Entering the dao repository again

Bai Yun stood there at the base of the stairs once again. He looked up to see many stairs and many statues on those stairs.

Bai Yun stood there at the bottom of the stairs for a while. He was still in pain from the burning he suffered at the hands of the heavenly dao. Bai Yun sat down and meditated fo a while. Thankfully the dao repository was set up so that no matter how long you stayed in the dao repository, no time would pass in the outside world.

After a half an hour, Bai Yun stood up feeling refreshed. All the effects of the burning he had suffered were gone. It was mainly because it was not his true body in the dao repository, but only a clone made from the heavenly daos. If it was his true body, it would have taken quite a lot longer to recover. He might not even be able to recover properly.

Bai Yun then took his first step onto the flight of stairs. One step at a time he started to climb the stairs.

In no time at all Bai Yun reached the place where he received the Assassin God's legacy. But he did not stop and continued to climb after giving the statue a look.

Bai Yun kept on climbing the stairs. As he climbed the pressure on his body became bigger and bigger. Bai Yun quickly turned on the new power he had gained after mixing the power of the devil with the god sense and used it to resist the pressure falling on him.

As he climbed the stairs, Bai Yun was surprised that it was much easier to resist the pressure than he thought. The new power was much more effective than god sense when it came to resisting the pressure in the dao repository. As Bai Yun climbed higher and higher, the pressure increased. But the new power was able to easily resist it. Bai Yun had to barely spend any energy.

Soon Bai Yun had climbed an uncountable number of stairs. He could no longer see the beginning or the end of the staircase. At first there were many statues in the staircase, but now they were few and far between.

As Bai Yun started to climb, his body started to hurt. He was able to easily resist the pressure, but climbing all of these steps took a toll on him. His cultivation was not too high. This was an exhausting ordeal for him. But Bai Yun did not stop. He kept on climbing higher and higher. He knew the rules of the dao repository better than anyone. If he passed out here, he would be kicked out and would lose the chance to gain a legacy. But it wasn't too much for Bai Yun. After all, he had many more chances left. But if he got kicked out, then Bai Ling-er would die.

So he kept on going.

As he climbed higher and higher, the tiredness overcame his boy. His muscles were trembling. Bai Yun was now using his entire body to climb. A river of sweat was visible in the places he walked. Bai Yun could barely see in front of him. His eyes were trembling. But he kept on going up, almost on instinct alone.

Suddenly Bai Yun stopped his climb. He was standing on a step. From here he could see a few more empty steps above, after which there was a large gate leading to the area with the titled gods legacies. He had almost reached the end of the flight of stairs.

Bai Yun looked to the side. There was a statue standing on this stair. This was the stair with the final statue in the god legacy area.

Bai Yun stared at that statue for a while. As he stood there his eyes finally cleared up. He could clearly see the statue that was there.

Standing there was the statue of a beautiful woman. She was smiling down at Bai Yun in a gentle way. Anyone who was looking at her would soon find themselves lost in her eyes and find that they have been kicked out before they knew it.

But Bia Yun wasn't trapped in her power. Bai Yun stood there staring at the statue for a long time.

It was the legacy statue of his mother.

Both soul gods and titled gods could leave behind a piece of their soul in the legacy statues. This means that they could effectively survive in the legacy site. They could affect the legacy and control it, ad even interact with the trial takers and not just run it automatically like others.

And his mother, as a god realm soul cultivator, had left a piece of her soul behind in the legacy site.

Bai Yun's initial plan was to go and meet up with his mother during his first breakthrough. He wanted to see her for one last time and properly say goodbye.

According to Bai Yun's thoughts, during his breakthrough to foundation establishment realm, he would enter the legacy of his mother, and then enter the legacy of his father during the core formation realm breakthrough. Only later would he go to the legacy site of the god of alchemy.

But circumstances had changed his plans. Due to the poisoning of Bai Ling-er he had to reach the god of alchemies legacy site first.

So Bai Yun stared at his mother's statue for a while and then turned away determinedly. He then walked up the final few steps and stepped into the legacy area for titled gods.

