
"This, I don't have words to explain it," Mark said while looking down at the now disappearing body of Bjorn.

"The winner, for this round goes to Mimic!" James said while having difficulty remaining calm and professional.

The board at the top of the arena flashed showing a replay of what happened. Looking at the replay Daniel was able to get a better look at the face of Bjorn. He couldn't believe how short-sighted and focused Bjorn was in just trying to reach him, did he perhaps offend the man before. A nasty thud resounded from the replay as the sound of the first axe could be heard before Bjorn came crashing down, the second axe never even hit the target as Bjorn never attempted to dodge to the right. Winner Mimic then covered the video screen before fading out of existence slowly. Suddenly the crowd of spectators roared back to life with mixed cheers and comments about Bjorn.

"What the hell was that, Damn it, Bjorn what are you doing out there!" A large old man could be heard yelling while standing near the front row of the arena.

After realizing the situation James attempted to recollect himself and asked "Mark what do you think happened to Bjorn for an outcome like this to happen?"

"Experience, they are called Amateur brawlers for a reason. Bjorn lacks it, he's had a lot of success in the amateur league with an undefeated streak of thirteen wins. But that was him simply overpowering his opponents, as for combat experience in other simulators well those tend to have crazy things to assist players" Mark said while looking at Mimic. Mark sighed as he looked at James, "It was what two years ago that Mimic completely stopped mimicking his opponents and simply began to fight however he pleased, making him a more difficult opponent," Mark said.

After listening to the commentators for a bit, Daniel began walking to where Bjorn had fallen. His hand axes remained in the arena after Bjorn respawned having to retrieve them himself. Looking down at the hand axe that had landed the killing blow, he quickly grabbed it and inspected it for any damage. Noticing no signs of damage he began moving to go retrieve his other axe that was further away. The moment he began to reach down to retrieve his second axe Bjorn reappeared coming from his Gate.

"Fucking Coward, you dare not face me like a man!" Bjorn said while striding forward towards his starting area.

Shaking his head Daniel couldn't help but remember how agitated and impatient he was once before. Memories of his time's training with his various teachers and master and being beaten countless times by training against a variety of artificial intelligence. After quickly retrieving his second axe he began walking back to his area. From the sounds of the crowd, he could tell that they were enjoying this much more than him. Ignoring Bjorn's continuous taunts he trekked forward under the gazes of the crowd.

"Hey you son of a bitch, don't just walk away and ignore me while I am talking to you! Did your bitch of a mother not teach you any manners or is she just as rude and disgusting as you!?" Bjorn said.

Emotions he tries to ignore and keep bottled up always resurface when someone mentions his mother. Before he even realized it himself, he was already running towards Bjorn. he finally exploded, "How Dare you!" he roared behind the mask that hid his expressions, however, his words had shown his heart. He was tired of it all, he would not let a stranger badmouth his deceased mother in front of him, especially not like this. Not even caring about the rules seeing the satisfied expression on Bjorn's face drove him forward. In a matter of seconds, he had closed the gap between him and Bjorn throwing away the axes he dashed at him. Noticing Bjorn ready himself to meet him, and ignoring the commentators who are panicking on the balcony, because the round had not officially started.

"I am gonna make you regret what you said!" Daniel said while not caring at all for the axe Bjorn wielded it was simply to slow of a weapon that has only a small bladed area. Suddenly the axe was flying in sideways at him, Bjorn was attempting to cleave him in half or cause him to back off. However, Bjorn had completely underestimated Daniel's speed the swing was simply too late allowing him to deflect the shaft with his left arm. Following his momentum, he rammed himself directly into Bjorn lifting both of them off the ground as only the shaft of the axe hit Daniel. Before they had even landed he was already pushing off of Bjorn to recover himself.

Unexpectedly, he hadn't noticed one of Bjorn's hands had grabbed him pulling him down with him. Noticing Bjorn had not let go of his weapon with his other hand, Daniel reached and grabbed a part of the shaft. With a sudden burst, he began pulling the weapon away from Bjorn with his left hand. Taking advantage of his higher position he began to lift both himself and Bjorn back off of the ground. Not noticing the shocked expression on Bjorn's face as he drove his knee back down into him. Bjorn reeled releasing his grip on the axe. Quickly spinning the axe upright, before he could put up a defense Daniel jabbed the hilt into Bjorn's face shattering his nose. Without even giving him another chance to respond he brought it down again repeatedly in an attempt to calm his anger Because the simulator went for extreme realism, opponents bleed creating pretty gruesome sights, however, it is the only way to truly re-create actual real combat. Of course, the combatants only feel a small fraction of the actual would be pain allowing them to know if they got hit.

The crowd remained stunned as they watched the struggle, Bjorn tried to defend himself but it looked like nothing more than flailing as the larger figure of Daniel was on top of him. The sound of the buzzer had been going off for an awhile now mixed with crunching noises from the blunt contact of the hilt. It wasn't until Bjorn's body began to disappear did Daniel begin to calm down and notice what happened. Dropping the axe and looking up he could see the end of the match in large words disqualified hanging above him. He continued to look up while sitting on his knees ignoring the crowd murmurs around him. "It wasn't my fault," he murmured to no one but himself as he thought of his past. Suddenly everything around him began to shift as the scenery changed to him kneeling inside a large office room. His weapons and holsters are no longer on him