Insect World

In war there were twelve scenarios that were considered as impossible to pass. These were called as the twelve hells of war. Among these only the sixth hell had ever been successfully passed once. And that had happened when eleven prince level people had participated in the test at the time. None of the others had ever been passed before.

In insect world there were many different kinds of insects. Thus one had to fight against all of these insects in order to win. The strength of the insects were not much different than an ant of the same stage, but the problem was the numbers and sheer variety of insects. Each of these insects specialized in a different aspect of fighting. As a result sooner or later one would definitely end up facing an insect that you are weak against. And from then on, your defeat was all but guaranteed.

Bai Yun quickly put the thoughts of these matters out of his head, and decided to focus on the beast in front of him. The bee had turned around and was on the way to kill him once again. Bai Yun gripped his sword in his hand, and got ready to attack. As the bee closed in on him, he used his soul tendrils to attack the bee's wings, destabilizing its flight. As the bee started to waver, Bai Yun once again cut the beast into two with a swing.

Bai Yun leaned against a tree and started to think of the issue. The problem was the number of insects in the beast den. Since they were all quite weak, Bai Yun figured that he had a more than fifty percent chance of successfully invading and destroying the flag. This wasn't unfounded optimism. With his strength and triple cultivation in body, soul and qi as well as fighting experience, there was nothing that he was particularly weak against. He could also handle a large number of insects due to the simple sword. And when it came to slipping in quietly and destroying the flag, the Assassin God's techniques were unparalleled.

Bai Yun knew that the biggest problem was the defending team. It would be best if his team was the only one to go, and the rest of them stayed back to defend against the insect siege. But they would never agree to that. They would request a good number of people to go for the offense, weakening the defense. But no matter how many went, it would all be only paper dressing. So he had to convince the crowd to send as few people as possible.

As Bai Yun was coming up with strategies to reduce the number of participants, he heard a noise coming from before him. Thinking that this forest would not give him even a single moment of rest, he got ready to fight. But he was quite surprised when lackey one and lackey two walked out of forest in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked them. The pair had set off in a different direction from him and he had walked straight. If these two had appeared here, it meant that something had gone wrong.

The two of them stared at the two corpses in front of them. "You killed two insects." Lackey one laughed. "It looks as if this is going to be an easy round." It seems as if the two of them did not know about Insect World. This was normal. After all, he too would not have known of the dangerous situation if his father hadn't told him.

"You know, you are quite unlucky." Lackey two said. "You died on such an easy scouting mission." Bai Yun frowned while looking at the couple. After a moment he understood. These two morons had come here to kill him.

"Why?" He asked them.

Their faces twisted in rage. "Who do you think you are, pretending to be such a big shot. You should simply shut up and be a good little fellow and listen to what we say." Bai Yun was stunned. He didn't expect them to be so narrow minded so as to try and kill him for such a petty reason.

"But you are indeed lucky. You won't die here, only be disqualified. When you are in the outside world, use what you have learned here and behave properly from now on, you bastard." Lackey two declared.

"You are right. Lucky indeed." Bai Yun murmured.

"Huh. Speak up. What happened to all your courage earlier." Lackey one seemed to find this amusing.

Bai Yun smiled. He looked at the two of them. They each seemed to be decently strong, but not particularly so. If he had to guess, he would say that they were both slightly weaker than the first guy he met in the first test, which made him wonder how they made it here. But they were both clearly much worse than that guy in their bearing. Even this close to the enemy, they were completely unguarded against him, confident in their victory. After he finished his analysis, he decided to end them in an instant.

Bai Yun pushed off the tree he was leaning against and cast wind motion at the same time. The combined speed of the two pushed him forward much faster than either of his enemies expected. Bai Yun used a ray of moonlight, and attacked lackey one straight away, aiming at his forehead.

By the time either of them reacted, it was too late. Lackey one froze up as he saw the rapidly approaching sword tip. In his fear, he screamed, and tried to block the word by crossing his arms in front of, giving way to his inexperience. Bai Yun smiled, and the sword moved forward quickly, ignoring his enemy's screams. Just as the sword was only a few inches from lackey one, he was covered in a white light. Bai Yun's sword hit the white layer, and came to rest a second before lackey one was teleported out.

