
Bai Yun found himself standing in the middle of an endless field of headstones. Bai Yun looked down at them to find that he did not know any of the names on the headstones.

Bai Yun walked through the forest of headstones. But he didn't recognize any of them.

Suddenly Bai Yun froze as he saw a a headstone. He felt like he had seen the name on the headstone before. But he couldn't remember where. It took Bai Yun a moment to remember. The name was that of one of the members of his army during the war.

Suddenly the field started to crumble around Bai Yun. A hole appeared at his feet and extended outwards, making everything fall away. Bai Yun fell through the hole, losing his balance and flailing about as he fell. When he finally found his balance, he found himself kneeling in a garden.

In front of him was a vast garden. Many people were standing around the garden looking at him. With a start, Bai Yun realised that he knew all of them.