Preperations for the slaughter

After he woke up from looking through the legacy, Bai Yun ate nearly an entire demonic beast before his hunger went away. Bai Yun had looked through everything the Assassin God had to say about assassinations in the qi step.

In order to make a stable foundation, the assassin god had separated his teachings into various steps. Not only him, but all the gods and titled gods had done so. This was because if someone worthy, but lacking in the basics, or who did not walk the same path as the one giving the legacy, were to inherit the legacy, then a path for them to fully comprehend the legacy was necessary.

It was only now that Bai Yun realized how inefficient he had been when he sneaked up on the moron he had killed. He found a lot of ways to creep up to a person without being spotted, and without making sounds. He also found recipes for may pills, powders and smokes, that could be used for a variety of purposes, including killing, hiding ones aura, and putting targets to sleep. The most important factor was that his comprehension of wind motion as well as the disguise technique had improved a great deal.

Bai Yun knew of many materials that could improve his efficiency, but unfortunately, none of them were available to him. He decided to stalk out the groups territory tonight and then prepare a plan and strike at them tomorrow. He might also get lucky and find some things that might help him.

When he reached the camp he found more sentries than the previous day, which was normal after the attack. But the sentries seem to be tired, and a few of them were even sleeping. And other than the three sentries keeping watch and chatting, not even loking at the weeds, the rest seem to be asleep.

After reaching the edge of the weeds, Bai Yun listened to them with his perception. Even though there were techniques in the assassin gods legacy that allowed him to get closer to the group, he wasn't proficient enough in them to actually implement the techniques.

Bai Yun sat in silence without moving for hours. Over the course of their discussion, he learned that everyday the person who was keeping watch at the entrance to the weed valley would change. The group had spend two days searching for the beast that killed Bai Qing, who seemed to be moron that was killed by him.They had found and killed all the beasts nearby, and also took a lot of fruits. They partied the whole day in celebration for their achievement and after that all of that the were tired. This came as such a shock to Bai Yun that he was startled and the weed shook, but the morons didn't notice. He couldn't believe that some people had the guts to party in the middle of the weed valley.

After midnight the moon had set. The moron sentries were still here, but tiredness seem to be taking over them. The fires in the camp was lit, but without the moon, there were shadows everywhere. Bai Yun slowly crept into the camp, and then started to walk around, taking the shadows for cover. He knew that he could kill all of them as they slept right now. Every single one of them was completely defenseless.

But Bai Yun knew that he could not do so. He had no idea where the sentry int the valley entrance was hiding at. He knew that he had to find his location before he did anything. Otherwise suspicion would come his way after their death.

Bai Yun wandered around the campsite in the darkness. He looked inside every single one of the tents, and memorized who was inside each tent. For the tents whose entrance was lit by the fire, he cut a small hole and looked inside, before covering up the whole. Afterwards he entered Bai Shan's tent, and made sure to observe his every defense.

Bai Yun stole some rope and other small items, like some steel rods and cups and so on from almost every one of them, but not enough that they would notice, and slowly walked around, confirming the locations of everyone. He made a note of the people he had to kill first, as well as the paths between them. Anyone who saw Bai Yun now would only think of him as a seasoned assassin.

Just as he was about to leave he got an idea. Bai Yun went back inside. Then using some charcoal that he found on the fire, he carefully drew on the faces of some of the morons, without waking anyone up.

Afterwards Bai Yun went back to his burrow and spend the entire day making traps using the ropes and other small items he stole. As dusk neared, Bai Yun went back to the campsite. He knew that every evening the person on the look out at the valley entrance would change, and he had to go and follow the person who would be dispatched today in order to find the place where the lookout was hidden.

When he reached the camp, the camp was in disarray. Many of the people in the group had been fighting each other, and Bai Shan was simply watching all of this excitedly. They took the drawings as a prank by someone on the group, and just fought each other trying to find out who did it. For the group who had been staying here for a week, without any luxury, this was a great entertainment. After a while Bai Shan calmed the group down, and told them to think of this as a joke. He then declared that they would leave if they couldn't find Bai Yun by tomorrow night. This got unanimous cheers from the group, while the spy and another member of the group seemed to be dissatisfied. Bai Yun figured that that person must also be a spy.