As he walked up Bai Yun recalled that he had not seen his own statue. It should have a few steps in front of his mother's statue. But Bai Yun was sure that he had not passed by it.

Bai Yun stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back. He could not go back to check, or else he would be kicked out. But even after carefully checking he could not see his statue. And his statue was at the top near the end. So he should have seen it soon. After a while, Bai Yun figured that he must have missed it because he was too tired and it should have been further in front than he remembered and turned back to the legacy area for titled gods.

When Bai Yun stepped into the area for titled gods, he found himself in a large garden. Bai Yun could not see the ends of the garden. Here and there Bai Yun could see various trees.

Even though Bai Yun had never been to the titled god section of the dao repository, he had heard about it before. Each of the trees in the garden was the legacy area for a titled god.

Once Bai Yun entered the garden, the pressure disappeared. There was no longer any need for the pressure. The pressure was to restrict the people who could make it here from those who were not powerful enough. Once you entered the garden, it means that you have what it takes to gain the inheritance of a titled god. Of course, that is if you can pass whatever tests the titled god might have designed.

Bai Yun first rested at the entrance to the garden. He was quite tired from the trek. Once he recovered, Bai Yun quickly tried to find the tree corresponding to the God of Alchemy's legacy. He knew that it was here, but he didn't know where it was.

Bai Yun walked out from the entrance and walked up to the first tree in the garden. There were many trees in the garden and Bai Yun could see quite far. But they were all spread far apart, with many miles between them. There were only seventy two titled gods in Bai Yun's time. Even though a long time had passed, Bai Yun did not think that more than that many titled gods would be born. So the total number of trees should be around a hundred at most. But Bai Yun could only a two dozen trees at most. Which means that he had a good long search in front of him.

The first tree he looked at was a large tree that stood tall. It was not just a simple tree though. Each leaf of the tree was like a small flame. Each leaf was different and there were thousands of leaves on the tree.

As Bai Yun stood in front of the tree a powerful heat wafted outwards from it. Bai Yun could also sense a kind of pressure from the tree. But Bai Yun could not figure out whose tree it was. The presence of the tree did not feel like anyone he knew. Bai Yun finally concluded that the tree must belong to a titled god born after his time.

Bai Yun then ran towards another tree. This tree was quite different from the previous one. It was a tall tree that rose to the skies. Each of the leaves of the tree had lighting bolts wrapped around it. Some small lighting bolts would often appear on the surface of the tree. As Bia Yun stood near it Bai Yun felt a familiar breath coming from it. The breath of the tree resembled the God of Lightning. Bai Yun realized that the tree must be the legacy tree of the god of lightning. It was not what Bai Yun was looking for, so he left the tree.

Bai Yun spend nearly an hour searching the garden before he found the tree corresponding to the Alchemy God. During this search, Bai Yun found out many things about the dao garden.

For one thing, the different trees all had a different look. By looking at the tree as well as the aura coming from the tree Bai Yun could tell who the tree belonged to. Or at least what kind of dao the person whose legacy it was followed. Almost all of the tress he came across were legacy trees of people he knew. Only a few of the trees were made by titled gods of the new era.

For example, in his search, Bai Yun found the God of Swords tree. The tree was a large pine like tree where each leaf was a small sword. The tree of the God of Alchemy was a large banyan tree where each leaf was in the shape of a medicinal herb or pill. Thus Bai Yun found many different types of trees in the garden.

Another thing was that the stronger the legacy, the further it was from the entrance of the garden. Bai Yun found the legacy trees of quite a few early stage titled gods. But he did not see any legacy of his father or the rest of the supreme titled gods.

So Bai Yun quickly found the tree of the God of Alchemy and walked towards it. He stood in front of the tree. There was no pressure on the tree itself. But there was a faint aroma of medical pills wafting around the tree. Bai Yun then reached out and gently touched the tree.

The moment he did so a strange suction power came from the tree.

In an instant, Bai Yun was sucked into the tree.

He had entered the legacy site of the God of Alchemy.