Bai Yun then turned to look at lackey two, who was still stuck mid laugh, frozen as he looked at the scene that just transpired in front of his eyes. "Wh-what?" he mumbled. Bai Yun smiled as he looked at him. His spirit had been broken in a single attack.

"You know you are indeed lucky. You won't die here, only be disqualified. When you are in the outside world, you should use what you have learned here and behave properly from now on, okay." Bai Yun said.

Fifteen minutes later Bai Yun walked back into the spot where the team had split up. During this time, he had gone around looking for beats from their trails, and had gotten a total of nine points by now. He saw Zhang Zi waiting for him there already.

"What did you find?" He asked Zhang Zi.

"I ran into a second circle beetle." Zhang Zi replied. Bai Yun was not surprised that Zhang Zi only found a single insect. He only found more by following their trails. "It's defenses were rather decent. What about you?"

"I ran into a couple of ants and a bee." He replied. The moment he heard this Zhang ZI's careless face changed. "We are probably in Insect World." Bai Yun continued.

By now Zhang Zi had an ugly look on his face. He knew what Insect World represented. "Let's go tell everyone else. We need to come up with a plan if we are to win?" Bai Yun's mind was filled with thousands of battle strategies. Of course, every single one of these was what he had heard from the generals of the alliance army in the Grand War.

"What about the other two? We should wait for them." Zhang Zi said.

"Dead." Bai Yun declared before returning.

Zhang Zi was stunned by this. He looked at the forest for a moment before sighing. He knew what kind of people the other two were. He could guess what had happened. He then returned to the base along with Bai Yun.

When the two of them returned to the camp, it was mostly empty. There were only a few people left there. They learned that the rest of the group had gone to scout out the city and prepare for the siege. The people left here were in case of an emergency. Bai Yun asked them to go and notify the group that they had returned, and that they had an important matter to report. As Zhang Zi waited for their arrival, Bai Yun moved towards the white flag. The flag was also the place where he could exchange for the various prizes. But with only nine points the things he could exchange for was extremely limited. But that didn't matter as he had come here to buy some thing that only cost a single point anyway.

In the very top of the list of items was an item that cost only a single point. It was a tracker that would lead one directly to the beast den. Without this one might have to search for hours before finding the beast den, Which would all but guarantee the failure of the test.

Once he bought the tracker, he began to scroll down the list of items to look for things that might help him. The more he saw, the more he frowned. Each of these items were of an absurd cost. A simple qi replenishing pill cost thirty five points. But thirty five points meant that he had to kill thirty five first circle demonic beasts. This was no problem for Bai Yun, but was pretty much impossible for anyone else. He saw a healing pill, that would heal injuries and replenish some strength at fifty points. When he reached a hundred points, he saw weapons of the same quality as the one he currently had. The more powerful weapons cost even more. The ones that were of the same quality as the sword his father gave him cost three thousand points upward. The moment he saw this he wanted to question the motives of the organizers. Even he could not kill that many beasts necessary for the sword. There were also many pills including a pill that guaranteed a breakthrough to the foundation establishment realm, which cost a whopping ten thousand points and was the costliest item here.

After seeing this, he no longer had a reason to look at this, so he decided to go back and see how things had gone. He returned to see that most of the members of the group had returned by now. Zhang Zi was reporting their finding to Gong Ming, who was frowning upon hearing this.

"If this is indeed the insect world then we are screwed. There are many flying insects, and also those which can tunnel through the ground. Our defensive perimeter will have to be pretty much the plaza." Zhang Zi said.

Gong Ming frowned. The problem with insect world was the defensive side rather than the offensive side. At this moment he nearly wanted to go into attacking side himself, but he stopped himself. "Do you guys know about the insect world?" He asked the group.

Most of the people shook their heads. That was normal. Even Bai Yun only had a surface knowledge of the scenario.

"I have a book on the various scenarios in war that I got from my great-grandfather yesterday. I will let you all read this to see the major points and then we can come up with a plan after that." He said, taking out a small book from his storage ring.