First fight at the clan tournament

Bai Yun soon came to the field where the clan tournament was held. It was a large field that was cordoned off into multiple arenas. Each of these arenas were used for holding a fight.

Unlike the Youngsters tournament, the fights in the clan meeting did not take place simultaneously for different cultivation realms. The whole tournament was hed over seven days. The morning of the first day was for the clan meeting that just took place. The afternoon of the first day and the second day was for the qi condensation realm tournament. The third day and the first half of the fourth day was for the foundation establishment realm tournament. The next one and a half days were for the core formation realm tournament. And the final two days were for the nascent soul realm tournament. Due to the strict time constraints, fights would happen throughout the day and night. Thus people often had no time to rest. Thus only those who were truly excellent would emerge as the final winner.

As a result, the main leaders of the clan would all come to watch the fights. It was also considered a great honor to fight in front of them. The clan leader and some of the elders were all in attendance. They were sitting in a large stand a little distance from the field. But with their cultivation, they could easily see the entire field.

And there was a lot of space between the arenas. Thus the spectators who had a high enough cultivation could watch from outside the field, while the youngsters who wanted to participate would typically mingle around inside the field near the arenas.

Bai Mu led Bai Yun to the place of his first fight. The details about the fight could be sensed through the token that was given to Bai Yun when he registered. Nobody knew his true strength, so Bai Yun was not a seeded participant. So he did not get a bye in the first round. The point of seeded participants was to make sure that the strong ones did not fight early. Since the total number of people who registered was not an exact power of two, there were a lot of people who would get a bye in the first round. Some of them were the seeded participants, while some of them were just lucky. Bai Yun wasn't one of them.

The people who saw Bai Yun being led by Bai Mu was surprised. They quickly realized that Bai Yun was blind. Bai Mu led Bai Yun to the location of the first fight and stood near the arena. Suddenly the voice of the clan leader sounded out near Bai Mu's ear "Nephew Mu, what happened to little Yun." As the grandson of a grand elder and the rising star of the clan, the clan leader was paying special attention to Bai Mu. Ths he saw Bai Yun's situation immediately.

"Its nothing serious." Bai Mu replied. "He accidentally hurt his eyes while training. It is recovering well and he should be back to full strength in two weeks. It's just that the timing is a bit bad." Bai Mu did not tell anyone about the fact that Bai Yun had awoken an innate ability. There was no need to publicize such things. Especially now that they knew that someone in the clan had tried to hurt Bai Yun.

The clan leader did not delve too much into this. Even though Bai Yun was a member of that crazy family, he had yet to show his strength. Add to that was the fact that his impression of Bai Yun was that of a weak child due to his damaged soul. Thus he didn't think much of Bai Yun, though he did keep an eye on him.

And he wasn't too worried about the fact that Bai Yun was fighting in the clan tournament even though he only started to train a few months ago. Considering the personality of all the people in that family, they might even send a toddler to fight a dragon, just for the experience. So sending Bai Yun to get some experience, even when he was blind, was entirely keeping up with their character.

Bai Yun waited outside the arena for a while waiting for the other participant to come. Since the field was so large in order to accommodate many arenas, it took time to navigate it. When he finally arrived, it was time for the fight to begin.

Bai Mu took Bai Yun to the base of the arena and let him go. Bai Yun took out a walking stick form his storage ring. He then slowly walked up the steps into the arena.

There were a lot of people who were watching this fight. It was not every day that a blind man was going to fight in the clan tournament.

When Bai Yun stood up at the arena, the young man at the other side was visibly confused. He looked at Bai Yun up and down before bristling in anger.

"Are you trying to anger me to death by sending a blind man to be my opponent?" The young man said.

Bai Yun stared at the young man's direction in confusion. "You do realize the matches were arranged randomly right?" Bai Yun asked.

For a moment the young man was surprised. He did not expect such a response from Bai Yun. "Whatever." The young man continued. "Considering you are blind I will give you a chance. Leave now while I am still being merciful. Later on, you won't get the chance."

Bai Yun chuckled when he heard this. He simply put away the walking stick and motioned his opponent to come.

"Hmph. Fine." The young man said.

The referee who was standing there seemed to be quite amused by this exchange. He then raised his hand and shouted "Begin."

The moment the match began, the young man ran at Bai Yun. But Bai Yun stood there motionless. When the young man reached Bai Yun he jumped up. A red glow lit up on his palm.

"Demon subduing palm." The young man shouted as he attacked Bai Yun.

Bai Yun was unfazed at the face of his attack. Bai Yun simply smiled and took a step to the right at the last moment, allowing the attack to pass him by without doing any harm.

"Stand still scoundrel." The young man yelled while he turned around and struck at Bai Yun once again.

