Yama’s Fury

Above the building where the council of Goblin Gods are located, a sea of darkness rumbled with terror and death, obstructing the divine light of the sun from reaching the ground, causing the area to descend into grim gloominess that haunts the strongest of minds. Increasing the fear factor are two flickering green light that shone with soul rendering power, making all life disappear in the area, through death or tactical retreat on their part.

Yama, the King of Death himself, looked coldy at the building on the ground, so cold that frost could form from his gaze alone. He had received a response from a backup plan-of the back up plan he already had-after Ainese made her appearance.

He knew all along that she was hiding in the shadow of his subordinates but since her words had affected him somewhat he didn't interfere, and was determined to gain more information on the limits of her powers. So far he knew she had better control over the domain of shadow than Shadow Demons and many other creatures of darkness. For her to hide her appearance from him, Yama concluded that she might be equal to a True World God, because he sensed that she had not shown her full capabilities before him.

The unknown aspects of Ainese made his cold undead heart skip a beat as he was fine interested in unveiling all her mysteries. For her to not be known by the one who knew almost everything in the World Tree, fascinated Yama to no end. True he didnt know everything, his father didn't give him that knowledge, but he gave him plenty already.

Yama wondered if she didn't love his father, would he desire her? Is that even possible? as he was an undead, a creature that lacked means of pleasing the opposite sexs. He wasn't a vampire that could do many things, bless with both the advantage of the living and the dead.

As he muse about many things, all his imagination shattered, as his fury exploded. She had done something she shouldn't have done!! Because of her words, the destinies of these so call god's escape from his grasp, making him fall short in his scheme.

He knew as the child of his father, he was born with a heavy burden, an entire world to govern and make sure nothing befall it. As the second oldest of his fathers children, he was given the second world furthest from the Golden Nation, meaning his world would be the second to be attacked.

While his world was one of the strongest worlds of the World Tree, it wasn't much stronger than Hell, meaning if Hell fell, the Nether World would collapse not too long after. It wouldn't just be Hell and the Nether World falling, it affects the entire tree, as souls would not have a place to go and fade, affecting the reproduction rate of many races.

Yama calmed his blazing fury and looked at his golden army, which had become an army of black armored soldiers who possessed aspects of death but was still alive. They had not gotten stronger, he was sure about that as he personally measured the changes they had gone through, although the complete measure of the changes was not completely documented, as he didn't have much time on his hand. He was at war, or so the people of this world would call it in the future, even though to him and his sibling it was akin to a human stepping on ants.

This had happened when he felt the seal he had created on the spot break, which meant that she had obstructed the flow of death. As the King of Death, Yama had many skills and spells that had to deal with death, one of his personally created spells, Death Fate, was perhaps one of the most supreme and unfathomable spells in his arsenal.

From all the research and tests, he concluded that the spell made him able to create a seal or talisman, attracting death to its location. This made it so, if he placed the seal on someone's body, he could decide when someone would die, by either increasing the force of death or decreasing. While he could increase it, he couldn't completely decrease it to zero, as he assumed that would be immortality. No matter what one did in that state, even if they were obliterated, as long as Death Fate was lower to zero, they would come back to life.

In a way, this spell could be considered a tenth tier spell, but because it doesn't work on gods, it would at most be a seventh tier divine spell. Spells created by gods are called divine spells, as it usually had lesser restrictions than the spells he was given upon birth.

As Ainese was a goddess, Yama knew the spell wouldn't work on her, which was his goal anyway. All he wanted was for her to be his focal point, where he could gradually increase the aura of death, causing the so-called gods to meet an untimely death. However , Ainese easily discovered his seal and destroyed it, affecting his plans, making him really upset, ungodly so!!

His power exploded into a fog that surrounded him and his army, corroding them, until their souls changed and had a semblance of death and the living in one body. If not because they weren't his target, they would have ceased to be, as the full power of a True World God was unleashed, something not seen often. However because of some coincidences, a miracle was born, beings that were living and could instinctively use death, although not as he could or other undeads, it was amazing nonetheless.

Coming back to reality, Yama looked to his right and spoke to the man, who had white hair and a handsome face, giving him a bewitching appearance, " You, what's your name? You are the strongest here, apart from me here." The one Yama was talking to was one of the 3 Half Gods that joined his father's army. He didn't ask for his name in the beginning as he didn't remember insignificant people, who couldn't cause a ripple in his plans, but he noticed something strange about the man along with the control of death, it was liquid? He doesn't know, making his interest slightly pique.

