Crimson Raid (Part 1)

A car waiting close to the Crimson night place is waiting. While the car is close it is not close enough to get noticed. Four people, seemingly inconspicuous, were hanging out in this car. While at first glance the four of them looked only like they were only talking, but if one pays closer attention to it, they would notice something slightly off.

"We got the text from Dark Menace, it looks like they went in smoothly." (Sara)

"Alright then, all we have to do is wait." (Argus)

"... I can't believe it's been so long since we started the Vigilantes." (Rebecca)

"Yes, so far everything is going according to plan." (Sara)

"That's right, Dark Menace joined us, Crimson Night will fall tonight and sometime next week Bloody Crips should also fall. But how are we going to convince Dark Menace to stick with us after, he's still wary of us." (Argus)

"... I know, it's going to be hard to get him to join us." (Sara)

"I mean, I'm sure he suspects of being part of Crimson Lotus since we never mention them." (Rebecca)

The atmosphere became heavy, it might have been a slight remark but they already had a considerable amount of information about Crimson Lotus. The problem was how to use it so that it would be advantageous to them. This small Vigilante band had one goal and one goal only...

"... You know that dealing with them will be rather difficult. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place on that regard... "(Sara)

"We'll have to wait and see, for now, let's focus on this raid. If we are successful there's a good chance that we'll be closer to our goal." (Argus)

Alexander nods.

"I guess you are right. Sorry for bringing up something so awkward." (Rebecca)

"Nah, it's fine. We'll have to find a way to deal with 'that' problem eventually." (Argus)

With that, the conversation steered away from the plan and more towards casual conversation. The hours passed until the target was finally in sight.

"Is that him?" (Rebecca)

"Let me see," Argus says as he tries to look for facial features. After carefully examining he arrives at a conclusion. "Yes, it looks like he walked in, we'll have to wait for a while longer though."

With that short exchange about the mission, they continued talking. Small updates were sent by the team already inside. Mainly describing the movements of the people inside, about how many people were guarding and where the bosses were; the locations of whoever came in with Rodriguez. Like this several hour passed until it was almost time.

"We should get ready, take the semi-automatic guns out of the trunk. Alexander, I'll take you to the rooftop, you'll be sniping. Make sure to come down after 10 minutes of shooting. Rebecca ready my gun and cartridges for when I come back down. " (Argus)

With those words, everything went straight into play. Everyone readied themselves for what would come. All they were waiting for was the signal from a single phone which would indicate the start of the raid. With high tensions, everybody was ready to start.


The sound of a phone and a single message started the carnage that was about to start. The group of three at the bottom started to move.

They arrive running at the entrance. The plan was to be inside before the huge shooting started. Four people at the gate.

[Stone bullets]

Bullets appeared around Argus and were fired instantaneously. The four Guards drop down with holes riddle in them. All of them died except for one, the one remaining seeing that he couldn't win, he fired a shot up the air


All it took to alert everyone was a single shot.

"Tch. We are gonna have to jump in quick. Remember to stay near me." (Argus)

The inside of the big house starts to move.

[Earth ram]

A gigantic piece of earth materializes. After a couple of seconds, it is slammed against the gate and it breaks open the lock. All three of them go in to have people shoot at them.

[Earth wall]

A wall is made which in turn stops the bullets from hitting them, but it is slowly being chipped away at.

"What the fuck?"(???)

"Some earth wall just appeared from-" *Pam*

The man is shot dead in one shot.

[Earth wall] [Earth wall]

More walls close to the original earth wall is made.

"Watch out, they have some sort of magic shit going on. How the fuck is this even-" (???)

A bullet goes through the man's head.

"Take cover, they have a sniper."

A deafening sound can be heard as more and more shots are fired. Slowly but surely more people are filtering into the location of the three assailants. The walls made by Argus are constantly being shipped at and slowly being destroyed.

[Earth wall] [Earth wall] [Stone bullets]

[Earth wall] [Earth wall] [Stone bullets]

[Earth wall] [Earth wall] [Stone bullets]

[Stone bullets] [Stone bullets] [Stone bullets]

[Stone bullets] [Stone bullets] [Stone bullets]

"Argus, at this rate you are going to run out of mana! Use your gun more and focus more on creating more cover for us!" (Sara)

"I can't help it! We underestimated what they were capable of with the people they had!" (Argus)

A shot grazes through Sara's cheek.

"Fuck! That was close!" (Sara)

"Are you okay?" (Rebecca)

"Focus on shooting! We are slowly running out of ammo! Just keep pushing! We are inferior only in number! In the case of firepower, we got these guns and Argus over there! We don't need to win this shootout we just have to not lose!" (Sara)

The gunfire is still ongoing as the three people and the sniper does their job of distracting as many people as they possibly can. All of this for a two-person team to do their job.


Luis POV

Moments before the shootout. A two-man team is waiting patiently to give the signal that will mark the start of this raid.

"They look about the right amount of drunk right now, shall we get this party ended?"

I start typing on the phone to tell the group outside to start and send.

"Horrible joke."

"Thank you for the compliment, now we just have to wait and see."

I expand my presence searching to Argus' group. They take out the guys at the wait, one of them is alive.


We hear the sudden gunshot from afar.

"How'd it go?"

"...Argus missed one of the guards, it looks like he shot randomly and now they won't be able to start the distraction from an advantageous spot. It looks like we'll have to be mindful of the front now."

*Pam* *Pam*

A deafening amount of gunshots are heard in the distance. It looks like the shootout has started.

"Shit, well that didn't go so well now did it?"

'It still fine as is, the way I see it now we'll have to kill these two bosses now since the option of capturing isn't there anymore."

"...You say some pretty ominous things with the voice of a 13-year-old. How is it that you're used to the idea of killing someone. You are pretty much still a child."

That made me remember something unpleasant.

"Tch...It's none of your business."

"Well aren't you a rude little shit."

"What can I say, I'm going through my rebellious face... We should prepare to move."

"Is it almost time to?"

"Not really, but it looks like everyone that is our target today decided to stay in one room. We don't know how long they'll stay there for, so we should pay them a little visit don't you think?"

"For once, I agree with you."

"Shall we get moving?"

"With pleasure."

With that, we start making our way out of this attic.