But Bai Yun simply rotated and allowed the attack to pass by him once again. Just as the young man was about to pull his arm back, Bai Yun took a step into the young man's area and arrived just in front of him. The young man was surprised by the sudden appearance of Bai Yun.

But Bai Yun did not give him any time to care. In a second, Bai Yun reached forward and grabbed the young man by his shoulder. He then sharply drove his thumb, imbued with his full strength into his shoulder bone, and rapidly pushed. With a snap, the young man's shoulder was dislocated.

With a scream, the young man fell to his knees. He couldn't handle the sudden pain and grabbed his shoulder. "What did you do to me?" He asked Bai Yun while screaming in pain.

"Nothing much. I just dislocated your shoulder." A voice came from behind the young man. When the young man was incapacitated, Bai Yun had slipped behind him.

The young man had a bad feeling when he heard Bai Yun's voice coming from behind him. But before he could say anything a sharp hand struck him at the back of his head. The young man directly fainted.

"Winner Bai Yun." The referee announced. He wasn't too surprised by the result. He had seen Bai Mu leading Bai Yun. There was no way Bai Mu would let his son participate if could be defeated by any random member of the clan.

But the people who knew more about the situation was surprised. Many people including the clan leader knew that Bai Yun had only recovered a few months ago. He was surprised by the speed at which Bai Yun grew. He could see that Bai Yun had reached the eighth stage of qi condensation from that one movement. He was surprised at Bai Yun's rapid growth. But he was even more surprised at the stability and fighting powers that Bai Yun showed.

After Bai Yun won the fight he took out his walking stick once again. He then slowly walked down the steps towards Bai Mu. Bai Mu had released his presence so that Bai Yun could recognize him.

"How was it, fighting while blind." Bai Mu asked.

"It wasn't too much trouble." Bai Yun replied. "But then again that's not surprising. My opponent was only at the ninth stage of qi condensation. But there are a lot of foundation establishment realm cultivators here. Fighting them will be a challenge. More so now that I am blind."

Bai Yun was right. Even though he had the confidence to fight foundation establishment realm cultivators while at qi condensation, there was a wide chasm between the strengths of foundation establishment and qi condensation. Bai Yun was able to fight against peak qi condensation realm cultivators while he was only at the fifth stage of qi condensation. But Bai Yun could only fight against those who have just stepped into foundation establishment at his current strength of eighth stage qi condensation realm.

The foundation establishment realm was different from the qi condensation realm. Unlike the nine stages of qi condensation, there were only three stages in the foundation establishment realm, initial, middle and high. All of Bai Yun's cultivation techniques focussed on building a strong foundation and only became terrifyingly strong towards the later stages. Thus even with his current cultivation of fourth circle soul path, eighth stage qi condensation, and ninth skin sewing pattern, he would be hard pressed to match a middle stage foundation establishment cultivator. Even if his eyes were all right, he could barely defeat a person at the peak of early stage of foundation establishment. Without his eyes, this would be a challenging fight.

But he didn't have to worry about foundation establishment cultivators for just now. Bai Yun had great luck in matchups. His next few fights were only with qi condensation realm opponents.

And Bai Yu won all of those fights in a similar way to the first. Many of them looked down on Bai Yun due to his blindness and paid the price.

Since Bai Yun could not see, he had to grab on to the opponent in order to understand his movements better. And once Bai Yun grabbed his opponent, their defeat followed shortly. He would either dislocate either an arm or a leg or drive his elbow into the opponent's throats. Either way, Bai Yun's fighting style was to dodge the first few attacks, get close to the opponent, disable him, and then knock him out. Since Bai Yun had quite a few fights left before he could win, he did not want to waste any energy. So he opted for a quick and efficient victory.

The fights passed by quickly. There were a lot of fights happening in each round, far more than the number of arenas. So each round lasted for a long time. Bai Yun was able to meditate and recover between rounds, and even take a short nap, all so as to stay at the top of his game.

Soon the day and night passed. Bai Yun won all the matches he had participated in until then. He quickly entered the top two fifty six of the tournament. Due to his luck, he only ran into qi condensation realm cultivators in the tournament. So he was able to easily win, even while many people who broke through to foundation establishment before the clan tournament began lost. If it wasn't for the fact that everyone knew that the matchups were random, and this was only sheer dumb luck, they would have certainly said that Bai Yun was cheating.

But his luck had finally run out of luck this time. All the others in the round of two fifty six were at the foundation establishment realm. From now on Bai Yun would have to face foundation establishment realm cultivators.

Bai Mu had quietly bought Bai Yun to his next fight. Bai Yun woke up from his nap when the referee called for him. He then took out his walking stick and slowly climbed up to the arena.

It was time to fight a foundation realm cultivator while blind.