A talk beneath the stars

The next morning, Bai Yun left before the commotion regarding Lin clan's destruction started to pick up speed. The various people in the town were still confirming the events of the night and the caravan left without any problem. But the rumors had already reached them, and that was the main talking point of the caravan.

This caravan was quite different from the one Bai Yun rode to terracotta city. There was only one cart and there were only ten people in the caravan. And rather than for any commercial reasons, they were only transporting people.

The caravan would be going from Lin town to little leaf town, but it would be stopping in a few villages along the way. There were a few villagers from these villages who were in the caravan. There were also a few merchants traveling to little leaf town from Teracoota city. And finally, there was an old man wearing a strange robe with a long white beard called himself an avid traveler.