Hell Nanites

For a moment the whole team was silent as they stared at Bai Yun. "What are you talking about? What are nanites? What is the hell plane?" Huang Yao finally asked.

Bai Yun was silent for a long moment. Suddenly he stood up. "The scout who came earlier. Where is he?" He asked.

"In the medical room." Drunk replied.

Bai Yun immediately raced out of the room. The team looked at each other and followed after him. When they reached the medical room, they saw that Bai Yun was pressing down on the head of the scout with one hand. With his other hand, he was making the strange gestures from before. Once again the golden lines appeared. Then the six threads appeared once again, though they were dimmer this time. 

Once the threads stabbed into the scout's head, he started to scream and thrash about. But Bai Yun held him tight. After a while, the purple fog appeared. Bai Yun quickly burned it away with the hundred beast flame.