
Bai Ling-er and Bai Shi walked towards the scouts that were on the way towards them in search of the thieves. It was time for the second part of the plan to begin.

It was time for them to be captured.

No matter what they did, it was a fact they were the only ones who knew the location of the cave other than Bai Qing's group. Not only that, they were also in the vicinity. It was impossible to avoid suspicion. Then they may as well cast themselves into the heart of the enemy.

Of course, they were not handing themselves over to Bai Qing on their own. They were simply going to act naturally, and see if they are caught. If they weren't caught, then that's that.

As they walked a short distance, they felt a few auras coming towards them, following the fake trails that they had set up. The duo had walked close to the trails, but was still a short distance from it. As the group chasing the trails came by, they also noticed the duo. One of them kept on following the trails, while the other turned towards them.

The couple waited with a frown on their faces as a sixth stage qi condensation realm cultivator appeared before them. He was one of the members of Bai Qing's group.

"You two, did you see anyone pass by here?" He asked.

"Why does it matter to you?" Bai Ling-er replied curtly.

"I am asking as a representative of prince Qing. Answer immediately." He said forcefully.

Bai Ling-er's face contracted in anger for a moment before it was released. "We felt someone run by nearby a while ago. I have no idea who it was."

The cultivator from prince Qing's group frowned before saying "Follow me back to meet prince Qing."

"Like hell, we will. We were just standing here. Why should we follow you?" Bai Ling-er retorted.

The person from prince Qing's knew who the couple was. He had seen portraits of them from the time the group was looking to silence them. There was no way he was going to let them go.

As the three of them stood there staring at each other, they felt another presence approach. A moment later, Bai Lin, the seventh stage qi cultivation cultivator who had followed Bai Qing inside the cave came out.

Bai Lin stared at the two of them, and then attacked them in an instant without waiting. Both Bai Shi, and Bai Lin-er responded quickly, and send him flying back with a combined attack.

"What the hell was that?" Bai Lin-er asked. Bai Shi had stepped up into a fighting stance silently and his qi circulated quickly.

"You bastards, you dared to steal what we were after. Do you think that we would let you go?" He roared back.

"What do mean steal! Don't accuse people as you please." She said.

The other person from Bai Qing's group immediately got between. "Wait. Its not guaranteed that they are responsible for this. It is true that they are suspicious, but we have known about them for a while. Also, the trail doesn't end here. We should take them back with us to our camp and interrogate them there."

Bai Lin frowned. "Take them back to the rendezvous. I'll keep on following the trails." He disappeared after saying this.

The person from Bai Qing's camp turned to them and said, "So do you want to come with us, or do you want to make this complicated."

The couple frowned and then swallowing their anger, asked him to lead them to their camp. As they walked, Bai Ling-er asked "What happened. Did someone steal the supreme weed fruits?"

The person refused to answer. But as they walked, he thought that he saw a hint of a smile at the corner of their mouths, which annoyed him.

They had to be very careful when they walked. None of the members from Bai Qings camp wanted them to be noticed when they came in as they did not want to publicize what had happened. The couple had no choice but to go along with the plan either.

They soon reached the camp. Bai Qing's camp was set up in a large clearing, which they had made by themselves.

After the trio reached the camp, they waited for a while. One by one the other people who came to collect the fruits returned with a dejected face. Bai Ling-er was worried when she saw the scout enter, but it seemed as if he had not recognized them.

Soon Bai Hao returned to the camp. When he saw the couple, he nearly jumped out of his skin. "You did this." He shouted.

"Shut up you bastard." Bai Ling-er responded. "We had nothing to do with this. Don't accuse others for no reason you back stabbing bastard."

Just as Bai Hao was about to attack them, the rest of the members of the group calmed him down, saying that the entire thing would be resolved once Bai Qing returned.

They waited for a while. When anyone tried to speak, the person who had escorted the duo stopped them, saying that it was better to wait for Bai Qing to arrive before anything was said. Of course, it did not stop whispers and murmurs. The entire camp soon knew of what had happened, as well as the situation with the couple.

After hearing some whispers, and getting a better idea of what happened, the duo simply waited silently. Once some time had passed, Bai Qing walked in. From his mood, it was obvious that things had not gone well. The duo was happy when they sensed it, as it meant that the stranger had not been captured.

"What happened?" Their captor asked.

Bai Qing glanced at him for a moment, before turning to Bai Shi and Bai Ling-er. "Are they involved?" He asked.