After a while Bai Shan sent one of the people who were fighting to take over the lookout. Bai Yun followed behind him silently. The moron was someone he had drawn on last night. Right now he was walking quite agitated.

As they neared the weed valley entrance, Bai Yun got the shock of his life. The lookout that the moron group had placed, was simply standing on top of the cliff overlooking the valley entrance, and enjoying life in general. Bai Yun realized that he had given Bai Shan too much credit. He didn't even bother to hide the lookout out of concern that Bai Yun might kill him. Bai Yun felt regretful that he hadn't checked this out.

A while later the two people changed places. Bai Yun watched as the two spoke to each other and the new sentry filled the old one on what had happened. Then the old sentry walked back into the weeds laughing. Bai Yun followed after him, and after making sure that he had entered the camp, covered the surrounding of the camp with traps. He also placed some small obstacles, tangled up some weeds, some pits and other things. This wasn't done in order to hurt them, just delay the people so that he could catch up to them. He also made sure that they would make some noise if triggered in order to alert him. Since the group had killed all the beasts nearby, he didn't have to worry that anyone would trigger them accidentally.

After this Bai Yun went back to the valley entrance. He waited until the moon was low, and then exited the weed valley. He kept close to the ground, and making sure that he was outside the line of sight of the lookout, not that it mattered as the lookout wasn't even serious, and slowly crept up behind him. Making sure that his face was covered, in case someone was watching, Bai Yun took out a dagger he had brought with him in order to cut apart beast carcasses, and quickly slit the throat of the person in front. He also made sure to give him a couple of hits to the head to disorient him, in order not to start a final throttle, and quickly finished him off with a few other quick slashes to his major arteries.

The lookout fell down dead. This was a much easier kill than before thanks to the Assassin God's memories. Bai Yun slipped his storage ring out, and then quickly positioned the lookouts body in such a way that no one would be able to tell that he was dead. After this he quickly slid back into the weed valley.

Bai Yun had changed his clothes by now. He also applied the disguise technique to change his appearance and aura. Even though he was not too proficient in it, and it required a much higher cultivation to be perfect, at least no one in the same stage as him would be able to notice. He could truly display the powers of the disguise technique thanks to finally starting on all the cultivation paths.

Bai Yun covered his face as a precaution. Then he quickly entered the camp through the gap in the traps he had laid out, before filling up that gap also.

By now the moon had set. The people in the camp had fallen asleep much more deeply. There was only a single sentry on the lookout today. It seemed his plan of getting the group exited had worked perfectly. They spend the entire day fighting and had lost much of their energy, and had fallen into a deeper sleep than last night.

Bai Yun checked the storage ring of the lookout that he killed. There were some money in it, which he took for himself. He also used up the healing pills inside. An hour nearly passed before Bai Yun woke from his meditation. By now his right arm had almost fully healed. He knew that if he could find some more pills from them, he would be able to fully heal his arm. Now the only part of his body that was still damaged was his soul. But Bai Yun did not expect to find any soul healing pills on any of them.

Bai Yun crept into the camp, easily circumventing the one sentry. He went through all the tents once more. It seemed as if some of the people had put up some sort of traps in the front of their tent doors in order to catch the culprit who drew on their faces last night. If Bai Yun wasn't careful and looked through the side of the tents first, he would definitely have alerted them.

Bai Yun went through all the tents and made sure of all the targets. There were Bai Shan, the fourth stage qi condensation cultivator, and the two spies who were at the top of the list. Then ignoring the sentry there were thirteen others sleeping. Bai Yun quickly consulted with his memories and realized that the group only had nineteen members every time he saw them.

Bai Yun slowly crept up behind the sleepy sentry. Then he used his right arm to cover the sentries mouth and slit his throat at the same time. As the sentry began to struggle, he quickly used two of his soul tendrils to hit his temples to disorient him. At the same time his left arm quickly slit across all the major blood vessels, killing him in an instant.

As the sentries body fell to the ground, so did Bai Yun. He had used his damaged soul tendril to make some noise among the weeds in order to cover the sound of the assassination. This made him feel like his head was about to explode.

After an hour, Bia Yun stood up once again. He had recoverd somewhat. It was now midnight.

It was the time to begin the operation.