Lain deep commanding voice force them to their feet, making them stand with a respectful demeanor.

Lain nodded slightly at their determination to honor him, as he turned to the goblin gods, "Your people will be welcome into my domain, their is no need to worry. As long as they know their place and not destroy their world, what they do is theirs to decide. I have given them a way to coop with the lost of their guardians, the Throne of the Goblin Emperor." An image of the World of Goblins appeared in front of them, showing how the world had become unroconizabel to them and one extra continent that had been add. On this new continent, a golden throne sat in the center, seeming to be waiting fot its master.

While they were looking at the world, they look shameful at the worlds like guardian uttered by the being in front of them. They were in no way the guardians of the goblins, they had been halting their growth if nothing esle, causing them to live a dark and soulless existence. If nothing esle, the goblin gods could see that the goblins seem to be living a better life than when they were there watching over them. That was speaking a lot, the goblins dont need them!

Of the goblins, the old goblin god was happy with joy, crying a little as he knew his people would be happy from no on. Their was no need to fear the World of Gods, nor do they have the pressure of immedaite death clouding heir minds. He felt he could die right now and wouldnt care, as he had fuflful his duty as a god of the goblins, signing he look at the goblin princess who he had made that deal with.

" You all will live here, what you do is up to you but you must listen to Davila, i appointed him as the King of the Gods for a reason after all. Hmm, i guess i should explain some things to clear up whatever confusion you may have. First of all, i am the Creator of Rules, well im currently only an avatar as my main body is sleeping currently. Secondly, you are in the World Tree, a tree that has many worlds on its leaves, however most of them are divine worlds, with only Earth and now the World of Goblins being mortal worlds. Their are currently sixth worlds altogether on the tree, the lowest to the highest level. Hell is where the souls of the most wicked sinners are sent, where Lucifer my first born, with his Devil Kings punsih them. Nether World, the world govern ny my second son, Yama, is the second world where the souls of the dead arrived at inside the Dead Sea, they will be judge by the Underworld Judges and Kingsm deciding of they go to hell, reinacrnted or go to Heaven. The third is the World of Goblins, which will be rule by the Goblin Emperor. This world along with Earth, with is rule by my third son, Raul, are the only mortal worlds were most living creatures will live. The fifth world is Heaven, rule by my daughter, Raina, is the place were the people who had live a good and noble life would live if they dont want to be reincarnated. The last world is where you are currently at, its split into three layers. The first is the Divine Continent below where the Divine Clansman live. They are of giant descent, mkaing them larger than humans. The second layer is where you are located, the Golden Continent, or simply the continent of gods. The last is where i live and goevrn the entire World Tree."

They were shocked as they look at the images while listening to the 'Creator' before them. The goblins gods saw beings akin to the ones that invaded they worlds, and vastness of the other worlds, which was beyond what they had seen.

The new gods, were more emotional as this was their homes. They didnt expect that their was more to what they seen. The worlds in their pool were actually worlds created by their 'Creator'.

Davila was the most emotional as he knew he it was really possible for him to get his children here, and maybe his cheating wife. No being would use such a title if they couldnt back uo their words, and if he could created worlds and life like them, its hard to say what his limits where and if he had any.

Lain look surprise beneath his armour at how they easily accepted it but after thinking about it, it didnt matter if they didnt accept it. It woudlnt change anything, as it was unlikely for them to be able to beat him anyway. Those with the bigger fist was the ones that made the rules, let alone the Creator of Rules himself.

"Anyway, you gods i created can go to the other divine worlds if you want, but you cannot descend to the mortals worlds. I dont care if you all help or sow disaster down below, its up to you whether you be a good or evil god. Evil is subjected, so even if you are the Goddess of Pestilence, you could become a good god by using you power to control all the diseasein the world or even increase the immunity that creatures had to it. Now, i have explain all i want, you all can go to you business. Davila, you remain, we need to discuss some things." Lain eyes focus onhis Goddess of Pestilence, Mata, with a knowing look before focusing on Davila. The reason he focus on her was because she look like the exact image of his daughter he had dream about having back on Earth, unfortunately, he didnt found a spouse willing to bear his seed. He wasn't exactly the most handsome man, though he was very rich. But as they say, money doesn't buy happiness, or maybe it could and just didn't have enough of it.

Mata looked down not looking eyes with Lain as she felt like she saw through her. She was planning on just living life here and not spreading her name to the mortal worlds like her friends; but she genuinely wanted to be worshiped like them.

Salazar nodded slightly as he took his leave, he was just like Mata, he wanted to be worshiped as he was a god in the end, but who would worship madness? It was a hundred times harder for him to find people to worship than the others, maybe some lunatics would do?

A smile appeared on his face that was disgusting beyond belief, " It seems no matter what I do, I will be an evil god. That's not a bad choice, maybe friends won't change how they look at me just because of this."

And just like that, many people would experience madness as they utter the divine name of the Evil God of Madness and Corruption, Salazar. It was said that he was a god that mentioned his name or even seeing his statue would cause madness and have people fall to become devil worshipers.

He was very respected in Hell, and the King of Hell himself offered him a place in his court but he refused and decided to remain with his fellow gods. He was one of the twelve Ancient Gods, second only to the World Gods in fame and power.

Well that's a story for another day. With the gods gone, only Davila and Lain remained looking at each other for a long second. It was Lain that broke the ice as he spoke, " Davila, who are you really? I can tell that i created you but for some reason you have more knowledge than i gave you as the King of the Gods. There is no way you could have been able to know such deep and extensive knowledge of laws, unles…"

"Unless you were reincarnated or more accurately your soul fuse into my creation, given you new life." Lain had thought this idea might be flaw, but considering what his World Tree is capable of and his own power, he conclude it wasnt too far off from being a possibility.

Davila didnt know what to say as with the Creator himself not knowing of why he was here, he didn know what would happen to him. Would the Creator discard him? Or would he look in another direction.

As if sensing Davila's thought, Lain, " Don't worry, i have no ill intent. If i wanted to kill you, their is nothing you could do, even getting the knowledge you have could be solve by a sentence from me. So be at ease, even if you are from 'Earth', i wouldnt do anything to you."

Davila eyes widen, how did he know? Did he read his mind? Its possible he did say he was the Creator so it should be little he couldnt do. Signing, Davila decide to come clean, " i am indeed from Earth, not the Earth that is here. I was home arguing with my wife when an accident occur, which killed me and cause me to wake up here. I originally believe you knew about this as you yourself have rip my soul out of the void."

"Is that so? This is pretty interesting if i must say so myself. What was the year on Earth? And do you wish to go back?" Lain wondered if he he knew of Yggdrasil, if he did this would be easy as he could have someone to talk to about his troubles without any repercussions. Being an almighty being does get boring after a while, especially when you have to use a avatar just to face some troubles in life.