"I don't know. I told them to come as they were in the vicinity." Their captor replied.

"What happened to the people you were chasing?" Bai Qing asked once again.

"The trails I chased lead up the cliff and then suddenly disappeared. I couldn't follow them after that." Bai Lin said.

"The ones I followed led to a marsh and then disappeared. I have no idea where that person is. There were many traps along the way, it delayed us a lot. It seemed that they had been preparing for a while." Bai Hao also said.

"Did you find out anything from the traps?"

"They were made with the weeds and common items found in the garden. They weren't very powerful or dangerous, just meant to slow us down. We couldn't find out anything from them."

Bai Qing frowned, his mood worsening. "What happened to the person you chased after." One of them asked.

"Dead." Bai Qing said. "He jumped into the river."

Every single person there was stunned. A look of shock appeared in all of their eyes. Bai Qing had kept his eyes on Bai Shi and Bai Ling-er while he said this. After he could only see genuine shock from their eyes, and no worry or panic, he started to think that maybe they weren't involved.

Of course the couple wasn't worried. They knew where the fruits were hidden. They could simply go and get them sometime later. And there was no one left to expose their involvement in the matter anyway.

"Search them." Bai Qing suddenly ordered.

"Prince Qing, we did nothing wrong, why should we be- "Bai Ling-er started to object, but then stopped. Bai Qing had said nothing, he simply stared at them. Just that glance was enough to silence the couple. They felt as if they had stepped into the lair of a lion, and that there was no way out.

Slightly regretting their choice, they went with members of Bai Qing's group, to be searched. Once it was done, and they were deemed to not be carrying anything suspicious, Bai Qing glared at them once again. He could not believe that someone shadowed him without his knowledge. He wanted to believe that they told the thieves of the location of the cave.

"Don't let them go." Bai Qing said. "Keep them here for a while." Bai Qing wanted to see if they would crack and let up under pressure. If they were involved, they would definitely tell him of it in time. By now it was no longer about the supreme weed fruits, and more about his pride. He wanted to find the person who stole from him ad punish him.

Both of the duo's faces paled. Just as they were about to start to panic, the group heard the grass rustle. As everyone stared, a young man walked out of the weeds. Even with the entire crowd looking at him he was still very relaxed.

"Hey there Bai Qing, I heard that you got a supreme weed fruit. Can I buy one from you?" Bai Yun asked cheerfully.

Bai Qing's face changed color in an instant. He looked as if he had met his mortal enemy.

He knew who Bai Yun was. He stared at him for a long time. "I don't have any." Bai Qing replied.

"There is no need to lie. I have heard from very reliable sources, that you caught the person who has been spreading the rumor that he found the supreme weed fruit." He said with a smile.

The entire mood seemed to become darker in an instant. Bai Qing looked as if he was going to eat Bai Yun alive. "I. Don't. Have. Any." He said only that.

"Hmm." Bai Yun said. He looked at the whole clearing, and finally caught the somber mood. "Don't tell me. You lost it." Bai Yun said incredulously.

Bai Qing stood up with a murderous look on his eyes. Bai Yun went silent, and took a step back. But after a moment Bai Qing grunted "Get lost."

Bai Yun let out a breath and turned to leave. Just as he was about to leave, he turned, smiled, and said "Don't worry if I find out who took the supreme weed fruits, I'll try and get one for you." And then he left without waiting for Bai Qing's reply.

For a moment there was silence. "Why did we just let him go." Bai Lin asked.

He stared at the group for a while. Then he said, "Let the two of them go."

"What." Bai Hao asked." Are you sure? They are very suspicious."

"Yes. Go." Bai Qing said.

The couple looked at each other for a moment, before the two of them quickly ran off. They did not even look back and directly left the weed valley in a hurry.

After a moment Bai Qing said. "It's not like we can harm him. None of us would be able to handle the fallout. Also that bastard raised quite a ruckus on the way here. The other groups that were looking at us must have gotten the information by now. They would have heard what he said. Dammit."

"And as for the other two, everyone knows that they are here. If we held them now, it would only harm our reputation. Bai Lin, send someone to keep an eye on them, will you. Keep them under surveillance for a while."

"Yes." Bai Lin then left to take care of it.

"If only that Bai Yun hadn't arrived at that precise moment and ruined our plans." One of the members of the group said.

"Yes. If only." Bai Qing said.

Bai Qing's eyes had become much colder than before.