The Half God seemed surprised as the god before him had not said a word to him since he joined him. Still as a god, the lowest of all the divines, the Half God kneeled in the sea of darkness and introduce himself with reverence, " Your Majesty, the King of Death, your servants name is Aerin, the Ancestor of the Water Elves on Alliance Continent, or was anyway. The Water Elves are elves with great control over water magic and reproduction abilities, which also cause mutation in a few of the newborn elves, creating new eleven tribes. This ultimately led to the fall of the Water Elves, as they started to slowly disappear or merge into the new tribes, making the Water Elves no more."

Yama nodded, as he heard of the Water Elves before, they are a proud race of elves that live close to waters, such as rivers, lakes. Legend said that the home of the Water Elves originally was the depths of the ocean, but they slowly left because of the vast emptiness of the ocean waters and settled down on Alliance Continent, home of many creatures.

"Aerin, my army here will from now on be called 'Death's Mission', with the goal of spreading death to the world. You, as the sole divine being here, will be called the Death General. '' Yama explained as much as he could but he felt some things must be left out. For example, the fact that Death's Mission would help him finish learning about life through death, making the reincarnation system in his control. Of course, Yama was not going to kill creatures of the World Tree without reason or before their time.

Aerin eyes widened slightly but didn't mind the fact he might be walking down a path of bones and death, no one could judge him if he did anyway. Not even a True World God could judge him for following one of the sons of the ruler of the World Tree. " I'm at your service your majesty, all creatures, whether they be alive or dead, will know of your great name, the ruler of death himself, Yama End Chaos."

"Enough flattery, I have a mission for you. You, my Death General will take Death's Mission and secure the area, no one is to escape, if one does, you can kill them." Yama green eyes blaze slightly before signing, as he knew this is as far as he could go. He couldn't kill those who would serve his father, as that would lower the strength and unity of the invaded people.

"Your will shall be done, Your Majesty." Aerin stood up and bow before ordering the soldiers to spread out, while waving his hands, causing magical circles to be created, making a portion of the darkness to turn crimson, as if to crystallize blood.

The darkness, almost like clouds, began to rain blood on the ground, causing the disgusting scent of blood to reach the nose. The smell was so disgusting that not even an insectoid could handle it without passing out.

Soon the ground was covered in blood, from which ominous red roses rose from the ground, dancing in the wind, as red misty fragrance came out from it, making the area seem like a horror scene.

Yama eyebrows rose as he looked on in interest, he had not expected Aerin to have some control over blood divine authority, a great divine authority, rivaling his divine authority of death words. The importance he place on his general rose a few notches, as he knew the benefits of said authority. As the sole god over a divine authority, one would be stronger than other gods of the same level, because instead of sharing their powers with others, they can use it freely without care.

He began to analyze how to groom him, while observing his usage of his magic, to estimate how much time is needed for him to fully become a god. His plans fade as he could see that it would take a long time before a god of blood was born, no god of that divine authority exists as far as his memory serve.

Shaking his head, Yama slowly descended to the building, uttering one sentence before landing completely, " You can simply call me Yama, no need for honorifics. Only my brother can be called as such, not even my father can be called that, after all, he is not an emperor, he is more a Creator."

Aerin remained quiet, thinking deeply before nodding, " I understand,Yama-san."

Yama smiles beneath his robes, as Aerin actually pass his first test without even knowing, interesting indeed. The rumours of the Ancestor of the Water Elves dignity and honor better not fall before me. I do not need a mindless insect to obey my commands; but a warrior that can think and execute orders beyond what I give.


The entire time Yama was outside, the goblin gods were terrified, as they never sense litrally death so close before in their lives. They might have fought battles, even if few, and death was close, it was not the embodiment of death. They felt so tiny and worthless as even a mortal would be judge the same as them in the end; a god was just another insect in the grand scheme of things.

As they waited- they feared leaving and the unknown outside was even more frightening than death-they heard it, the slow approaching footsteps of death and the death coils that grip their souls. The louder the footsteps became, the quicker they seem to age, wrinkles formed on their faces, their hair became white, and their backs became hunchback, requiring a cane to even move.

The now olden gods look at figure before them, meeting eyes with a figure not what death look like in their imagnation. In their mind, death was a tall individual with a blackrobe and scythe that exist beyond their wildest imagination. However instead, in front of them, was something ten times scarier than their imagination.

In front them was a short figure, even short in their standards, that could be no more than twelve years old. The figure was wearing a long black robe that hid their appearance from view, making them look eyes with green flickering orbs that seem to see their souls instead of their actual bodies. The aura of the being was faint and almost invisible, creating a pressure in their innermost soul.